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27. With Friends like These...

26. Using a Loophole

25. Impossible to Ignore

24. And He Sinks Deeper into His O

23. forsure

22. "I've Been a Bad Girl..."

21. That's one way to get efficien

20. *Loud Horny Noises*

19. A safety valve

18. It Comes to Mind

17. A retrospective

16. A Big-Ass Problem

15. Timing is Key

14. A Litle Nippy in Here

13. Vocal Support

12. Self Care

11. David's Asent

10. Funtional Recall

9. Getting Handsy

8. Reflections

Mandatory Milf II: With Friends like These...

avatar on 2024-07-16 18:00:48

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Age MTF Stuck

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After the gate clanged shut behind Biff, the only sound to be heard for a long moment was my own body, squelching in my clothes as I waddled on over to a patio chair, plopping down gracelessly. God, I'm soaking wet, I thought, looking down at my ruined, transparent clothes. Karyn had come up behind me while I was ogling myself; when I realized she was trying to help take my shirt off, I jumped.

"KARYN!" I sang out in my new soprano before my body could finish jiggling. "What are you doing?"

"Getting your fat ass out of those clothes before they give you a rash. C'mon, we're both girls here. We are now."

"Uh...Ahn~..." I stammered, glowing crimson red but not resisting anymore as Karyn unhooked my oversized, custom bra in the back. "K-Karyn, I'm not... Ooooh~..."

"You are now," She repeated firmly. "And let's not pretend for a moment that you don't want this. I mean, my God!" She exclaimed as my huge, heaving bazongas bounced free on my new chest, glistening in their nudity. "Did you wish to be your favorite pornstar for a day, busty?"

"N-no..." I whimpered and whined as I was being shamed. Topless, in front of Karen, humiliated... God... "You think I like being stuck like this!?"

"Yes," Karyn said flatly, as she shimmied me out of my pants. (Of course my hips nearly bumped her head). "There's only one reasonable way you could've gotten a body as absurd as that anyway, you little airhead. Where's the Stone?"

Instinctively, I tried to reach into my pocket. I wish I would never be comfortable with being nude around other women was on my lips. But, hang on, I was just groping bare ass? Oh, right. I was naked, and Karyn rolled her eyes, as I was involuntarily posing once again. "Uh? Where IS the stone!?" I bent over to look through my pants, giving Karen a perfect shot of my ass as I searched.

"Never mind, I see it." Soon, Karyn had stripped down too. "It's at the bottom of the pool. Don't get up, buoy boobies, you couldn't sink if you tried." Karen jumped in, and emerged moments later with the Stone in hand.

"OooOOooohhh~..." My knees grew weak, seeing my best friend emerging from the pool naked for the first time. She was everything I wasn't: skinny, fit, young, strong... She was even taller than I was by a good few inches. The only real quantity of fat to see was concentrated on her wish-enhanced chest, and that was still perky, that and supple in the way only youth could have. My giant, wobbly milf udders couldn't compare for shape.

Maybe 10 minutes left to make those ridiculous udders even worse for me. I need that stone back!

"Keep it," I said. My eyes widened in horror.

"What?" Karyn asked, once out and towelled off.

"I said keep it!" I repeated in sudden panic. I was saying the opposite of what I wanted. "Don't you see what that thing did to me!? I hate this! I'm stuck looking like Jessica Rabbit's chubby klutzy sister after three kids and an ice cream diet! You have to fix me! If I get that Stone I'll just keep playing with my stupid body!"

"Okay, okay, I get it," Karyn muttered. "I wish that only I could use the Stone for the next hour."

And that was that. That was much longer than the old time limit. I was now, truly, inevitably, going to be stuck as Sue forever. I hadn't even planned this; I couldn't stop myself from letting out a long, lusty moan.

"Lemme try to help you," Karyn announced. "I wish that Milky-tits over there would Moo like a cow whorishly and humiliatingly anytime her breasts got any physical attention."

Karyn blinked. I blinked. Nothing seemed to happen. Gently, slowly, I brought one of my tiny fingers up to my chest and poked a nipple.

"Mmmmhmmmnnnhhhmmm..." I clenched my face shut to try and stop it, but no use. There wasn't any sexual pleasure involved, my earlier wish had made sure of that; but all the same, just like with sexual stimulation, there was something about it that just made my diaphragm clamp and my throat rumble somehow. When I pinched that nipple, there was nothing I could do to prevent a loud, sexy "MOOOO" from escaping my lips.

"What the hell?" Karyn asked. "I didn't mean to wish that! I was just trying to help you turn back to normal, like I said! I wish that Fatty here could only ever wear clothes too small for her."

"KARYN!" It was subtle, but all the wet clothes Karyn and I peeled off had just shrunk a little. I was going to spend the rest of my life cramming my fat curves into clothes that hugged me way too tightly, showing off way too much and making me way too uncomfortable, just because I didn't want to accept the reality of how big I was. Looking back into my memories as Sue, it seemed that weight-consciousness was already normal for her.

"Jon." Karyn's tone betrayed a test of her patience. "Did you make a wish that caused this?"

"I-I didn't..." Whenever someone who knows I was Jon tries to help me rang in my head. "...wish for this..." they couldn't help but also tease me about my new body. "... specifically..."


"People who try to help me have to tease me instead!" I blurted out. "You're trying to help me, but instead you're making fun of me with your wishes!"

"Why the hell would you wish for that!? God, you are such a ditz now," Karyn scoffed, putting her hands on her (thin, lithe, jealousy-inducing) hips. "Whatever. I just need to think of a way around that. And whatever other perverted wishes made you look like you came from," she added, snidely. Then, with a sigh, she put a hand to her chin and gave the situation a moment's thought.

Unfortunately, the stone was still in her hand, and trying to think of a loophole still counted as trying to help Jon.

"I wish that anyone with the stone will feel compelled to use it to tease you, or sexualize you, or play with your body, or shame you."

I gasped in shock. Karyn did too, at first, but then her face slowly broadened into a wide, sly grin.

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