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Oldest episodes

Evelyn Mathison
Nate decides to use the potions on Evelyn Mathison
ThisIsNoOneThe Drafting Board13Age Magic
The two rivals met and I'm in the crossfire
taken outside for cheers. too bad Karyn is still my neighbor
h1240You Are What You Wish43Age Aware Bimbo MTF Unaware
Vickie Instantly Loves Her Daughters
Tim Forgets the Wish on Vickie
yuriteasYou Are What You Wish4Age MC MTF
ZLGT - A strong drink and a change in plansMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish34Age FTF SWI
ZLGT - off to the beachMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish33Age FTF
The First Available Body
Karyn Gives the Ring to Her Mother
yuriteasYou Are What You Wish4Age MTF Pos
Danny Tries the Medallion on a Sexy Cat-Girl CostumeyuriteasAltered Fates3Age MTF TF
Ben Makes a Big Mistake
Ben Decides the Medallion Would Make a Good Gift for Their Mother
yuriteasAltered Fates4Age Body_Swap FTM MTF
ZLGT - Things get more matureMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish32Age FTF SWI
My babysitter, Sarah
First interaction with Sarah
h1240You Are What You Wish42Age MTF Unaware
return of an old 'friend'
the horror of getting babysit
h1240You Are What You Wish41Age MTF Unaware
Ominous message
New class, same problems
h1240You Are What You Wish40Age MTF Unaware
ZLGT - Linda got GameMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish18Age FTM MC
A Mind to Match the Fit: Linda
Dissonance...but not for long.
MorphoHexYou Are What You Wish10Age Mem Unaware
Seeing the damage
damage assessment
h1240You Are What You Wish39Age MTF
Jon wishes to know where he stands in the world after his attempt to fix Sarah's wish.bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish10Age BE FTM Herm MTF Stuck
going home
h1240You Are What You Wish38Age MTF
Escaping Linda
leaving with Zoe
h1240You Are What You Wish37Age MTF
getting ready
off to dinner
h1240You Are What You Wish36Age BE MTF
Little dancer
Anna's first class
h1240You Are What You Wish35Age BE MTF
A dotting new Aunt
a further change
h1240You Are What You Wish34Age BE MTF
Interacting with a changed family
interacting with the changed family
h1240You Are What You Wish33Age BE MTF
Meeting Linda
same Linda and a new Mikey
h1240You Are What You Wish32Age BE MTF
echoes of the past, visions of the future
out of the salon
h1240You Are What You Wish31Age BE MTF
Mall makeover
a visit to the salon
h1240You Are What You Wish30Age BE MTF
out of the frying pan..
out of school, but off to the mall
h1240You Are What You Wish29Age BE MTF
Knocked out and a uncomfortable awakening
waking up after being knocked out
h1240You Are What You Wish28Age BE MTF
cheerleader tryouts
starting cheerleading tryouts
h1240You Are What You Wish27Age BE MTF
Familiar-ized: Sarah Wakes Up Again?
There's More Than One Sarah
Anonymous51You Are What You Wish7Age TF Twin Unaware
school begins
school starts
h1240You Are What You Wish26Age BE MTF
Mrs. Athena Claus: Athena is Forced to Act Like Mrs. Claus
Athena is Forced to Act Like Mrs. Claus
Anonymous51You Are What You Wish16Age Body_Swap Magic
Gothic Santa: 16-Year Old Non-Goth Jack Has 12-Year Old Goth Jon's Memories
16-Year Old Non-Goth Jack Has 12-Year Old Goth Jon's Memories
Anonymous51You Are What You Wish19Age Magic Mem
new school, new friends, new problems
Arriving att school
h1240You Are What You Wish25Age BE MTF
"Dressing the part part 2
Zoe gets ready
h1240You Are What You Wish24Age BE MTF
Dressing the part
Getting ready for the day
h1240You Are What You Wish23Age BE MTF
Tables reversedOrderly_NeutralYou Are What You Wish4Age
The Wish FulfillsMs. CorkYou Are What You Wish3Age MTF Magic Mem
Paradise Winds: The Big Switch
The Big Switch
GoooseYou Are What You Wish10Age Aware Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF SciFi
Zoe's Mom: Of Rivers and De-nial
Welcome to Your 30s Jon- You Can't Bend That Way Anymore
MaryMaryYou Are What You Wish21Age BE MTF
Suddenly Sarah: Missing all the Signs
Missing all the Signs
GoooseYou Are What You Wish27Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck TF Unaware
Family Swap: Karyn is Jon's Sister
Karyn is Jon's Sister (Alt)
The GuestYou Are What You Wish4Age Unaware
Ring of Veils: A Hopeful HeartPerriThe Drafting Board2Age Culture MTF Magic
McMillian house
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish10Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Magic Mem TF Unaware
Succubus: To School
To School
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish9Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Magic Size Super Unaware
Tap out - Jon gets fuckedMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish14Age FTM MTF
Tap Out - Jon gets a reminderMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish13Age FTM MTF
Tap out - Zoe answers some thingsMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish12Age FTM MTF
Tap Out - Linda and KarynMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish10Age FTM Part_Swap
A confusing daycomodo50The Drafting Board2Age Aware MTF TF
Lesson 2MightyMrJAltered Fates16Age FTF MTF
A little role playMightyMrJAltered Fates15Age FTF MTF
Transformation timeMightyMrJAltered Fates14Age FTF MTF
The McMillan Triplets: The Second Devries
The Second Devries
GoooseYou Are What You Wish21Age Aware FTF Magic Mem Unaware
