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Oldest episodes

The two rivals met and I'm in the crossfire
taken outside for cheers. too bad Karyn is still my neighbor
h124043Age Aware Bimbo MTF Unaware
Karyn Adjusts for Vickie
Vickie Takes Things a Step Further
yuriteas5MTF TF
Vickie Instantly Loves Her Daughters
Tim Forgets the Wish on Vickie
yuriteas4Age MC MTF
Losing 15 Years
Karyn Placed the Ring on Her Own Finger
yuriteas4MTF Mem Pos
Pete's New Body
Deciding on a Body
yuriteas9MTF TF
A Class Jon Will Never Forget
Victoria Goes to Class
yuriteas5MTF Mem Pos
Biff Uses the Time Machine to See Sarah
The Machine Appears Before Biff
yuriteas3MTF Mem Pos SciFi
The First Available Body
Karyn Gives the Ring to Her Mother
yuriteas4Age MTF Pos
Not What Jon Expected
Kimberly's Poorly Worded Wish
My babysitter, Sarah
First interaction with Sarah
h124042Age MTF Unaware
Hunter6Culture MC MTF
Improvised Worldbuilding: Meet the Team
Meet the Team
Matisguy6BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Size Stuck TF
return of an old 'friend'
the horror of getting babysit
h124041Age MTF Unaware
Ominous message
New class, same problems
h124040Age MTF Unaware
Improvised Worldbuilding
Surprise, surprise, it's a generic fantasy world.
Matisguy5BE MTF Magic Myth Stuck TF
Seeing the damage
damage assessment
h124039Age MTF
How Jon's new body works and his new life.bigbustgazer11BE FTM Herm MTF Magic Stuck TF Unaware
Jon wishes to know where he stands in the world after his attempt to fix Sarah's wish.bigbustgazer10Age BE FTM Herm MTF Stuck
going home
h124038Age MTF
Escaping Linda
leaving with Zoe
h124037Age MTF
getting ready
off to dinner
h124036Age BE MTF
Uninteresting GenderbendMatisguy4FTM MTF Unaware
TG/BE Potion: They both get splashed
bigbustgazer7BE FTM MTF Musc Size TF
Little dancer
Anna's first class
h124035Age BE MTF
A dotting new Aunt
a further change
h124034Age BE MTF
ChangesMarazh-no8Aware BE MTF
Assembly dismissalMarazh-no7MTF
Next DayMarazh-no8Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Mem TF Unaware
Interacting with a changed family
interacting with the changed family
h124033Age BE MTF
Meeting Linda
same Linda and a new Mikey
h124032Age BE MTF
echoes of the past, visions of the future
out of the salon
h124031Age BE MTF
We learn by listening.
We cannot look inward at others' minds.
AnonyMouse26MC MTF Magic Unaware
Mall makeover
a visit to the salon
h124030Age BE MTF
Going homeMelanie Dupont11MTF
Jumping into actionMelanie Dupont10MTF
Jessica is friends with KarynMelanie Dupont8MTF
Plotting revengeMelanie Dupont6MTF
(Aside: Sonnet Side Up)
(Apropos of nothing, a sonnet!)
nothingsp10MTF TF
Jess goes to her new roomMelanie Dupont5MTF
New Roles 2Melanie Dupont4MTF
out of the frying pan..
out of school, but off to the mall
h124029Age BE MTF
Knocked out and a uncomfortable awakening
waking up after being knocked out
h124028Age BE MTF
A blade that is never sharpened eventually cannot cut.
If you mean to use a blade in the future, tend to it now.
AnonyMouse25MC MTF Magic Unaware
Royal Mistake: Sisterly Teasing
If that's Athena, then where's Zoe?
Matisguy14MC MTF Magic Mem Stuck
Michelle and Trevor: Something in Common
An accidental wish
cheerleader tryouts
starting cheerleading tryouts
h124027Age BE MTF
Royal Mistake: Jon wakes up the next morning
Jon wakes up the next day
Enjeubleu 11MTF Myth Stuck Unaware
school begins
school starts
h124026Age BE MTF
Mrs. Jon Claus: Karyn Doesn't Want to Lose Martha
Karyn Uses the Stone on Martha
Anonymous5117MTF Magic
Santa Karyn: When He's Mrs. Claus, She Forgets Being Jon
Santa Karyn Manipulates Jon's Memories, When He's Mrs. Claus
Anonymous5118MTF Magic Mem
