Then she spotted that Japanese student, Yuki...Karyn didn't know much about her, she seemed a bit shy, but she was sitting nearby, wearing Karyn's jumper, looking agitated about something.
Yuki suddenly noticed a blond haired girl sitting nearby, looking intently at her. She had a cross necklace around her neck, which Yuki focused on for a moment before asking. "What?" She asked.
Karyn gave her a confused look.
"Do I have something on my face?" Yuki asked, in perfect American English. She reached up, touching her face to check.
"What? No..."
Yuki exhaled. "Good...I thought maybe I got a bruise. I fell when...whatever happened, banged up my leg. And everyone is acting weird..."
"Weird? You noticed that?" Karyn said.
Does she suspect something is going on? Or is she just like everyone else? "Yeah," Yuki said. "I think some of them may have banged up more than their leg when we all fell. I guess I should feel lucky I'm all right otherwise."
"Thank god," Karyn said. "I could have been a lot worse...whatever it was." There was something oddly familiar about Yuki she couldn't place. It was odd enough she was speaking without an accent...although Yuki seemed to be acting normal otherwise.