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Oldest episodes

Pete Uses the Computer on Zoe
Changing Zoe With the Computer.
yuriteasYou Are What You Wish5TF
Karyn Adjusts for Vickie
Vickie Takes Things a Step Further
yuriteasYou Are What You Wish5MTF TF
Pete's New Body
Deciding on a Body
yuriteasYou Are What You Wish9MTF TF
Danny Tries the Medallion on a Sexy Cat-Girl CostumeyuriteasAltered Fates3Age MTF TF
Group ChangesyuriteasAltered Fates3FTM Herm MTF TF
Improvised Worldbuilding: Meet the Team
Meet the Team
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish6BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Size Stuck TF
Improvised Worldbuilding
Surprise, surprise, it's a generic fantasy world.
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish5BE MTF Magic Myth Stuck TF
More Changes for Zoe
Press the Button Again
yuriteasYou Are What You Wish5TF Unaware
Succubus: Longboarder
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish13Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC Magic Mem Myth Stuck Super TF Unaware
Succubus: Skateboarder?
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish12Aware FTF Magic Mem Musc Size Stuck Super TF Unaware
How Jon's new body works and his new life.bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish11BE FTM Herm MTF Magic Stuck TF Unaware
TG/BE Potion: They both get splashed
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish7BE FTM MTF Musc Size TF
Kissing a Pink Beach Bunny
Jon becomes a fully kissable girl and Karyn gets to work
Allers KlarYou Are What You Wish15TF
Josephine Finds Herself in a Very Different Station in Life
Josephine has to go the beach for her fiancee awaits
Allers KlarYou Are What You Wish35TF
Next DayMarazh-noYou Are What You Wish8Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Mem TF Unaware
Wild Wild West under the Wild Wild Sheets
Jon is now Josephine, a saloon girl and prostitute who has no memory of ever being Jon or being from another timeline
Allers KlarYou Are What You Wish6Mem TF Unaware
Deep in the Lion's Den
Gentlemens Club Cocktail Waitress
Allers KlarYou Are What You Wish5Mem TF Unaware
A Siren Calculating Her Whole Package
A siren checking herself out
Allers KlarYou Are What You Wish7Myth TF
Jessica at Swim Practice
Jessica Gibson high school swimmer
Allers KlarYou Are What You Wish12Mem TF Unaware
Not Quite Triplets: Cerberus' First Day
Three is too crowded
OthrAuthrThe Drafting Board3Aware Hive Myth TF Twin Unaware
(Aside: Sonnet Side Up)
(Apropos of nothing, a sonnet!)
nothingspYou Are What You Wish10MTF TF
Familiar-ized: Sarah's Zoe and Mikey Personality Portions Come Out
Sarah Has a Combination of Jon, Zoe, and Mikey's Personalities
Anonymous51You Are What You Wish7TF Unaware
Familiar-ized: Sarah Wakes Up Again?
There's More Than One Sarah
Anonymous51You Are What You Wish7Age TF Twin Unaware
Zoe's POV: Wimpy Biff
Wimpy Biff
GoooseYou Are What You Wish4Aware MTM Magic Mem Musc TF Unaware
Transformation Guns: The new head cheerleader of McMillan Tech Industries
The Cheerleader Gun zaps Richard McMillan
Christine L.You Are What You Wish115Aware MTF TF
Suddenly Sarah: Missing all the Signs
Missing all the Signs
GoooseYou Are What You Wish27Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck TF Unaware
Veiled Male World
Veiling Fetish
DigiConjurerYou Are What You Wish4Aware MC Magic Mem Omni TF
McMillian house
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish10Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Magic Mem TF Unaware
Transformation Guns: Ryanne's story, and Quarterson's decision
Ryanne tells her story, and Quarterson makes a decision
Christine L.You Are What You Wish112FTM MTF TF
Transformation Guns: Rachel's perspective on the previous hour
We see what Rachel has been doing while her friends have been busy
Christine L.You Are What You Wish111MTF TF
A confusing daycomodo50The Drafting Board2Age Aware MTF TF
Costume Shop: After School Jon and Karyn go to the mall.
