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1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 ... 496

Oldest episodes

Transformation Guns: Relaxing for a bit, and a previously unmentioned Transformation Gun
A previously unmentioned Transformation Gun surfaces
Christine L.106Aware MTF Magic Musc
Every Gibson Loses the StoneGooose7
Teach You Not To Look: Wednesday Morning
Jo wakes up the next morning
ThisIsNoOne49Part_Swap Part_Theft
20 Years Later: Ready... Set...
They do a little theorizing.
Matisguy4SciFi Stuck
Welcome to Japan: Suddenly Sayaka
Suddenly Sayaka
Gooose6Aware Body_Swap MTF SciFi
Jon Has a Panic AttackThe Guest8
Zoe and Jon Make a Good TeamThe Guest6
If Girls Acted Like Boys (and Vice Versa): A Heated Conversation
On the Way to School
Transmutation: Someone Finds the Stone
Someone Finds the Stone
The Guest42
Teach You Not To Look: Bountiful Harvest
Jo gets new breasts
ThisIsNoOne48Part_Swap Part_Theft
Becoming TripletsGooose6FTF MTF Twin Unaware
Transmutation: Someone Finds the Stone First
Someone Finds the Stone Before Sam
Charity Stone Dark Reality: Intrusions from other realities?
Athena sees an interesting and unsettling conversation
Christine L.17Magic
If Girls Acted Like Boys (and Vice Versa): a New Day
The Next Morning
halloween mix
next morning
Cardboard5Conjoin ML Multi Part_Swap Unaware
Charity Stone Dark Reality: How Sarah's wish further affected the McMillans
Athena and Scarlett discover the McMillans' post-wish reality
Christine L.16Magic
20 Years Later: The New Girl in Town
There's a New Girl in Town
Transmutation: They Go Exploring...Meanwhile in the Friend Zone
They Go Exploring...Meanwhile in the Friend Zone
The Guest41
Teach You Not To Look: Practice?
Jo practices controlling her curse
ThisIsNoOne47Part_Swap Part_Theft
Transmutation: Blonde Athena
Blonde Athena
Anonymous5140Aware Magic TF Unaware
Transmutation: We've Got a Problem
We've Got a Problem
The Guest39
First Feedingdungonmaster7Myth
GRR: Meeting the Third Buddie
Baylie meets Jonatha
Transmutation: The Jewel of Cusco
Back to Athena and Sam
Anonymous5138Aware MTF Magic
Next Day ???
Karen went to Jon's room and found the rock to try and fix things.
Teach You Not To Look: Men Can Be Pigs
Jo uses her vendor pass
ThisIsNoOne46Part_Swap Part_Theft
If Girls Acted Like Boys (and Vice Versa): a Meal With His New Family
Dinnertime Conversation
halloween mix
Jon at the party
Cardboard4Conjoin ML Magic Multi Unaware
Charity Stone Dark Reality: Which wish caused it?
Athena reads the list of recent wishes
Christine L.15Magic
Charity Stone Dark Reality: The Wish Detector
The Wish Detector
Christine L.14Magic
DMU-122: Zoe and Simon Arrive
Zoe and Simon Arrive
The Guest119
Transmutation: Beff Becomes Beth
Beff Becomes Beth
The Guest37
Teach You Not To Look: Diving into the Memory Bank
Jo heads back to the fairgrounds
ThisIsNoOne45Part_Swap Part_Theft
Blending Button: Smart Twin and Popular Twin
Blending Button: Twins?
intgaz11MTF TF Twin Unaware
CAFÉ: Sydney Calls Out For Help
Sydney Calls Out For Help
CAFÉ: Sydney Warns the Others
Sydney Warns the Others
CAFÉ: Dawn Pulls Jerry Back In
Dawn Pulls Jerry Back In
Transmutation: Not So Fast
Someone Looking For Beff?
Teach You Not To Look: Packing Up
Jo packs up her gear
ThisIsNoOne44Part_Swap Part_Theft
CAFÉ: Sydney Encounters Vampire Lyndsay
Sydney Enters the Café and Puts Herself in Danger
CAFÉ: Sydney's POV
Sydney's POV
Charity Stone Dark Reality: Athena goes to the Occult Store
Athena seeks help from Scarlett, owner of the Occult Store
Christine L.13Magic
CAFÉ: Panic in the Bathroom
They're Safe, For Now
Jon the Entirely Normal Girl: The Other Shoe
Jon the *externally* normal girl...!?
nothingsp7MTF TF
Transmutation: Biff Escapes
Biff Escapes
The Guest35
Teach You Not To Look: Farewell Piper
Jo comes to terms with the loss of Piper
ThisIsNoOne43Part_Swap Part_Theft
CAFÉ: Cindy Grows Up and Becomes Ann's Wife
Cindy Grows Up and Becomes Ann's Wife
Anonymous519Age TF Unaware
CAFÉ: Melissa Takes Donna
Back to Melissa and Donna
Anonymous5113MC TF
Charity Stone Devastation: Athena discovers the truth
Athena discovers the real cause of the disaster
Christine L.12
CAFÉ: Chrystal Has to Find Hera
Christine Becomes Chrystal
Anonymous5136Age Aware FTF MTF
The Obvious Proximity StoneChristine L.4
DMU-122: Mollie Calms Robert
