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Oldest episodes

Dance Off: Dance Class
Dance Class
Matisguy9FTF Pos Robot SciFi Stuck
Dance Off
Follow Kyla
Matisguy8FTF Robot SciFi Stuck
Immersion Arcade: Mystery Disappearance
Follow Jay, Kyla, and Karyn
Matisguy7Magic SciFi Stuck
Immersion Arcade: Main Menu
Follow Jon's POV
Matisguy6MC SciFi Stuck
Immersion Arcade: Player 2
Follow Jay and Kyla's POV
Matisguy6Magic SciFi
Another Branch where Jon becomes the Protagonist of a Video Game (Very Original)Matisguy5Magic SciFi
UnReality Show 2: How Helen Met Luna
How Helen Met Luna
Gooose8Age Aware BE FTF MTF Musc SciFi Stuck TF
UnReality Show 2: The Costume Department
The Costume Department
Gooose7Aware BE FTF FTM MTF SciFi TF
UnReality Show 2: And the Rest
And the Rest
Gooose6Age Aware BE FTF FTM MTF Musc SciFi TF
UnReality Show 2: Mrs. Luna Nguyen Richmond
Mrs. Luna Nguyen Richmond
Gooose5Age Aware BE MTF SciFi TF
Cyber Curse - Day 1- More ChangesOutofPhaze8Aware MTF SciFi Twin
Cyber Curse - Day 1-Uniforms & moreOutofPhaze6Aware FTF MTF SciFi
Cyber Curse - Day 1-UniformsOutofPhaze5Aware FTF MTF SciFi
Cyber Curse - Day 1OutofPhaze3MC Magic SciFi Unaware
Swap Class: The First Night
The First Night
Gooose21Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi
Getting to Know her Body
dungonmaster11SciFi Unaware
The Rewrite: Friday Morning
Friday Morning
Gooose24Aware MTF SciFi TF
Swap Class: Reunited for the First Time
Reunited for the First Time
Gooose20Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi
Swap Class: My Brunch with Gabriella
Brunch and Chores
Gooose19Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi
20 Years Later: Ready... Set...
They do a little theorizing.
Matisguy4SciFi Stuck
Welcome to Japan: Suddenly Sayaka
Suddenly Sayaka
Gooose6Aware Body_Swap MTF SciFi
Trophy Life: Changing Priorities
Changing Priorities
Gooose16Age BE FTF MTF SciFi TF
Swap Class: The Last Check In
The Last Check In
Gooose18Age Aware Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF MTM SciFi
Trophy Life: Dream Woman
Dream Woman
Gooose15Aware FTF MC MTF SciFi TF
Swap Class: Ending Week One
Ending Week One
Gooose17Age Aware Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF MTM SciFi
The Rewrite: How do you Solve a Problem Like Program Z?
How do you Solve a Problem Like Program Z
Gooose23Aware FTF MC MTF SciFi TF Twin Unaware
The Rewrite: Homeroom Take 2
Homeroom Take 2
Gooose22Aware MTF SciFi TF
Trophy Life: Falling Further
Falling Further
Gooose14Aware BE FTF MC MTF SciFi TF
Swap Class: The Little Details
The Little Details
Gooose16Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi
Trophy Life: How Her Other Half is Doing
How Her Other Half is Doing
Gooose12Aware BE FTF MC SciFi TF
The Rewrite: The Sisters Black
The Sisters Black
Gooose20Aware MTF SciFi TF
Trophy Life: Dreams of Silk
Dreams of Silk
Gooose11Aware BE MC MTF SciFi Unaware
An Unlikely VisitorEnigmaticEmboar17Aware Inanimate Magic SciFi Super TF
Nothing Changed...? Really...?
It did what It did.
