Episode | Author | Date | Story | Depth | Tags |
All Your Base are Belong to Jon | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 6 | Magic SciFi Stuck |
Improvised Worldbuilding: Meet the Team Meet the Team | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 6 | BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Size Stuck TF |
Improvised Worldbuilding Surprise, surprise, it's a generic fantasy world. | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 5 | BE MTF Magic Myth Stuck TF |
Succubus: Longboarder Longboarder | Marazh-no | | You Are What You Wish | 13 | Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC Magic Mem Myth Stuck Super TF Unaware |
Succubus: Skateboarder? Skateboarder? | Marazh-no | | You Are What You Wish | 12 | Aware FTF Magic Mem Musc Size Stuck Super TF Unaware |
How Jon's new body works and his new life. | bigbustgazer | | You Are What You Wish | 11 | BE FTM Herm MTF Magic Stuck TF Unaware |
Jon wishes to know where he stands in the world after his attempt to fix Sarah's wish. | bigbustgazer | | You Are What You Wish | 10 | Age BE FTM Herm MTF Stuck |
Sarah is losing patience | Marazh-no | | You Are What You Wish | 13 | Aware Magic Stuck |
Owning it | Melanie Dupont | | Altered Fates | 15 | MTF Stuck |
Filing a report | Melanie Dupont | | Altered Fates | 14 | MTF Stuck |
It's gone | Melanie Dupont | | Altered Fates | 13 | MTF Stuck |
Royal Mistake: Sisterly Teasing If that's Athena, then where's Zoe? | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 14 | MC MTF Magic Mem Stuck |
Royal Mistake: Family meeting, round 2 Pretty soon, as it turns out | Enjeubleu | | You Are What You Wish | 12 | Magic Stuck |
Royal Mistake: Jon wakes up the next morning Jon wakes up the next day | Enjeubleu | | You Are What You Wish | 11 | MTF Myth Stuck Unaware |
Suddenly Sarah: Unfair Comparisons Unfair Comparisons | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 28 | Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: Missing all the Signs Missing all the Signs | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 27 | Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck TF Unaware |
Suddenly Sarah: Necessary Conversations Necessary Conversations | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 26 | Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Mem Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: Bethany's Very Confusing Day Bethany's Very Confusing Day | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 25 | Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck |
Dance Off: Dance Class Dance Class | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 9 | FTF Pos Robot SciFi Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: It's Good to be the Queen It's Good to be the Queen | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 24 | Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: The New Two The New Two | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 23 | Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck |
TSW: The Tutorial Boss The Tutorial Boss | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 8 | Bimbo Culture MC Magic Myth Stuck TF |
Dance Off Follow Kyla | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 8 | FTF Robot SciFi Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: The First Three Wake Up The First Three Wake up | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 22 | Aware BE Body_Swap FTF FTM MC MTF Magic Mem Size Stuck TF |
Suddenly Sarah: Like Daughter, Like Mother Like Daughter, Like Mother | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 21 | Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck |
Jon's Dating Blunder: The Trip to the Oracle Stumbling to Karyn's | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 11 | Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic Stuck TF |
Who's the Boss | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 8 | Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: Riding High Riding High | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 19 | Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck |
Immersion Arcade: Mystery Disappearance Follow Jay, Kyla, and Karyn | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 7 | Magic SciFi Stuck |
This Sinful World Follow Zoe | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 7 | Bimbo Culture MC Magic Myth Stuck TF |
First Person Spellcaster F. P. S. | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 7 | Age BE MTF Magic Musc Size Stuck TF |
Jon's Dating Blunder: Everything's Normal Everything's Normal | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 7 | BE Bimbo MC MTF Magic Mem Stuck TF |
Jon's Dating Blunder: Jon fixes this? Jon fixes this? | Marazh-no | | You Are What You Wish | 5 | Aware MTF Stuck |
Royal Mistake: Cutting loose Wow, Linda's really bad at this | Enjeubleu | | You Are What You Wish | 10 | Stuck |
Turnabout and retreat | Marazh-no | | You Are What You Wish | 35 | Aware BE MTF Stuck |
Immersion Arcade: Main Menu Follow Jon's POV | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 6 | MC SciFi Stuck |
Mandatory Milf II: The Important Things in Life The Important Things in Life | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 29 | Age MC MTF Magic Stuck |
Mandatory Milf II: Further Down and Further Out Further Down and Further Out | Fungi & Flowers | | You Are What You Wish | 28 | Aware BE MTF Stuck TF |
Mandatory Milf II: With Friends like These... With Friends like These... | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 27 | Age MTF Stuck |
Toy trouble push the button Jon | Cardboard | | You Are What You Wish | 5 | Anthro Body_Swap FTM Inanimate MTF Stuck TF |