Jon and Karyn
Paula ClarkYou Are What You Wish5TF
Victoria: Ted Investigates
Ted Investigates
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish9Aware BE Bimbo MC Mem TF Unaware
DMU - EpilogueMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish146Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Mandatory Milf: Karyn Dominates the Competition
Karyn takes an early lead
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish10BE FTF MTF TF
Chick for a Dick: Freaky Friday Night
Random wishes on a Friday night...
ekempo5000You Are What You Wish166Age Conjoin FTP Hive Inanimate Musc Myth Size TF Twin Unaware
DMU - The new student bodiesMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish142Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Fairy Adoption: Snatching A Skill
Snatching a Skill
GoooseYou Are What You Wish13Age Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
FPSpellcaster: Rules of the Game
Rules of the Game
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish8MC MTF Magic TF
TSW: The Tutorial Boss
The Tutorial Boss
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish8Bimbo Culture MC Magic Myth Stuck TF
Suddenly Sarah: The First Three Wake Up
The First Three Wake up
GoooseYou Are What You Wish22Aware BE Body_Swap FTF FTM MC MTF Magic Mem Size Stuck TF
Jon's Dating Blunder: The Trip to the Oracle
Stumbling to Karyn's
GoooseYou Are What You Wish11Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic Stuck TF
Jon's Dating Blunder: Leilani
Learning more about Leilani
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish10Aware FTF MTF Mem TF
Jon's Dating Blunder: Jenni to Leilani
Jenni to Leilani
GoooseYou Are What You Wish9Aware FTF MC MTF Part_Swap TF
This Sinful World
Follow Zoe
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish7Bimbo Culture MC Magic Myth Stuck TF
First Person Spellcaster
F. P. S.
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish7Age BE MTF Magic Musc Size Stuck TF
Transformation Guns: The Cheerleader Gun and its effects
The Cheerleader Gun, and cheerleaders in the PR department
Christine L.You Are What You Wish109TF
Strange Change Agents: Burlington's big mistake
Burlington charges in
Christine L.You Are What You Wish26TF
DMU - Dawn of the final dayMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish141Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Jon's Dating Blunder: Everything's Normal
Everything's Normal
GoooseYou Are What You Wish7BE Bimbo MC MTF Magic Mem Stuck TF
Transformation Guns: Clowning around
First, the clown act
Christine L.You Are What You Wish108TF
Jon's Dating Blunder: Jenni's Dream Girl
Jenni's Dream Girl
GoooseYou Are What You Wish6Aware BE MTF TF
DMU - new nightly routinesMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish140Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - the night concludesMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish139Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - Lorna’s little surpriseMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish138Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - The walk homeMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish137Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - the losers forfeitMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish136Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - the boys reactMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish135Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Mandatory Milf: Player 2
Making things more interesting
Enjeubleu You Are What You Wish9Age BE FTF MC Musc TF
Jon experimentsMarazh-noYou Are What You Wish7Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MTF Size TF Unaware
Ronald doesn't realize how this worksMarazh-noYou Are What You Wish36Aware BE Bimbo MTF Magic Size TF Unaware
Memory Lapse
Out of body experience
OthrAuthrThe Drafting Board12MTF Multi TF
Mandatory Milf II: Prodigal Son
He returns home
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish32Aware MTF TF
Meeting the New Match
David enters
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish31Age Aware MTF TF
Mandaory Milf II: Expecting Some Family Time
The two prepare for David as best they can
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish30Aware BE MTF TF
Royal Mistake: Princess Jeanne makes a new friend
It is Athena!
Enjeubleu You Are What You Wish8Aware FTF MC Magic TF Unaware
Mandatory Milf II: Further Down and Further Out
Further Down and Further Out
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish28Aware BE MTF Stuck TF
Using a LoopholeFungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish26Aware BE MTF TF
Impossible to IgnoreFungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish25Aware BE MTF TF
Succubus-Genie Lily: The Climactic Moment
What a Cliffhanger, right?
