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83. Self Image

82. Stage 2

81. Jon Makes a List (Alt)

80. The Middle Child

79. Addition and Subtraction

78. Interlude

77. Test Subject

76. Lunchtime

75. When Technology and Magic Meet

74. A Night off

73. It's Time

72. The Build-Up

71. Afterwards

70. Stopped in the nick of time.

69. The new arm of the law

68. Someone returns sort of.

67. The rest of Jon’s day.

66. That afternoon

65. The New Exchange Student

64. The Reunion of two “Old” Frien

The Workmen: Self Image

on 2024-07-18 19:50:05

353 hits, 64 views, 3 upvotes.


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Julie DeVries looked at herself in the mirror, feeling rather unsettled about something. It felt like something didn't fit, and she wasn't sure what. She took off her shirt, and her jeans and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked at herself, then took off her bra and panties, standing there naked in front of the mirror. It felt like there was something wrong with how she looked. She stayed there for nearly ten minutes, looking at herself in the mirror. Was her skin too fair somehow? Was she too tall? Were her breasts too big? She felt somehow like she was a giant.

After too long...she put her undergarments back on. Then her shirt and jeans. And she brushed her long dark hair and redid her makeup. It felt like she was putting on armor...she felt freed from whatever self-doubt had just infected her and more like herself. She pulled her phone from where she left it on the desk and redialed the last number she'd called. "Have you left yet?" she asked in a perfectly average American accent. The voice on the other end said no. "I changed my mind about tonight. I'll meet you there." She hung up and turned back to the mirror. Suddenly, after the call, she felt like she might not totally dislike what she saw.

She grabbed her bag. It barely phased her some of the kids at school thought she was some kind of witch. They didn't know anything about her and she couldn't care less what stupid shit they said. Only two more years till graduation and then she was getting the hell out of this boring town.

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