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Oldest episodes

Sarah's BDE: Sarah Gets to Work
Sarah Gets to Work
Ms. Cork14FTM MC MTF
Sarah's BDE: Straightening Them Out
Straightening Them Out
Ms. Cork13FTM MC MTF
Sarah's BDE: Marching Into That Locker Room
Marching Into That Locker Room
Ms. Cork12FTM MC MTF
Jon’s dayMightyMrJ9MTF
Jon goes shoppingMightyMrJ8MTF
Chick for a Dick: First Morning as a Chick
Wakey wakey, Jen
ekempo5000168Aware FTP Herm Inanimate ML MTF
Game OverMs. Cork12MC MTF Mem
Yoga LessonMs. Cork11MC MTF
Jon Makes Karyn's WishMs. Cork10MC MTF
Locker RoomsMs. Cork9MC MTF Mem Twin
Lunch and KarynMs. Cork8MC MTF Mem
Fitting Problems: Missing Clothes
Missing Clothes
Marazh-no8Aware MTF
Back to Reality (mostly)Ms. Cork6MC MTF Mem
Sarah Leads Jon AwayMs. Cork5MC MTF Twin
Chick for a Dick: Chick is Cock
Karyn wakes up first
ekempo5000167Aware FTP Inanimate MTF Mem
Suddenly Sarah: Necessary Conversations
Necessary Conversations
Gooose26Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Mem Stuck
Tap Out : Linda’s MorningMightyMrJ7Aware FTM MTF
Tap Out - Jon gets dressedMightyMrJ6Aware MTF
Tapping OutMightyMrJ5Aware FTM MTF
DMU - EpilogueMightyMrJ146Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - Kim heads homeMightyMrJ145Age MTF Part_Swap
DMU - Kim’s Eventful afternoonMightyMrJ144Age FTM MTF Part_Swap
Mandatory Milf: Karyn Dominates the Competition
Karyn takes an early lead
Fungi & Flowers10BE FTF MTF TF
Zoe's Mom: Mano a Mom-o
Zoe Defense Force To Arms!
MaryMary20Age BE MTF
Family replacement
remembers the new reality
Suddenly Sarah: Bethany's Very Confusing Day
Bethany's Very Confusing Day
Gooose25Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck
Jonnie's Alpha B Week: Day OneChristine L.4MTF Unaware
Suddenly Sarah: It's Good to be the Queen
It's Good to be the Queen
Gooose24Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck
DMU- Lunchtime with the Ladies
DMU - Lunchtime with the ladies
MightyMrJ143Age FTF MTF Part_Swap
Suddenly Sarah: The New Two
The New Two
Gooose23Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck
DMU - The new student bodiesMightyMrJ142Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Fairy Adoption: Snatching A Skill
Snatching a Skill
Gooose13Age Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
FPSpellcaster: Rules of the Game
Rules of the Game
Matisguy8MC MTF Magic TF
Suddenly Sarah: The First Three Wake Up
The First Three Wake up
Gooose22Aware BE Body_Swap FTF FTM MC MTF Magic Mem Size Stuck TF
Suddenly Sarah: Like Daughter, Like Mother
Like Daughter, Like Mother
Gooose21Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck
Jon's Dating Blunder: The Trip to the Oracle
Stumbling to Karyn's
Gooose11Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic Stuck TF
Jon's Dating Blunder: Leilani
Learning more about Leilani
Marazh-no10Aware FTF MTF Mem TF
Uniform mix-up: Karyn asks him out
Karyn asks him out
Jibbit14FTM MTF
Uniform mix-up: Jon gets a makeover
Jon gets a makeover
Uniform mix-up: Cafeteria Blackmail
Sarah blackmails Jon
Who's the BossGooose8Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck
Suddenly Sarah: Riding High
Riding High
Gooose19Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck
Jon's Dating Blunder: Jenni to Leilani
Jenni to Leilani
Gooose9Aware FTF MC MTF Part_Swap TF
Zoe's Mom: Skipping Down the Halls
I Get Older and They Stay the Same Age
MaryMary19Age MTF
First Person Spellcaster
F. P. S.
Matisguy7Age BE MTF Magic Musc Size Stuck TF
Transformation Guns: McMillan Tech Industries' First Cheerleaders
Milt to Millie
Christine L.110Aware MTF
DMU - Dawn of the final dayMightyMrJ141Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Zoe's Mom: Yes And? or Thoughts While Slowing Traffic
Zoe Just Opened a Big Ol' Can of Whup-Ass and it's Light on the Whup
Jon's Dating Blunder: Everything's Normal
Everything's Normal
Gooose7BE Bimbo MC MTF Magic Mem Stuck TF
Jon's Dating Blunder: Jenni's Dream Girl
Jenni's Dream Girl
Gooose6Aware BE MTF TF