MatisguyThe Drafting Board4Age Aware FTF Magic Myth Pos TF Unaware
Succubus-Genie Lily: Airplane!
What could go wrong?
MatisguyThe Drafting Board3Aware BE FTF MC Magic Mem Myth Pos Size TF Unaware
Lily, the Succubish GenassiMatisguyThe Drafting Board2Aware FTF MC Magic Mem Myth TF Unaware
Princess John: Ballet so good
Ballet goes good
DigiConjurerYou Are What You Wish11TF Unaware
Jocelynne's BlogMs. CorkYou Are What You Wish39MTF Magic Mem TF
Toy trouble
push the button Jon
CardboardYou Are What You Wish5Anthro Body_Swap FTM Inanimate MTF Stuck TF
The Worst Morning of Linda's LifeMs. CorkYou Are What You Wish36Age FTF MC Magic TF
"Jon the Entirely Normal Girl" - themed art!nothingspThe Forum2MTF TF
The Evening: Susan and LindaMs. CorkYou Are What You Wish32Age FTF MC Magic TF
The Evening: Sarah and JocelynneMs. CorkYou Are What You Wish31Age FTF Magic TF
The Evening: The GothsMs. CorkYou Are What You Wish30FTF Magic TF
DMU - Lara’s little ideaMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish134Age FTF MTF Part_Swap TF
Fairy Adoption: Ruminations
GoooseYou Are What You Wish12Age Aware BE MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
Royal Mistake: The fairies have indeed escaped their enclosure
Turns out the fairies are a big deal, huh?
Enjeubleu You Are What You Wish7Aware FTF Myth TF
Jon the Entirely Normal Girl: The Facts of Life
Joni and her sister have a talk...
nothingspYou Are What You Wish9MTF TF
Fairy Adoption: Robyn the Fairy Princess
Robyn the Fairy Princess
GoooseYou Are What You Wish8Age Aware BE Culture MC MTF Magic Myth TF
The McMillan Triplets: Getting Zelda on Board
Getting Zelda on Board
GoooseYou Are What You Wish20Age Aware BE FTF MTF Magic TF
UnReality Show 2: How Helen Met Luna
How Helen Met Luna
GoooseYou Are What You Wish8Age Aware BE FTF MTF Musc SciFi Stuck TF
UnReality Show 2: The Costume Department
The Costume Department
GoooseYou Are What You Wish7Aware BE FTF FTM MTF SciFi TF
Going homethisguy10101Altered Fates13Age Aware Bimbo MTF Magic TF
DMU - the party winds downMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish133Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - some more answersMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish130Age Animal FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Ton of Skinsuits: Jessica Rabbit
Jessica Rabbit
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board7Age FTF Size TF
DMU - What’s in a name?
DMU - What’s in a name
MightyMrJYou Are What You Wish128Age Animal FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Transform Your Girlfriend - Transform Or Dare: 1st Girlfriend Regeneration
Regeneration Like Doctor Who
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board5Age Aware BE Culture FTF Magic Size TF
Transform Your Girlfriend - Transform Or Dare: Sexual Fantasy
Sexual Fantasy
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board5Magic TF
Transform Your Girlfriend - Transform Or Dare: Into Anyone You Want
Become anyone you want
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board5Age BE Bimbo Culture FTF MC Magic Size Super TF
Transform Your Girlfriend - Transform or Dare: Clothes Make Different Person
Change by wearing the different kind of clothing
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board5Magic TF
Bonding time with shapeshifting girlfriend/mom turned sister
...your 'mom' is now your 'sister' wearing a cute blue prom mini dress.
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board15Age BE Bimbo FTF Super TF
Shapeshift Together
Have your girlfriend shapeshift you.
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board13Age BE Culture FTF MTF Size Super TF Unaware
Your girlfriend pick a Morphing Bodysuit
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board7SciFi TF

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