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78. Interlude

77. Test Subject

76. Lunchtime

75. When Technology and Magic Meet

74. A Night off

73. It's Time

72. The Build-Up

71. Afterwards

70. Stopped in the nick of time.

69. The new arm of the law

68. Someone returns sort of.

67. The rest of Jon’s day.

66. That afternoon

65. The New Exchange Student

64. The Reunion of two “Old” Frien

63. The Rematch

62. Meanwhile

61. What, What, What!

60. An (Possible) Ally

59. Eileen Williams

The Workmen: Interlude

on 2024-07-11 23:56:42

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Kyla heard her alarm go off. She headed toward the bathroom of the Williams house and looked at herself. For a moment, she thought she saw someone else in the mirror. A girl with messy blond hair tied up in a ponytail and glasses. She blinked, muttering to herself, and the image was gone. She took her nightgown off and headed into the shower. The warmth of the water quickly dispelled the odd sense of uneasiness she had.

She dried her hair and brushed it thoroughly, letting it hang well below her shoulders. By the time she'd dressed in a white blouse, and done her makeup, the sense of unease was quickly forgotten. She headed down to breakfast with the Williams. The previous night, there had been a daughter here...Eileen...but she'd been taken, and the entire family just...didn't notice she wasn't there.

"Can I help you?" Kyla asked, in lightly accented English to her host parent.

"No, dear...I can handle it," Mrs. Williams said. "But sweet of you to ask."

"You invited me into your home..." she reminded the woman.

"We were happy to do's been very nice having you around. And..." she switched languages to adequate French. "Mr. Williams and I still want to take that trip to France, and it is good practice."

Kyla smiled. "Better this time..." she said. "By the time I go will be speaking like a native, yes?"

"Well, if not...I hope your parents don't mind if I ask you to show us around."

"Of course," she said, grabbing some breakfast and helping, despite her offer being declined. She only had a small amount before she took her bag and headed out.

"What a nice girl," Mrs. Williams commented. She looked around, feeling like something was missing, but then went back to thinking about French vocabulary.

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