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Oldest episodes

Improvised Worldbuilding: Meet the Team
Meet the Team
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish6BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Size Stuck TF
Improvised Worldbuilding
Surprise, surprise, it's a generic fantasy world.
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish5BE MTF Magic Myth Stuck TF
Succubus: Longboarder
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish13Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC Magic Mem Myth Stuck Super TF Unaware
The Planning Begins
Nate begins planning how to use his potions
ThisIsNoOneThe Drafting Board11BE Magic Musc Size
How Jon's new body works and his new life.bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish11BE FTM Herm MTF Magic Stuck TF Unaware
Jon wishes to know where he stands in the world after his attempt to fix Sarah's wish.bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish10Age BE FTM Herm MTF Stuck
getting ready
off to dinner
h1240You Are What You Wish36Age BE MTF
TG/BE Potion: They both get splashed
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish7BE FTM MTF Musc Size TF
Little dancer
Anna's first class
h1240You Are What You Wish35Age BE MTF
A dotting new Aunt
a further change
h1240You Are What You Wish34Age BE MTF
ChangesMarazh-noYou Are What You Wish8Aware BE MTF
Next DayMarazh-noYou Are What You Wish8Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Mem TF Unaware
Interacting with a changed family
interacting with the changed family
h1240You Are What You Wish33Age BE MTF
Meeting Linda
same Linda and a new Mikey
h1240You Are What You Wish32Age BE MTF
echoes of the past, visions of the future
out of the salon
h1240You Are What You Wish31Age BE MTF
Mall makeover
a visit to the salon
h1240You Are What You Wish30Age BE MTF
Stephanie is Home
Nate finds Stephanie waiting for him on Monday
ThisIsNoOneThe Drafting Board6Aware BE Culture FTF Magic Mem Size
out of the frying pan..
out of school, but off to the mall
h1240You Are What You Wish29Age BE MTF
Knocked out and a uncomfortable awakening
waking up after being knocked out
h1240You Are What You Wish28Age BE MTF
Inside Stephanie's House
Nate goes inside Stephanie's home
ThisIsNoOneThe Drafting Board3BE FTF Magic Musc Size Unaware
cheerleader tryouts
starting cheerleading tryouts
h1240You Are What You Wish27Age BE MTF
school begins
school starts
h1240You Are What You Wish26Age BE MTF
new school, new friends, new problems
Arriving att school
h1240You Are What You Wish25Age BE MTF
"Dressing the part part 2
Zoe gets ready
h1240You Are What You Wish24Age BE MTF
Dressing the part
Getting ready for the day
h1240You Are What You Wish23Age BE MTF
Zoe's turn
changes continue
h1240You Are What You Wish22BE MTF
nothing good happens after 2am
an early moring wakeup
h1240You Are What You Wish21BE MTF
Zoe's Mom: Of Rivers and De-nial
Welcome to Your 30s Jon- You Can't Bend That Way Anymore
MaryMaryYou Are What You Wish21Age BE MTF
Suddenly Sarah: Missing all the Signs
Missing all the Signs
GoooseYou Are What You Wish27Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck TF Unaware
McMillian house
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish10Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Magic Mem TF Unaware
Picture Perfect
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish5BE Bimbo MTF Mem Unaware
Succubus: To School
To School
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish9Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Magic Size Super Unaware
Victoria: Ted Investigates
Ted Investigates
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish9Aware BE Bimbo MC Mem TF Unaware
The Busty BrewMcThe Drafting Board2BE
Mandatory Milf: Karyn Dominates the Competition
Karyn takes an early lead
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish10BE FTF MTF TF
Zoe's Mom: Mano a Mom-o
Zoe Defense Force To Arms!
