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81. Jon Makes a List (Alt)

80. The Middle Child

79. Addition and Subtraction

78. Interlude

77. Test Subject

76. Lunchtime

75. When Technology and Magic Meet

74. A Night off

73. It's Time

72. The Build-Up

71. Afterwards

70. Stopped in the nick of time.

69. The new arm of the law

68. Someone returns sort of.

67. The rest of Jon’s day.

66. That afternoon

65. The New Exchange Student

64. The Reunion of two “Old” Frien

63. The Rematch

62. Meanwhile

The Workmen: Jon Makes a List (Alt)

avatar on 2024-07-15 06:12:12

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(I like what The Guest is doing but I wanted to do something a little different)

Jon sat in his room after dinner. He wanted to make some notes about what he was missing.

  1. Adele replaced Sarah...but who replaced Adele? What about Eileen?

He had seen Eileen in the warehouse the other night but had no idea as to what had happened to her.He stopped for a second before starting to add what he knew about the others in the town. That was when he saw it. His first sentence now read as,

Befmf sfqkbdfc Tbsbi ...cvu xip sfqmbdf Befmf? Xibu bcppv Fkmffo?

Rather than what he had written. “What? I didn’t write that.” He reached for the stone which lay by his side as he had yet to return it to its hiding place since returning from school. “I wish I knew my note changed.” He said quietly.

“This information can not be saved” Came the reply in a voice of equal volume.

When he had seen that same message come up on his phone earlier that day he thought it only applied to it not to any record of the information. He sat there before he headed to bed early. Being as stressful as it was to remain calm under these circumstances, it was very easy to just fall asleep out of sheer emotional exhaustion.

Across town sat a woman She looked directly ahead with a serious expression on her face. Her hair was styled in a bob wearing a dainty gold earring along a blue tank top under her blazer. One hand is at her side, the other is resting on her hip. Dressed professionally as Denise Brewster was in a light pink pantsuit sitting in her sitting room chair with dark grey walls behind her and on her right-hand side sits a bookcase. Her thoughts were anything but professional. She had fought long and hard to obtain her position as head of Research and Development at McMillan Industries. Men never saw her for what she was, a talented executive who could handle any project that came her way.

Her latest project that she was in charge of had helped her and her colleagues in ways that she could never have imagined when it had started. The main one as far as she was concerned was removing her one-time manager Richard as head of the company. She wondered how he was enjoying his new life as a homemaker. This thought brought a smile to her face. If she gained nothing else from this project but the satisfaction of the fact that he was no longer her boss that would be enough.

The product as she thought of it had been developed by accident in the lab when they had been testing something else. It had somehow stopped time for at that point an unspecified period. As they researched the accident further it had proven to have other effects. She forgot how they had found out that it could rewrite reality, she must try and find that out. Only a few to go and she would meet up with 1&2 and discuss the rest of the trail run and what to do with that boy. There had to be some way of dealing with him and his immunity to the product. If they could find out why it didn’t affect him then they would be able to take it to stage 3. Stage 2 was working so well. Stage one was almost a like-for-like swap of people in the town. Stage 2 was a little more radical. This time they would try to move people between ages, genders, and races.

There were only three subjects so far in stage 2. Once they had been confirmed to have settled into their new roles with no issues they could add more. She got up to pour a coffee and looked at the clock. Almost time to go she thought, I better get ready.

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