Mollie Calms Robert
The Guest118
A Magic Ring: Jon Goes Through Physical Changes Too
Jon Goes Through Physical Changes Too
Anonymous517Aware Magic TF
Jon the Entirely Normal Girl: Rumors
Just how *do* you fix this...?
nothingsp6MTF TF
The Bench: A Safe Landing
A Safe Landing
The Guest206
Teach You Not To Look: Robin’s Contribution
Jo gains Robin's work ethic
ThisIsNoOne42Part_Swap Part_Theft
New Taste in Music - Punk Rock: Jon Tries to Fix His Mom
Jon Tries to Fix His Mom
Anonymous517Aware Magic TF Unaware
DMU RB Andrews - Into Tiffany’s roomMightyMrJ127Age FTM Part_Swap TF
DMU-122: Robert and Mollie
Robert and Mollie
The Guest117
Jon the Entirely Normal Girl: Girl Time
Karyn shares the feminine experience...
nothingsp5MTF TF
Role Reversal: Jenny Thinks She's Supposed to Be a Goth Punk Girl
Jenny Thinks She's Supposed to Be a Goth Punk Girl
Anonymous5110MTF Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: Jon Swaps With Sabrina (Alt)
Athena's Pendant Interferes, Causing Jon to Swap With Sabrina (Alt)
Anonymous519MTF Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: Empires Fall, Empires Rise
Empires Rise, Empires Fall
Role Reversal: Karyn's Mom
Karyn's Mom
Role Reversal: The Final Reversal of the Gibson Family
The Final Reversal of the Gibson Family
Gooose19FTM MTF TF Unaware
Role Reversal: A Different Kind of Football
A Different Kind of Football
Gooose18Magic TF Unaware
Teach You Not To Look: You Said Gear?
Jo meets her locker-neighbor
ThisIsNoOne41Part_Swap Part_Theft
Role Reversal: Jon Thinks He's Supposed to Be a Goth Punk Boy
Jon Thinks He's Supposed to Be a Goth Punk Boy
Anonymous5110Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: Jon Swaps With Sabrina
Athena's Pendant Interferes, Causing Jon to Swap With Sabrina
Anonymous519Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: Jon Meets the New Nadine
Jon Meets the Goth Trio, Then Swaps
Anonymous518Aware Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: Nadine Meets Up With Her New Friends
Athena Notices Something Odd About Nadine
Anonymous517Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: The Reversals Continue
The Reversals Continue
Chick for a Dick: Fiona's WIsh
Sharing with friends
ekempo5000164Aware BE FTP Herm Inanimate MB Robot TF
Being Fair to Karynlifesmainantagonist3Robot
Teach You Not To Look: Machine Room Escape
Jo hurries to the locker room
DMU-122: Zoe and Simon Head to the McMillans
Zoe and Simon Head to the McMillans
The Guest116
Female Robot Assistantlifesmainantagonist2Robot
Jon the Entirely Normal Girl: The Pecking Order
"Joni" goes to school...
nothingsp4MTF TF
DMU RB Andrews - Abby makes her choiceMightyMrJ126FTM Part_Swap TF
DMU-122: Maddy
The Guest115
DMU RB Andrews - Abby lunches aloneMightyMrJ125Age FTM Part_Swap TF
Plane Crash:
plane crash
The Rewrite: Amber Levine
Amber Levine
The Guest23
DMU-122: New Girl
New Girl
The Guest114
Jon the Entirely Normal Girl
Jon wakes up as an *entirely* normal girl...
nothingsp3MTF TF
Country Club : Parking lot
Country Club Parking lot
Country Club: Magic Crazy BullshitKylo8
DMU-122: Another Budding Friendship?
Another Budding Friendship?
The Guest113
Country Club: Crazy magic bullshitKylo7
Country Club: The exposition chapter that sets up the next one.Kylo6
DMU RB Andrews - second school day beginsMightyMrJ124FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Trophy Life: Changing Priorities
Changing Priorities
Gooose16Age BE FTF MTF SciFi TF
Swap Class: The Last Check In
The Last Check In
Gooose18Age Aware Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF MTM SciFi
Living the Life: Through the Looking Glass
Through the Looking Glass
Gooose6Body_Swap FTM MTF Stuck
Teach You Not To Look: A bit of Luck
Jo gets lucky on the leg press machine
ThisIsNoOne39Part_Swap Part_Theft
Senior Summer - Finishthisguy1010176Aware MTF Magic
Country Clubbing: Getting Ready
Getting Ready
Gooose15Age Body_Swap FTF MTF Magic Stuck TF
Animals of the Chinese Zodiac and a Sweet Ridelifesmainantagonist7Animal Inanimate TF
SPM: Trying on a Bunch of Bras
Just a boy trying on some bras
Country Clubbing: All In
All In
Gooose14Age Aware Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF Magic TF

1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 ... 496

Oldest episodes

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