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81. Jon Makes a List

80. The Middle Child

79. Addition and Subtraction

78. Interlude

77. Test Subject

76. Lunchtime

75. When Technology and Magic Meet

74. A Night off

73. It's Time

72. The Build-Up

71. Afterwards

70. Stopped in the nick of time.

69. The new arm of the law

68. Someone returns sort of.

67. The rest of Jon’s day.

66. That afternoon

65. The New Exchange Student

64. The Reunion of two “Old” Frien

63. The Rematch

62. Meanwhile

The Workmen: Jon Makes a List

on 2024-07-15 01:18:40

296 hits, 57 views, 3 upvotes.

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Jon sat in his room after dinner, looking to make some notes about what he was missing.

  1. Adele replaced Sarah...but who replaced Adele? What about Eileen?
  2. Kyla is a French foreign exchange student, but Adele was German. Did we have a French one before? I don't remember.
  3. Where are the Meadows family? Gladys?
  4. Where is Karyn?
  5. Sarah's dad ended up in Tina's house...did someone replace him?
  6. Why are they doing this? What do all these people have in common?
  7. Who is behind this?
  8. Who is the I sure we can trust him?

He thought about it for a long time...and ended up with...nothing. There didn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to it. But he would meet up with Tina later to figure it out. He wondered again if he should tell her the truth. On one hand, it was the right thing to do...on the other hand...she believed who she was now was would she cope with knowing otherwise? Better to figure out how to fix this.

He headed to bed early. Being as stressful as it was to remain calm under these circumstances, it was very easy to just fall asleep out of sheer emotional exhaustion.

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