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Oldest episodes

Mandatory Milf II: Prodigal Son
He returns home
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish32Aware MTF TF
Meeting the New Match
David enters
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish31Age Aware MTF TF
Mandaory Milf II: Expecting Some Family Time
The two prepare for David as best they can
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish30Aware BE MTF TF
headsthisguy10101Altered Fates17Aware MTF Magic Part_Swap
Royal Mistake: Princess Jeanne makes a new friend
It is Athena!
Enjeubleu You Are What You Wish8Aware FTF MC Magic TF Unaware
Tidal Wave: Whose Friend is Jon Again?
Karyn's Friend is Sabrina, Not Jon
Anonymous51You Are What You Wish27Aware Mem Unaware
Mandatory Milf II: Further Down and Further Out
Further Down and Further Out
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish28Aware BE MTF Stuck TF
Using a LoopholeFungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish26Aware BE MTF TF
Impossible to IgnoreFungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish25Aware BE MTF TF
Succubus-Genie Lily: The Climactic Moment
What a Cliffhanger, right?
MatisguyThe Drafting Board4Age Aware FTF Magic Myth Pos TF Unaware
Succubus-Genie Lily: Airplane!
What could go wrong?
MatisguyThe Drafting Board3Aware BE FTF MC Magic Mem Myth Pos Size TF Unaware
Lily, the Succubish GenassiMatisguyThe Drafting Board2Aware FTF MC Magic Mem Myth TF Unaware
Game nightthisguy10101Altered Fates16Age Aware MTF Magic
And yet so farthisguy10101Altered Fates15Age Aware MTF Magic
So closethisguy10101Altered Fates14Age Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
Suddenly Sarah: Who Wears the Short Shorts
Who Wears the Short Shorts
GoooseYou Are What You Wish18Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic
Cat's next classIceYou Are What You Wish28Aware MTF
Maybe we could have fun together
Someone who could go with you (V2)
LimitedPowerThe Drafting Board14Age Aware BE MTF Magic Size
Cheerful: Thinking about Karyn is kind of hard...MrScadeYou Are What You Wish12Aware MC MTF
Jon becomes hotterIceYou Are What You Wish10Aware MTF
LunchIceYou Are What You Wish15Aware MTF
Sitting like a lady
Their next class
IceYou Are What You Wish14Aware MTF
Melissa accidentally zaps herselfMarko224The Drafting Board3Age Animal Anthro Aware BE Bimbo Culture FTF FTM Herm Hive
A text from SarahIceYou Are What You Wish17Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
Jon has a crush
Making Jon like guys?
IceYou Are What You Wish13Aware MTF Magic
Putting on makeupIceYou Are What You Wish12Aware MTF Magic
Sexy Girly Girl: Testing his valley girl voice
Jon tests his voice
IceYou Are What You Wish16Aware Bimbo MTF
Sexy Girly Girl: Testing the Compulsions
Jon tests the compulsions
IceYou Are What You Wish15Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
Sexy Girly Girl: Coming to His Senses
Jon Comes to His Senses
IceYou Are What You Wish14Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
Sexy Girly Girl: Jon Takes Some Selfies
Jon is distracted by the urge to show off
IceYou Are What You Wish13Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
Jon's Internal MonologueIceYou Are What You Wish12Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
Speaking to Chloe
Follow Chloe inside
IceThe Drafting Board8Aware MTF Magic
Fantasising About Mark
Admiring Mark
IceThe Drafting Board7Aware MTF Magic
Feeling unwanted thoughts
IceThe Drafting Board6Aware MTF Magic
Feeling self-critical
Taking a look at myself
IceThe Drafting Board5Aware MTF Magic
Amelia’s Friend Chloe
IceThe Drafting Board4Aware MTF Magic
Becoming Amelia Bennett
Amelia Bennett
IceThe Drafting Board3Aware MTF Magic
Fairy Adoption: Ruminations
GoooseYou Are What You Wish12Age Aware BE MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
Suddenly Sarah: Like a Slap to the Face
Like a Slap to the Face
GoooseYou Are What You Wish17Aware FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck Unaware
Royal Mistake: The fairies have indeed escaped their enclosure
Turns out the fairies are a big deal, huh?