MaryMaryYou Are What You Wish20Age BE MTF
Suddenly Sarah: It's Good to be the Queen
It's Good to be the Queen
GoooseYou Are What You Wish24Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck
Fairy Adoption: Snatching A Skill
Snatching a Skill
GoooseYou Are What You Wish13Age Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
Suddenly Sarah: The First Three Wake Up
The First Three Wake up
GoooseYou Are What You Wish22Aware BE Body_Swap FTF FTM MC MTF Magic Mem Size Stuck TF
Suddenly Sarah: Like Daughter, Like Mother
Like Daughter, Like Mother
GoooseYou Are What You Wish21Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck
Jon's Dating Blunder: The Trip to the Oracle
Stumbling to Karyn's
GoooseYou Are What You Wish11Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic Stuck TF
Suddenly Sarah: Bethany BlackGoooseYou Are What You Wish20BE Magic Mem Unaware
Who's the BossGoooseYou Are What You Wish8Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck
First Person Spellcaster
F. P. S.
MatisguyYou Are What You Wish7Age BE MTF Magic Musc Size Stuck TF
Jon's Dating Blunder: Everything's Normal
Everything's Normal
GoooseYou Are What You Wish7BE Bimbo MC MTF Magic Mem Stuck TF
Jon's Dating Blunder: Jenni's Dream Girl
Jenni's Dream Girl
GoooseYou Are What You Wish6Aware BE MTF TF
Disco Galaxy: Player 2... And 2.1, and 2.2...
Cut to one of the others
Enjeubleu The Drafting Board5Anthro BE FTF Hive
Disco Galaxy: Naomi the sexy alien lady
What does she wake up to?
Enjeubleu The Drafting Board4BE FTF SciFi Size Super
Mandatory Milf: Player 2
Making things more interesting
Enjeubleu You Are What You Wish9Age BE FTF MC Musc TF
Jon experimentsMarazh-noYou Are What You Wish7Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MTF Size TF Unaware
Ronald doesn't realize how this worksMarazh-noYou Are What You Wish36Aware BE Bimbo MTF Magic Size TF Unaware
Turnabout and retreatMarazh-noYou Are What You Wish35Aware BE MTF Stuck
Jon selects underwearMarazh-noYou Are What You Wish11Aware BE MTF Mem Unaware
Mandaory Milf II: Expecting Some Family Time
The two prepare for David as best they can
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish30Aware BE MTF TF
Mandatory Milf II: Further Down and Further Out
Further Down and Further Out
Fungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish28Aware BE MTF Stuck TF
Using a LoopholeFungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish26Aware BE MTF TF
Impossible to IgnoreFungi & FlowersYou Are What You Wish25Aware BE MTF TF
Succubus-Genie Lily: Airplane!
What could go wrong?
MatisguyThe Drafting Board3Aware BE FTF MC Magic Mem Myth Pos Size TF Unaware
Maybe we could have fun together
Someone who could go with you (V2)
LimitedPowerThe Drafting Board14Age Aware BE MTF Magic Size
Fairy Adoption: Ruminations
GoooseYou Are What You Wish12Age Aware BE MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
Fairy Adoption: Meet the Goodfellows
Meet the Goodfellows
GoooseYou Are What You Wish11Aware BE FTF MC Magic Myth Twin Unaware
Fairy Adoption: Robyn the Fairy Princess
Robyn the Fairy Princess
GoooseYou Are What You Wish8Age Aware BE Culture MC MTF Magic Myth TF
The McMillan Triplets: Getting Zelda on Board
Getting Zelda on Board
GoooseYou Are What You Wish20Age Aware BE FTF MTF Magic TF
UnReality Show 2: How Helen Met Luna
How Helen Met Luna
GoooseYou Are What You Wish8Age Aware BE FTF MTF Musc SciFi Stuck TF
UnReality Show 2: The Costume Department
The Costume Department
GoooseYou Are What You Wish7Aware BE FTF FTM MTF SciFi TF
Transform Your Girlfriend - Transform Or Dare: 1st Girlfriend Regeneration
Regeneration Like Doctor Who
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board5Age Aware BE Culture FTF Magic Size TF
Transform Your Girlfriend - Transform Or Dare: Into Anyone You Want
Become anyone you want
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board5Age BE Bimbo Culture FTF MC Magic Size Super TF
Bonding time with shapeshifting girlfriend/mom turned sister
...your 'mom' is now your 'sister' wearing a cute blue prom mini dress.
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board15Age BE Bimbo FTF Super TF
Shapeshift Together
Have your girlfriend shapeshift you.
