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30. The Hacker

29. Nadine Looks Forward to Playin

28. Yuki Takes Lead

27. Karyn's Friend is Sabrina, Not

26. Yuki Speaks

25. Karyn Lays Low

24. The Trio is Looking for Someon

23. Leonard, Gladys, and Derek

22. Nadine the Musician

21. Karyn Gets Nadine's Necklace

20. Normalcy?

19. Someone Else Has the Jumper

18. Karyn Tries to Help Others

17. Kyla Fixes Herself.

16. Zoe and Sarah Become Friends

15. Panic Attack

14. Tidal Wave: Jon

13. Zoe and Sarah's Class

12. Outside the Principal's Office

11. Kyla

Tidal Wave: The Hacker

on 2024-07-21 02:41:31

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Lots of students in the school were going through similar levels of confusion. There were some things they were so certain of, and others they were completely confused about. All of them attributed it to whatever had happened. Fortunately, they seemed to be coming out of it. Nadine, like many, felt things were returning to normal. The reality was far from it.

On the other side of the school, someone used a lock pick to get into a locked office. Sitting at the desk, they turned on the computer, and started to work on getting in. It wasn't that hard, someone left the password under their keyboard. Like others, they were having trouble focusing on details...everything seemed muddled. Everyone in the hallway seemed to be confused as well. But they weren't going to any class..they were going to figure this out on their own. Getting access to the school's systems wasn't even a challenge. Before long, they were downloading the student and teacher databases, namely names, class schedules, and photo IDs onto a USB drive and pocketing it before crashing the system. It would take time for them to fix it.

They started searching for their name. It came up, but the details weren't what they expected. "Is this some kind of a prank?" They muttered. Someone had done this to all of them, rattled their brains and corrupted the database to cover their tracks. It didn't sound like a prank anyone could pull off...and what was the joke if it was?

Smartphones were banned during school hours, and if found, were confiscated and returned at the end of the day, and school computers blocked certain sites they could use to find out more information. They needed to get out of this building and get answers.

They started to sneak toward the door, and peek out of it to see if anyone was coming. No one was, so they slipped out, around the corner.

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