Enjeubleu You Are What You Wish7Aware FTF Myth TF
Fairy Adoption: Meet the Goodfellows
Meet the Goodfellows
GoooseYou Are What You Wish11Aware BE FTF MC Magic Myth Twin Unaware
Fairy Adoption: Mischief in the Making
Mischief in the Making
GoooseYou Are What You Wish9Aware MTF Magic Myth
Fairy Adoption: Robyn the Fairy Princess
Robyn the Fairy Princess
GoooseYou Are What You Wish8Age Aware BE Culture MC MTF Magic Myth TF
Don't Try Keeping Secrets From Your Wife When She's an Elder BeingGoooseYou Are What You Wish7Aware Magic
The McMillan Triplets: Getting Zelda on Board
Getting Zelda on Board
GoooseYou Are What You Wish20Age Aware BE FTF MTF Magic TF
UnReality Show 2: How Helen Met Luna
How Helen Met Luna
GoooseYou Are What You Wish8Age Aware BE FTF MTF Musc SciFi Stuck TF
Royal Mistake: Sudden Escalation
This goes wonderfully
Enjeubleu You Are What You Wish6Aware FTF MC MTF Magic Myth Stuck
UnReality Show 2: The Costume Department
The Costume Department
GoooseYou Are What You Wish7Aware BE FTF FTM MTF SciFi TF
Suddenly Sarah: Sarah's Morning
Sarah's Morning
GoooseYou Are What You Wish16Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Stuck Unaware
Going homethisguy10101Altered Fates13Age Aware Bimbo MTF Magic TF
The Gothic Stone: Jon's Back, But He's a Goth Boy
Goth Boy Jon
Anonymous51You Are What You Wish12Aware MTF Magic Twin
The Gothic Stone: Karyn Wishes Jon Back
Karyn Wishes Jon Back
Anonymous51You Are What You Wish11Aware MTF Magic Twin
Transform Your Girlfriend - Transform Or Dare: 1st Girlfriend Regeneration
Regeneration Like Doctor Who
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board5Age Aware BE Culture FTF Magic Size TF
Clothes...Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish7Aware BE Unaware
A Familiar FamiliaryuriteasThe Drafting Board3Animal Anthro Aware MTF Magic Musc
Suddenly Sarah: Morning Prep
Morning Prep
GoooseYou Are What You Wish15Aware Body_Swap MTF
Jon's dick falls offJibbitYou Are What You Wish3Aware NBM Part_Swap Part_Theft
UnReality Show 2: And the Rest
And the Rest
GoooseYou Are What You Wish6Age Aware BE FTF FTM MTF Musc SciFi TF
UnReality Show 2: Mrs. Luna Nguyen Richmond
Mrs. Luna Nguyen Richmond
GoooseYou Are What You Wish5Age Aware BE MTF SciFi TF
Suddenly Sarah: Schemes Within Schemes
Schemes Within Schemes
GoooseYou Are What You Wish14Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Stuck
Cyber Curse - Day 1- More ChangesOutofPhazeYou Are What You Wish8Aware MTF SciFi Twin
Cyber Curse - Day 1-ChangesOutofPhazeYou Are What You Wish7Aware MTF TF Twin
The McMillan Triplets: What's Yours is Mine
What's Yours is Mine
GoooseYou Are What You Wish19Aware FTF MC
The McMillan Triplets: Turns Out You Can Pick Your Family
Turns Out You Can Pick Your Family
GoooseYou Are What You Wish18Age Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic TF
The McMillan Triplets: Uh, What Do We Make Again?
Uh What do We Make Again?
