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9. Wardrobe Change

8. Jane is a Better Secretary

7. Stone, P.I.

6. His Mom (2)

5. Someone Else Gets Pulled In

4. Jon Turns the TV Off

3. Magic TV

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Magic TV: Wardrobe Change

on 2024-06-04 00:46:58

1099 hits, 150 views, 3 upvotes.

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Rebecca was peeled to the screen, watching Jane try and coax the PI out of his office. "I never talk to Mr. S like that..." she said.

Jon sighed. Clearly, she wasn't paying attention to him. He turned back to the program. "So you're hiding in your office? With your name on the door?"

"No one has found me, have they?" He said.

"I think maybe that's more because they aren't looking," Linda said. "Come on....go home...or go somewhere."

The PI was about to respond, when suddenly they cut for commercial.

"This isn't right," Rebecca insisted. "That' color. And she's being mean to poor Mr. S. He's just having a hard week, y'know?"

He paused. " might be here a while," he said. "Until we can figure this out. You need a disguise to blend in...before someone notices you and asks questions."

"You mean, one of Mr. S's cases?"

"Yeah," Jon said. "Exactly like that," he said. He urged her up to the master bedroom. "You can borrow my Mom's clothes. find something and change into it."

He closed the door and leaned against the wall, exhaling. Not only was his mother trapped in a TV show...but he was stuck with trying to hide a fictional character in his house.

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