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32. It's a Date

31. Athena and Sarah

30. Julie Meshida

29. Biff Meadows

28. Sarah Madison

27. Zoe's Morning

26. Meeting Julie

25. The Next Morning

24. Solo Mission

23. Teamwork

22. The Workmen: Jon Wants to Go H

21. New Tenants

20. Zoe Meadows

19. Zoe Returns

18. Wesley Meadows

17. Biff

16. Jon Chases a Moving Van

15. Fun and Pizza Toppings

14. Seems Normal

13. Jon Isn't the Best Liar

The Workmen: It's a Date

on 2024-07-14 09:52:51

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Sarah was torn again. It was harder to believe Athena was just a freak. Athena seemed to be laying her cards on the table. Whatever her weird hobbies were, they were giving her the sense something was off. " did you do that?"

"Pressure point in the hand, the stone is a focus object...I tried it with one of my other friends, triggered nothing. But with you it did."

"Can you do it again?" Sarah asked.

"Maybe...but I can teach you..."

"I'm not going to turn Goth..." Sarah said.

Athena shot her a look. "Who was asking you to? Do you think Goths think everyone should be Goth? Be what you want to be. Just don't be it because everyone else is.

Sarah thought about the self-confidence she felt when Athena had done her thing. Was that what the Goths felt? Not caring what people thought about them...just what they thought about themselves?

Athena sensed Sarah was coming around...and for some reason, it felt right. Like they were supposed to connect somehow. "You want to come over to my house and work on this?"

Meanwhile, on the other side of school, Karyn was on her way out when Biff suddenly approached her. "Are you busy on Friday night?"

Karyn blinked. "What?"

"Are you busy..."

"No...why?" Karyn said, the look of confusion on her face was obvious.

'Great...I'll pick you up at 8..."

He started to turn to head to practice.

"What? Pick me up for what?" Karyn said, completely flabbergasted.

"A date...see you then...I'll take you someplace nice." He headed toward practice. and Biff? She took a few seconds to process it. "Wait...Biff..." she started to chase after him. "I didn't say yes...I mean...what the fuck..." Biff, on the other hand, was completely oblivious to her chasing after him, and stopping at the door to the boy's locker room. "Fuck." Karyn didn't curse gratuitously, like some people, but usually when the situation warranted it. Being asked, not asked...on a date with...arguably a hot boy...but one like Biff...was definitely a situation that warranted it.

Inside the locker room, Biff started to change. "I just asked Karyn Black out..."

Tom Welles looked at him. "Black? I mean, why? I know you haven't dated in a while...but why not someone more...girly?"

"It's like a Christmas present..." Biff said. "Plain wrapping paper...but...that's why I invited her someplace nice. She's not going to show up all tomboy...she has to own something sexy...all girls do, right?"

"So...she's like a fixer upper?" Tom asked.

"It's like that sculptor guy they taught us about in class...where he got the hunk of rock and said the statue was inside all the time, he just made it come out. I don't know..." Biff got almost serious with his friends. "I just...have been thinking about her."

"Whatever..." Tom said. "I think you're crazy when there are so many girls who aren't a hunk of rock to ask out."

Jon was waiting for Karyn outside. When she arrived, she looked angry. "Jon...if this is something you wished for...I'm going to.."

"What? Wished for? What happened?"

"Biff Meadows just asked me out. No...he told me we were going out and then walked away before I could say anything. And short of barging into the boy's locker room..."

"Why would Biff ask you out...he was dating Sarah before...all this?"

"Well, right now, he hasn't dated anyone lately that I know of...not that I'm following jock gossip," she said, annoyed. "I'm not even his type.."

Jon looked at her. "Umm...well...You did make a wish to look more like Sarah...the old Sarah...she had the same blond hair. But you had more luck than I did. I tried to talk to him earlier...and he wouldn't listen to me..." he paused. "No wonder he asked about you."

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