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29. The Important Things in Life

28. Further Down and Further Out

27. With Friends like These...

26. Using a Loophole

25. Impossible to Ignore

24. And He Sinks Deeper into His O

23. forsure

22. "I've Been a Bad Girl..."

21. That's one way to get efficien

20. *Loud Horny Noises*

19. A safety valve

18. It Comes to Mind

17. A retrospective

16. A Big-Ass Problem

15. Timing is Key

14. A Litle Nippy in Here

13. Vocal Support

12. Self Care

11. David's Asent

10. Funtional Recall

Mandatory Milf II: The Important Things in Life

avatar on 2024-07-19 10:02:17

1018 hits, 110 views, 8 upvotes.

Age MC MTF Magic Stuck

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"Mooooo..." This time, it wasn't a big, grandiose animal cry I was forced to make, it was just a grumble, rubbing a newly-sore spot on one of my breasts. "MMnnnhh... moo..."

Karyn was snickering. "Already? Can't keep your hands off your new pleasure pointers, you little perv?"

"They hurt, Karyn," came across in yet another matronly tone, this one reserved for a firm scolding. "That's not pleasure you're hearing, honey. I wished that away too, in fact, breast play does nothing for me anymore. I just, twisting them, like that, when they're as hard and as sensitive as they are now...mmfff.. darling, it's painful!" God, they were as hard as rocks now, weren't they? In my fantasies before, female nipples were always soft, pliable, and fun to play with, like the skin of a newborn baby's cheeks; like the nipples I'd had as a guy, really, just bigger and more shapely and maybe a little more erotic. These nipples, that I actually had on my chest now, on the other hand... Oh, shit, I could end up mooing just from being too aroused, couldn't I? All this need I'd been feeling all day had them swollen and engorged and sensitive, standing straight up and at attention off my heaving chest. It was like having a raging, throbbing hard-on after edging for way too long as a guy, except I had two of them on my chest instead of one between my legs, and rubbing them was just a means to making a fool of myself instead of relief.

...Come to think of it, were my nipples thicker around now than my dick used to be!? Damn, they were! They were shorter than that, projecting off my sauceplate-sized areolae only so far, but still, I could penetrate two girls at once with my chest like this!

"AAaaaAAhhaaAhhaahhhnnmmffmm!" My pussy was crying out in desperate need at the thought, and for what must have seemed like no reason at all to Karyn I was moaning as theatrically as a pornstar once again. She just snickered again.

"Yeah. It does nothing at all for you. Right," she replied sarcastically. Then she grabbed the stone. "I wish that Lady Lacks-Self-Awareness will completely forget what turns her on and what 'does nothing for her' at some point in the next 24 hours, and that thereafter she'll be continually surprised, or more likely disappointed, by what she finds sexually gratifying."

"Oh my god, Karyn!" I hollered. "Why didn't I think of that!? It's perfect! I just knew you'd make me into even more of a stupid clueless brat for David to mmmmmMMMMMOOOOOOO!" Somehow, I was twisting my diamond-hardened nipples yet again. It took actual force from my little fingertips to make it happen, honestly.

This elicited not a snicker from Karyn, but a full-on belly laugh. "Oh, that's not gonna get old for a loooong while, I can tell!" She said after a moment, chuckling. "I could watch you do that all day!"

A pause. "Karyn... honey..." It was coming out in an I'm-not-mad-just-disappointed kind of tone this time. "We ARE still friends... aren't we?"

"Well, yeah, of course," she replied as if it were obvious. "Why wouldn't we be?"

My face fell. The air suddenly felt much heavier between us.

"Look, Jon, dude, you're not being fair here," Karyn spat back defensively, even though I hadn't said anything. "You know I can't help it now, thanks your dumb pervy wishing! And even that aside, we both know you want this! I mean, look at you! Your pussy looks like Niagara fucking Falls! You've been panting like a bitch the whole time I've been here! And the MOANS!? You could not be more obviously living out some dumbass perverted fantasy of yours if you had it trampstamped over your vast expanse of ass for everyone to see! And you're giving ME grief over indulging a little! I wanted to help you, really I did, before you decided I was better off digging you deeper! Did you even have any failsafe whatsoever?"

A beat. "...I had a time-delayed wish, that should be going off any moment now."

"Oh? What was it?"

"At 6:10 PM today, I'm going to lose any sexual interest I had this weird masochistic thing I've had going on today, and I was supposed to just stop making these stupid wishes for a while. I mean, I don't really want to ruin my own life, sweetie! At some point it has to stop, so... I even wished up a watch to count down the time left until the delay ends," I added, motioning to a watch that was sitting in the pile with all my wet clothes.

"...Why 6:10 PM? Sounds kinda arbitrary."

And, right on cue, I heard the grinding of tire rubber turning into our driveway, under the hum of a suddenly-familiar engine.

"David's home ALREADY!?" I ran to check the watch. Somehow, it was just 21 seconds left until that delayed wish was granted. "Okay, Karyn, please wish we were dressed back up in a dry change of clothes here quick; my husband's home early!"

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