N/A5Magic SciFi Super TF
The Rewrite: Reactions to the Revamp
Reactions to the Revamp
Gooose19FTF MTF SciFi TF Twin
Swap Class: Morning 3
Morning 3
Gooose15Body_Swap FTF MTF SciFi
The Rewrite: End of Day Thoughts
End of Day Thoughts
Gooose18MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: How to Start a Rivalry
How to Start a Rivalry
Gooose17Aware MC MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: How Confident is Overconfident?
How Confident is Overconfident?
Gooose16Aware FTF MTF SciFi TF Twin Unaware
The Rewrite: Homeroom
Gooose15MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: The Worst Programmer
The Worst Programmer
Gooose14Aware FTF FTM MC MTF SciFi TF Unaware
Swap Class: An Early Climax
An Early Climax
Gooose14Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi
The Rewrite: Karyn and Sarah
Sarah and Karyn
Gooose13SciFi Unaware
The Rewrite: Mackenzie Gets Ready to Make Her Debut
Mackenzie Gets Ready To Make Her Debut
Gooose12Aware MC MTF SciFi TF
Jon ensures control. Or not.lifesmainantagonist17Inanimate Robot SciFi Unaware
The Rewrite: It All Comes Together
It All Comes Together
Gooose11Aware BE MC MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: The Look and The Room
The Look and the Room
Gooose10Aware MC MTF SciFi TF
Swap Class: Partner Time
Partner Time
Gooose13Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF MTM SciFi
The Rewrite: Meet Mackenzie
Meet Mackenzie
Gooose9Aware MC MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: A New Personality to go with the Model
A New Personality to Go with the Model
Gooose8Aware MC MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: Program J Gets a New Character Model
Program J Gets Her New Character Model
Gooose7Aware BE MTF SciFi TF
Swap Class: The First Lecture
The First Lecture
Gooose12Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF MTM SciFi
The Rewrite: A Continuing Explanation
A Continuing Explanation
Gooose6Aware SciFi
The Rewrite: A White Void
A White Void
Gooose5MC SciFi
Swap Class: The Value of Preparation
The Value of Preparation
Gooose11Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi
SSTRS: Arriving at the Vanderfields
Arriving at the Vanderfields
Gooose6MC MTF SciFi TF Twin
Swap Class: Heading Towards a New Home
Heading Towards A New Home
Gooose9Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi
Swap Class: A Quick Conversation
A Quick Conversation
Gooose8Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF SciFi
Trophy Life: First Steps
First Steps
Gooose10Aware MC MTF Part_Swap SciFi Unaware
Swap Class: Becoming the Teacher
Becoming the Teacher
Gooose7Aware FTF FTM MTF MTM SciFi
Leonard's Invention: A Suprising Request
Spot the Difference
Gooose11Animal MTF SciFi Unaware
Swap Class: Uneven Numbers
Uneven Numbers
Gooose6Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF MTM SciFi
Swap ClassGooose5Body_Swap SciFi
Trophy Life: Trust Your Memories
Trust Your Memories
Gooose9Age Aware BE FTF MC MTF SciFi
Reality Show - Girly-man
Reality Show - Girly-man Wheel spin...
OutofPhaze7Aware MC SciFi
But What About the Nukes?Omiar6SciFi
A Technological Solution
A Technological Solution: Send Them All Home
Reality App: Getting ready for schoolbelchest5Age SciFi
Reality Appbelchest3BE SciFi
Trophy Life: The Start of Sierra
Learning about the New Her
Gooose7Age Aware BE MTF SciFi
Trophy Life: One Month Later
Waking Up
Gooose6Aware BE MTF SciFi
Trophy Life: The Assignment
The Assignment
Gooose5BE FTM MTF SciFi
Femcorp Reassignment
Arriving at the Reassignment Center
Gooose4Age BE FTM MTF SciFi TF
What's In a Name?
A Hot New Teacher
Great Sage3Aware Body_Swap MTF Magic SciFi Twin Unaware
Borgwehtam4SciFi TF
QCelestus4Omni SciFi TF


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