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29. Nadine Looks Forward to Playin

28. Yuki Takes Lead

27. Karyn's Friend is Sabrina, Not

26. Yuki Speaks

25. Karyn Lays Low

24. The Trio is Looking for Someon

23. Leonard, Gladys, and Derek

22. Nadine the Musician

21. Karyn Gets Nadine's Necklace

20. Normalcy?

19. Someone Else Has the Jumper

18. Karyn Tries to Help Others

17. Kyla Fixes Herself.

16. Zoe and Sarah Become Friends

15. Panic Attack

14. Tidal Wave: Jon

13. Zoe and Sarah's Class

12. Outside the Principal's Office

11. Kyla

10. Zoe and Sarah

Tidal Wave: Nadine is in a Rock Band

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During her class, Nadine kept glancing down at her instrument case. Inside was an electric guitar. She was in a band and with her fellow band-mates (who she couldn't quite remember, oddly), they usually made use of the music department's sound system after school when practicing for their upcoming gig. The school allowed it, which was cool, but she really wished she could practice at home. Unfortunately, her parents were a couple of uptight assholes who thought that rock was devil music. She paused in thought for a moment, feeling like something was wrong.

"Nadine, don't zone out when I'm lecturing," the teacher said, noticing Nadine not paying attention.

"Sorry," she muttered, then looked back towards the teacher once again. She really wished that school would be over already so she could hang out with her friends (odd, she still couldn't quite remember who they were - that was kind of troubling, right?).

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