DMU - new nightly routinesMightyMrJ140Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - the night concludesMightyMrJ139Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - Lorna’s little surpriseMightyMrJ138Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Uniform mix-up: Cookery class
Cookery class
Uniform mix-up: Karyn gives an encouraging spank
Karyn gives an encouraging spank
Jibbit10FTM MTF
DMU - The walk homeMightyMrJ137Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - the losers forfeitMightyMrJ136Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU - the boys reactMightyMrJ135Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Jon's Dating Blunder: Jon fixes this?
Jon fixes this?
Marazh-no5Aware MTF Stuck
Sarah dresses JonMarazh-no12Aware FTF MTF
Jon experimentsMarazh-no7Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MTF Size TF Unaware
What you expectedMarazh-no6Aware MTF Unaware
Ronald doesn't realize how this worksMarazh-no36Aware BE Bimbo MTF Magic Size TF Unaware
Turnabout and retreatMarazh-no35Aware BE MTF Stuck
Jon selects underwearMarazh-no11Aware BE MTF Mem Unaware
Ten Years Later
Ten years later...
Shadow29Age FTM MTF Musc
Mandatory Milf II: Prodigal Son
He returns home
Fungi & Flowers32Aware MTF TF
Meeting the New Match
David enters
Fungi & Flowers31Age Aware MTF TF
Mandaory Milf II: Expecting Some Family Time
The two prepare for David as best they can
Fungi & Flowers30Aware BE MTF TF
Mandatory Milf II: The Important Things in Life
The Important Things in Life
Matisguy29Age MC MTF Magic Stuck
Mandatory Milf II: Further Down and Further Out
Further Down and Further Out
Fungi & Flowers28Aware BE MTF Stuck TF
Mandatory Milf II: With Friends like These...
With Friends like These...
Matisguy27Age MTF Stuck
Using a LoopholeFungi & Flowers26Aware BE MTF TF
Impossible to IgnoreFungi & Flowers25Aware BE MTF TF
Zoe's Mom: A Meeting of the Moms
Sisters, Sisters, There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters
MaryMary17Age MTF
Michelle's Eggscapades: Tara?
A wish for understanding
Suddenly Sarah: Who Wears the Short Shorts
Who Wears the Short Shorts
Gooose18Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic
Zoe's Mom: Pour Over, Pastries, and a Picosecond of Peace
It Starts With a Tight-End and Finishes with a Loose End
Jocelynne's BlogMs. Cork39MTF Magic Mem TF
Cat's next classIce28Aware MTF
Toy trouble
push the button Jon
Cardboard5Anthro Body_Swap FTM Inanimate MTF Stuck TF
Cheerful: Thinking about Karyn is kind of hard...MrScade12Aware MC MTF
Jon becomes hotterIce10Aware MTF
LunchIce15Aware MTF
Sitting like a lady
Their next class
Ice14Aware MTF
Back to CatJadeLove27Bimbo MTF
A text from SarahIce17Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
DMU - Lara’s little ideaMightyMrJ134Age FTF MTF Part_Swap TF
Jon has a crush
Making Jon like guys?
Ice13Aware MTF Magic
Putting on makeupIce12Aware MTF Magic
Sexy Girly Girl: Testing his valley girl voice
Jon tests his voice
Ice16Aware Bimbo MTF
Sexy Girly Girl: Testing the Compulsions
Jon tests the compulsions
Ice15Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
Sexy Girly Girl: Coming to His Senses
Jon Comes to His Senses
Ice14Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
Sexy Girly Girl: Jon Takes Some Selfies
Jon is distracted by the urge to show off
Ice13Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
Jon's Internal MonologueIce12Aware Bimbo MTF Magic
Fairy Adoption: Ruminations
Gooose12Age Aware BE MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
Suddenly Sarah: Like a Slap to the Face
Like a Slap to the Face
Gooose17Aware FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck Unaware
Fairy Adoption: Making Themselves at Home
Making Themselves at Home
Gooose10MC MTF Magic Myth
Fairy Adoption: Mischief in the Making
Mischief in the Making
Gooose9Aware MTF Magic Myth
Jon the Entirely Normal Girl: The Facts of Life
Joni and her sister have a talk...
nothingsp9MTF TF

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Oldest episodes

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