GoooseYou Are What You Wish17Age Aware BE FTF MC MTF Twin Unaware
The McMillan Triplets: Building a Better In-Law
Building a Better In-Law
GoooseYou Are What You Wish15Age Aware BE FTF MC TF
Cyber Curse - Day 1-Uniforms & moreOutofPhazeYou Are What You Wish6Aware FTF MTF SciFi
Cyber Curse - Day 1-UniformsOutofPhazeYou Are What You Wish5Aware FTF MTF SciFi
The McMillan Triplets: Happy Wife, Happy Life
Happy Wife, Happy Life
GoooseYou Are What You Wish13Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTF Unaware
The McMillan Triplets: Aftermath
GoooseYou Are What You Wish12Aware BE Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF Unaware
Chick for a Dick: How’s it Hanging?
Fiona’s mammoth member
ekempo5000You Are What You Wish165Animal Aware MB Multi TF Unaware
The McMillan Triplets: Goth Alley
Goth Alley
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish13Aware Magic Unaware
Suddenly Sarah: A Very Supportive Squad
A Very Supportive Squad
GoooseYou Are What You Wish13Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Unaware
Karyn reacts to her breast-consciousnessJumpManYou Are What You Wish6Aware BE
OMG Jon sounds so Cute!HoneybunniYou Are What You Wish12Aware Bimbo
Lunch timeHoneybunniYou Are What You Wish11Aware Bimbo
Meeting KarynHoneybunniYou Are What You Wish6Aware Bimbo
Suddenly Sarah: Karyn Hangs with "Jon"
Karyn Hangs with "Jon"
GoooseYou Are What You Wish12Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Stuck
Suddenly Sarah: The Next Morning
The Next Morning
GoooseYou Are What You Wish11Aware BE Body_Swap MC MTF Stuck
Suddenly Sarah: Meet the Parents
Meet the Parents
GoooseYou Are What You Wish10Aware Body_Swap MC MTF Stuck
Suddenly Sarah: Figuring out the Curriculum
Figuring out the Curriculum
GoooseYou Are What You Wish9Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Stuck Unaware
Business Trip: News Flash and Changing Stories
News Flash and Changing Stories
GoooseYou Are What You Wish10Age Aware BE FTF MTF TF Unaware
Suddenly Sarah: Karyn Makes Some Corrections
Karyn Makes Some Corrections
GoooseYou Are What You Wish8Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Stuck
Suddenly Sarah: A Slight Miscalculation
A Slight Miscalculation
GoooseYou Are What You Wish7Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Stuck
Suddenly Sarah: Karyn's Place
Karyn's Place
GoooseYou Are What You Wish6Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Super
Suddenly Sarah: Getting Ready
Getting Ready
GoooseYou Are What You Wish5Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF Stuck
Swap Class: The First Night
The First Night
GoooseYou Are What You Wish21Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi
Suddenly Sarah: A New Reflection
A New Reflection
GoooseYou Are What You Wish4Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Stuck
Business Trip: Coming up with a Plan
Coming up with a Plan
GoooseYou Are What You Wish8Aware MC Magic Unaware
Karyn (Alt)GoooseYou Are What You Wish3Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck
Time's upthisguy10101Altered Fates12Age Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
Royal Mistake: Jon's in Trouble
Jon immediately regrets this
Enjeubleu You Are What You Wish3Aware FTF MTF Myth
Eric experiments with his new boyfriendninhjimmy007The Drafting Board6Aware FTM SciFi TF Unaware
From girlfriend Lisa to cross-dressing boyfriend Levi
Lisa turns into a very convincing cross-dressing boy.
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board5Age Aware FTM SciFi Size TF Unaware
Lisa goes first go first"
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board4Age Aware FTF FTM MTF MTM SciFi TF Unaware
Eric and Lisa
A 17yr old guy and his loving girlfriend
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board3Age Aware BE FTF FTM MTF MTM Musc SciFi TF Unaware
Take a picture of his parents
his parents
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board4Aware Magic Myth TF Unaware
Jake buys camera
14 yr old boy
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board3Aware Magic Myth TF Unaware
Photographer selfie
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board4Aware Magic Myth TF Unaware
The Twin bros to Twin hoes
Twin brothers to twin sisters
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board5Aware FTF MTF Magic Myth SciFi TF Twin Unaware

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Oldest episodes

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