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board13Age BE Culture FTF MTF Size Super TF Unaware
Transform Your Girlfriend - TF Bra: Your Girlfriend Becomes a MILF
A Curvy MILF
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board5Age BE FTF Magic Size TF
Clothes...Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish7Aware BE Unaware
Bus part 2Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish16BE Bimbo FTF MTF TF Unaware
The Bus
Bus to school
Marazh-noYou Are What You Wish15BE MTF TF Unaware
UnReality Show 2: And the Rest
And the Rest
GoooseYou Are What You Wish6Age Aware BE FTF FTM MTF Musc SciFi TF
UnReality Show 2: Mrs. Luna Nguyen Richmond
Mrs. Luna Nguyen Richmond
GoooseYou Are What You Wish5Age Aware BE MTF SciFi TF
The McMillan Triplets: Turns Out You Can Pick Your Family
Turns Out You Can Pick Your Family
GoooseYou Are What You Wish18Age Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic TF
The McMillan Triplets: Uh, What Do We Make Again?
Uh What do We Make Again?
GoooseYou Are What You Wish17Age Aware BE FTF MC MTF Twin Unaware
The McMillan Triplets: Building a Better In-Law
Building a Better In-Law
GoooseYou Are What You Wish15Age Aware BE FTF MC TF
Transform Your Girlfriend - Bodysuit: Your Girlfriend Become Huge-Titted Granny
A huge-breasted old lady
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board4Age BE FTF MC SciFi Size TF
Transform Your Girlfriend - Bodysuit: You're Out And Your GF/Mom Explore the Suit
You decide to leave the suit
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board9Age BE FTF FTM MC SciFi TF
Transform Your Girlfriend - Bodysuit: Your Girlfriend Play A Little Prank on you
She pranks on you by transform herself into someone else while you sleep.
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board8Age BE FTF FTM SciFi Size TF
The McMillan Triplets: Happy Wife, Happy Life
Happy Wife, Happy Life
GoooseYou Are What You Wish13Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTF Unaware
The McMillan Triplets: Aftermath
GoooseYou Are What You Wish12Aware BE Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF Unaware
Giving Up, for Lacrosse
Angela plays along with Jon's twisted game
JumpManYou Are What You Wish5BE
Respect from a JackassHoneybunniYou Are What You Wish26BE Bimbo
Karyn reacts to her breast-consciousnessJumpManYou Are What You Wish6Aware BE
Conducting Research
Jon studies the world of virgin boobs
JumpManYou Are What You Wish5BE Unaware
Mrs Cummins' SlideshowHoneybunniYou Are What You Wish9BE Bimbo Unaware
Suddenly Sarah: The Next Morning
The Next Morning
GoooseYou Are What You Wish11Aware BE Body_Swap MC MTF Stuck
Business Trip: News Flash and Changing Stories
News Flash and Changing Stories
GoooseYou Are What You Wish10Age Aware BE FTF MTF TF Unaware
Suddenly Sarah: A Slight Miscalculation
A Slight Miscalculation
GoooseYou Are What You Wish7Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Stuck
Suddenly Sarah: Karyn's Place
Karyn's Place
GoooseYou Are What You Wish6Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Super
Suddenly Sarah: A New Reflection
A New Reflection
GoooseYou Are What You Wish4Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Stuck
Jon and the Cheerleaders Face OffMs. CorkYou Are What You Wish9BE MC MTF Magic Size
MGIAS - From Girlfriend/Ava Addams 2 Hitomi Tanaka
Hitomi Tanaka
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board15Age BE FTF Super TF
MGIAS - More Porno Videos With Girlfriend/Ava Addams
Watch another porno video, this time a different pornstar.
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board14Age BE FTF Size Super TF
MGIAS - Oh just the delivery mailman, it's okay, now.
It's just the delivery man.
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board15Age BE FTF Size Super TF
MGIAS - Oh no, Someone's here, Your Girlfriend/Ava Addams need to hide
Uh oh, somebody here.
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board14Age BE FTF Size Super TF
Transform Your Girlfriend - Bodysuit: Sharing is Caring
She makes both you and her put on the same suit while you sleep.
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board8Age BE FTF MTF SciFi Size TF
Eric and Lisa
A 17yr old guy and his loving girlfriend
ninhjimmy007The Drafting Board3Age Aware BE FTF FTM MTF MTM Musc SciFi TF Unaware

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Oldest episodes

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