new school, new friends, new problems
Arriving att school
h124025Age BE MTF
"Dressing the part part 2
Zoe gets ready
h124024Age BE MTF
Dressing the part
Getting ready for the day
h124023Age BE MTF
Zoe's turn
changes continue
h124022BE MTF
nothing good happens after 2am
an early moring wakeup
h124021BE MTF
Back homeh124020MTF
changes or just paranoiah124019MTF
off to the mallh124018MTF
CS: Michelle is American Now
Michelle is American Now
Ms. Cork25Culture MC MTF Magic
seeing the damageh124017MTF
The Wish FulfillsMs. Cork3Age MTF Magic Mem
Where is a Hot Date When You Need One
Tim wants a date for the school dance.
Changes All Around
Shoping for Clothes (Alt)
Living the College Life as Elizabeth Carter
Elizabeth Carter his childhood babysitter
CS: Andi Really Hates Video Games Now
Andi Really Hates Video Games Now
Ms. Cork24MC MTF Magic
CS: Playing Billiards and Losing Some Balls
Playing Billiards and Losing Some Balls
Ms. Cork23MC MTF Magic
CS: Gladys Loves a Buffet
Gladys Loves a Buffet
Ms. Cork22MC MTF Magic
CS: Making Videos at Emma's Sleepover
Making Videos at Emma's Sleepover
Ms. Cork21MC MTF Magic
CS: Jay Duncan Switches Teams
Jay Duncan Switches Teams
Ms. Cork20MC MTF Magic
CS: Sarah McMillan Gets the Stone
Sarah McMillan Gets the Stone
Ms. Cork19MC MTF Magic
CS: Meanwhile, at Karyn's House
Meanwhile, at Karyn's House
Ms. Cork18MC MTF Magic
Paradise Winds: The Big Switch
The Big Switch
Gooose10Age Aware Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF SciFi
Zoe's Mom: Of Rivers and De-nial
Welcome to Your 30s Jon- You Can't Bend That Way Anymore
MaryMary21Age BE MTF
Suddenly Sarah: Unfair Comparisons
Unfair Comparisons
Gooose28Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck
Transformation Guns: The new head cheerleader of McMillan Tech Industries
The Cheerleader Gun zaps Richard McMillan
Christine L.115Aware MTF TF
Suddenly Sarah: Missing all the Signs
Missing all the Signs
Gooose27Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic Stuck TF Unaware
Third Eye: A Vedic Twist
A Vedic Twist
Perri5Culture FTF MTF Myth
Poor Wording
Female—Poor Wording
McMillian house
Marazh-no10Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Magic Mem TF Unaware
Picture Perfect
Marazh-no5BE Bimbo MTF Mem Unaware
Succubus: To School
To School
Marazh-no9Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MC MTF Magic Size Super Unaware
Transformation Guns: Ryanne's story, and Quarterson's decision
Ryanne tells her story, and Quarterson makes a decision
Christine L.112FTM MTF TF
Transformation Guns: Rachel's perspective on the previous hour
We see what Rachel has been doing while her friends have been busy
Christine L.111MTF TF
Tap out - Jon gets fuckedMightyMrJ14Age FTM MTF
Tap Out - Jon gets a reminderMightyMrJ13Age FTM MTF
Tap out - Zoe answers some thingsMightyMrJ12Age FTM MTF
Tap Out - dad comes homeMightyMrJ11FTM MTF
DMU-122: Robert Breaks Down
Robert Breaks Down
The Guest146MTF
Sarah's BDE: Sarah Gets to Work
Sarah Gets to Work
Ms. Cork14FTM MC MTF
Sarah's BDE: Straightening Them Out
Straightening Them Out
Ms. Cork13FTM MC MTF
Sarah's BDE: Marching Into That Locker Room
Marching Into That Locker Room
Ms. Cork12FTM MC MTF
Jon’s dayMightyMrJ9MTF
Jon goes shoppingMightyMrJ8MTF
Chick for a Dick: First Morning as a Chick
Wakey wakey, Jen
ekempo5000168Aware FTP Herm Inanimate ML MTF
Game OverMs. Cork12MC MTF Mem
Yoga LessonMs. Cork11MC MTF
Jon Makes Karyn's WishMs. Cork10MC MTF
Locker RoomsMs. Cork9MC MTF Mem Twin
Lunch and KarynMs. Cork8MC MTF Mem
Fitting Problems: Missing Clothes
Missing Clothes
Marazh-no8Aware MTF

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Oldest episodes

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