DMU - EpilogueMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish146Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - Kim heads homeMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish145Age MTF Part_Swap
DMU - Kim’s Eventful afternoonMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish144Age FTM MTF Part_Swap
Chick for a Dick: Freaky Friday Night
Random wishes on a Friday night...
ekempo5000You Are What You Wish166Age Conjoin FTP Hive Inanimate Musc Myth Size TF Twin Unaware
Zoe's Mom: Mano a Mom-o
Zoe Defense Force To Arms!
MaryMaryYou Are What You Wish20Age BE MTF
The New Dynamic: Mother and Daughter
Mother and Daughter
The GuestYou Are What You Wish6Age Unaware
The Workmen: Meet the Gutfreunds
Meet the Gutfreunds
The GuestYou Are What You Wish107Age Unaware
Barb's Family Swap: More Questions than Answers
More Questions than Answers
The GuestYou Are What You Wish14Age Aware Unaware
Family replacement
remembers the new reality
T WYou Are What You Wish5Age FTM MTF
Suddenly Sarah: Bethany's Very Confusing Day
Bethany's Very Confusing Day
GoooseYou Are What You Wish25Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck
The New DynamicThe GuestYou Are What You Wish4Age Unaware
DMU- Lunchtime with the Ladies
DMU - Lunchtime with the ladies
MightyMrJYou Are What You Wish143Age FTF MTF Part_Swap
Suddenly Sarah: The New Two
The New Two
GoooseYou Are What You Wish23Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck
DMU - The new student bodiesMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish142Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Fairy Adoption: Snatching A Skill
Snatching a Skill
GoooseYou Are What You Wish13Age Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
Suddenly Sarah: Like Daughter, Like Mother
Like Daughter, Like Mother
GoooseYou Are What You Wish21Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck
Who's the BossGoooseYou Are What You Wish8Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck
Zoe's Mom: Skipping Down the Halls
I Get Older and They Stay the Same Age
MaryMaryYou Are What You Wish19Age MTF
First Person Spellcaster
F. P. S.
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish7Age BE MTF Magic Musc Size Stuck TF
DMU - Dawn of the final dayMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish141Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - new nightly routinesMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish140Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - the night concludesMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish139Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - Lorna’s little surpriseMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish138Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - The walk homeMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish137Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - the losers forfeitMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish136Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Karmic Family Swap: The Troublemaker
The Troublemaker
The GuestYou Are What You Wish15Age Unaware
DMU - the boys reactMightyMrJYou Are What You Wish135Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Karmic Family Swap: The Principal's Office
The Principal's Office
The GuestYou Are What You Wish14Age Unaware
Barb's Family Swap: Turning Japanese
Turning Japanese
The GuestYou Are What You Wish6Age Aware Culture FTF
Hold upthisguy10101Altered Fates18Age Aware MTF Magic
Mandatory Milf: Player 2
Making things more interesting
Enjeubleu You Are What You Wish9Age BE FTF MC Musc TF
Jon experimentsMarazh-noYou Are What You Wish7Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MTF Size TF Unaware
Ten Years Later
Ten years later...
ShadowYou Are What You Wish29Age FTM MTF Musc
Meeting the New Match
David enters
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish31Age Aware MTF TF
Mandatory Milf II: The Important Things in Life
The Important Things in Life
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish29Age MC MTF Magic Stuck
Mandatory Milf II: With Friends like These...
With Friends like These...
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish27Age MTF Stuck
Zoe's Mom: A Meeting of the Moms
Sisters, Sisters, There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters
MaryMaryYou Are What You Wish17Age MTF
Succubus-Genie Lily: The Climactic Moment
What a Cliffhanger, right?
MatisguyThe Drafting Board4Age Aware FTF Magic Myth Pos TF Unaware
Game nightthisguy10101Altered Fates16Age Aware MTF Magic
And yet so farthisguy10101Altered Fates15Age Aware MTF Magic
So closethisguy10101Altered Fates14Age Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
being Carlwhat1The Future of Gaming25Age Body_Swap
Reality Bytes (2)what1The Future of Gaming24Age
Maybe we could have fun together
Someone who could go with you (V2)
LimitedPowerThe Drafting Board14Age Aware BE MTF Magic Size
Family Swap: Where did Rachel, Kelly, and Gillian come from?
Where did Rachel, Kelly, and Gillian come from?
The GuestYou Are What You Wish19Age Unaware
Sarah Buys a DressMs. CorkYou Are What You Wish38Age FTF MC Magic
Susan Visits the Gibson HomeMs. CorkYou Are What You Wish37Age FTF MC Magic

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Oldest episodes

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