Suddenly Sarah: Like a Slap to the Face Like a Slap to the Face | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 17 | Aware FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck Unaware |
1985 | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 7 | Stuck |
UnReality Show 2: How Helen Met Luna How Helen Met Luna | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 8 | Age Aware BE FTF MTF Musc SciFi Stuck TF |
Royal Mistake: Sudden Escalation This goes wonderfully | Enjeubleu | | You Are What You Wish | 6 | Aware FTF MC MTF Magic Myth Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: Sarah's Morning Sarah's Morning | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 16 | Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Stuck Unaware |
Royal Mistake: Some Time Later Jon and Linda meet up again later | Enjeubleu | | You Are What You Wish | 5 | FTF MC MTF Myth Stuck |
1980 | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 6 | Stuck |
Paige McMillan: A Ringing | enfuego | | You Are What You Wish | 31 | Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: Schemes Within Schemes Schemes Within Schemes | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 14 | Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: Karyn Hangs with "Jon" Karyn Hangs with "Jon" | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 12 | Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: The Next Morning The Next Morning | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 11 | Aware BE Body_Swap MC MTF Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: Meet the Parents Meet the Parents | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 10 | Aware Body_Swap MC MTF Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: Figuring out the Curriculum Figuring out the Curriculum | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 9 | Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Stuck Unaware |
Suddenly Sarah: Karyn Makes Some Corrections Karyn Makes Some Corrections | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 8 | Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: A Slight Miscalculation A Slight Miscalculation | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 7 | Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Stuck |
Population Growth | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 3 | MTF Stuck TF |
Suddenly Sarah: Getting Ready Getting Ready | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 5 | Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF Stuck |
Suddenly Sarah: A New Reflection A New Reflection | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 4 | Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Stuck |
Karyn (Alt) | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 3 | Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck |
God Foxes | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 16 | Animal Anthro FTM Herm MTF Size Stuck TF |
The Good Ending Perhaps? | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 11 | FTM MTF Stuck TF |
Karyn, Sarah and a Fluffy Cat | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 7 | Anthro Conjoin FTP Stuck TF |
Patriarchy | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 10 | FTM MTF Stuck TF |
Language and Possibilities | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 15 | Animal FTM MTF Size Stuck TF |
Freddy is Cringe | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 14 | Animal FTM MTF Myth Size Stuck TF |
Royal Mistake: More Great Decisions A mild escalation | Enjeubleu | | You Are What You Wish | 4 | MC MTF Stuck |
Serial Killers and Naked Singularities | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 13 | Animal FTM MTF Size Stuck TF |
The Place of Dreams | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 12 | Animal FTM MB MTF Size Stuck TF |
Well Things Just Got Dark Real Quick | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 11 | Animal FTM MTF Stuck TF |
JonSarah+Karyn -Sarah+Sarah +Boobs=? | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 8 | Body_Swap FTM MTF Stuck TF Twin |
Jon May Not Be Out of the Game | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 12 | Anthro Magic Stuck TF |
First Sight: Jon tries to think up a good wish First Sight | Ez | | You Are What You Wish | 2 | Aware Stuck Super TF |
Animal Stone: 20 day limit | lifesmainantagonist | | You Are What You Wish | 10 | Anthro Stuck TF |
KS: Change Your Mind? Karyn makes a wish... | Hmm | | You Are What You Wish | 7 | Aware FTF MC Stuck |
To Alter a Wish? KS: Altering the Wish? | Hmm | | You Are What You Wish | 6 | Age Aware MTF Stuck |
20 Years Later: Ready... Set... They do a little theorizing. | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 4 | SciFi Stuck |
Final touches Like me, like you! You feel me? | OthrAuthr | | The Drafting Board | 11 | Aware NBM Part_Swap Part_Theft Stuck Twin |
20 Years Later: The New Girl in Town There's a New Girl in Town | Matisguy | | You Are What You Wish | 3 | Stuck |
IOC: Nano Complaints Case 87 Resolution Case 87 Resolution | B5 | | The Drafting Board | 7 | Age FTF MC SciFi Stuck |
IOC: Nano Complaints Case 62 - Basic Couple Nano Case 62 - Basic Couple | B5 | | The Drafting Board | 4 | Aware Multi Musc Stuck TF |
Living the Life: Through the Looking Glass Through the Looking Glass | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 6 | Body_Swap FTM MTF Stuck |
Country Clubbing: Getting Ready Getting Ready | Gooose | | You Are What You Wish | 15 | Age Body_Swap FTF MTF Magic Stuck TF |
Jon's Wish Goes Wrong. | Pete Brown | | You Are What You Wish | 3 | Inanimate Stuck TF |
Bad Idea. | petebrown | | You Are What You Wish | 4 | FTP Magic Stuck TF |
Jon is quite the fool The Pantyhose transformation | eh? | | You Are What You Wish | 2 | Inanimate Stuck TF |