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25. Impossible to Ignore

24. And He Sinks Deeper into His O

23. forsure

22. "I've Been a Bad Girl..."

21. That's one way to get efficien

20. *Loud Horny Noises*

19. A safety valve

18. It Comes to Mind

17. A retrospective

16. A Big-Ass Problem

15. Timing is Key

14. A Litle Nippy in Here

13. Vocal Support

12. Self Care

11. David's Asent

10. Funtional Recall

9. Getting Handsy

8. Reflections

7. Own Home

6. (clarification)

Impossible to Ignore

on 2024-07-14 14:29:43

1252 hits, 151 views, 5 upvotes.


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Jon clenched his teeth as he eyed the newly dried Karyn up and down. She stared back, waiting for an answer to any of the rapid-fire questions she’d just given him.

“I… uh… Well…”

How could he possibly explain this? What could he say to justify what he’d done? ‘Yeah, I permanently turned myself into a helpless, horny milf so I could grind one out, but then wished I couldn’t even do that. You understand, right?’

Of course he couldn’t say that to her. She was a young woman in her own right, and like a daughter to Sue! I mean, Sue!
Oh, that was right. He couldn’t think of himself as anything besides Sue anymore. He could never go back to being… not Sue.
He glanced to his watch. Less than 150 seconds left.

“I have to go!” He squeaked out, before rotating his body to point his new ass towards Karyn and marching back into the hall outside his bedroom. Girlish whimpers escaped him with each step, which he knew would leave nothing of his horniness to Karyn’s imagination. He slammed the door shut behind him, and leaned his small but bulky frame back against it to keep her from following him.
Two minutes left. Even if he could somehow eke out a wish to get some sort of sexual gratification before he lost his magical power, his power would run out before he could reach it. Why was he still doing this? Why couldn’t he help himself? With so many thoughts in his head, he was helpless to hold back the long, loud groaning of absolute need.

“Jon!” Karyn cried out from the other side of the door. “Hey! Let me out of here! I’m trying to help you!” The doorknob wiggled, and Karyn pounded from the other side.
And was this really what he wanted from Karyn? He wanted the former people in his life to know about his helpless descent, and still be involved with his life as he went down the drain, but could he go for something hotter than her worrying concern?.

“I wish that anytime-” He paused, focused on his own voice. Thanks to his prior wish, he wasn’t stopped from speaking, but he still sounded hopelessly desperate for some kind of physical relief.
“-that whenever someone who knew I used to be Jon tried to help me, they couldn’t help but also tease me about my new body.”

Now even the solace of his friends would have some embarrassment to it. He’d never be able to escape the reminders about what he’d become.
Surely, that would be enough to satisfy him.

“I wish that the teasing was merciless,” he whined. “And that the more I pushed back against it, the more they would do it.”
Okay, there. THAT would be enough.

“I wish that even when they weren’t teasing me, my body and my behavior was always a topic of conversation. It would be hard for us to talk about anything else without some real effort. I wish that even then, it would only be a matter of time before we came back to it.”
Alright, there was definitely no possible way that wouldn’t be enough to-

“I wish everyone noticed and was even mildly annoyed by how every conversation seems to keep turning back to my new form.”
There, done and-

“I wish people almost always blamed me for my body being brought up over and over again, even though I’d hate it and would want to talk about almost anything else.”
The timer was ticking down, less than a minute left now. It had been a good ride, but now it was at its end.
There was barely a thought in his head as he cried out his last grasping idea in a terrified ecstasy.

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