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Oldest episodes

Chick for a Dick: Freaky Friday Night
Random wishes on a Friday night...
ekempo5000166Age Conjoin FTP Hive Inanimate Musc Myth Size TF Twin Unaware
Fairy Adoption: Snatching A Skill
Snatching a Skill
Gooose13Age Aware BE FTF MC MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
TSW: The Tutorial Boss
The Tutorial Boss
Matisguy8Bimbo Culture MC Magic Myth Stuck TF
This Sinful World
Follow Zoe
Matisguy7Bimbo Culture MC Magic Myth Stuck TF
Fairy Adoption: Ruminations
Gooose12Age Aware BE MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
Royal Mistake: The fairies have indeed escaped their enclosure
Turns out the fairies are a big deal, huh?
Enjeubleu 7Aware FTF Myth TF
Fairy Adoption: Meet the Goodfellows
Meet the Goodfellows
Gooose11Aware BE FTF MC Magic Myth Twin Unaware
Fairy Adoption: Making Themselves at Home
Making Themselves at Home
Gooose10MC MTF Magic Myth
Fairy Adoption: Mischief in the Making
Mischief in the Making
Gooose9Aware MTF Magic Myth
Fairy Adoption: Robyn the Fairy Princess
Robyn the Fairy Princess
Gooose8Age Aware BE Culture MC MTF Magic Myth TF
Even With Decades of Caution, Jon Can't Stop Making Accidental Wishes
The Fairy King
Gooose6Magic Myth
Royal Mistake: Sudden Escalation
This goes wonderfully
Enjeubleu 6Aware FTF MC MTF Magic Myth Stuck
Royal Mistake: Some Time Later
Jon and Linda meet up again later
Enjeubleu 5FTF MC MTF Myth Stuck
M'sPW: No More HomeworkCapt7Magic Myth Unaware
Freddy is Cringelifesmainantagonist14Animal FTM MTF Myth Size Stuck TF
Royal Mistake: Jon's in Trouble
Jon immediately regrets this
Enjeubleu 3Aware FTF MTF Myth
Mrs. Athena Claus: A New Mrs. Claus
Santa is Okay With Athena Being Mrs. Claus, But Her Behavior Needs Adjusting
Anonymous5115Age Aware Body_Swap FTF Magic Myth
Jon's About to Get In On the Action
The Menace Pushes Jon to Make a Wish About Wanting to Have Sex
Anonymous5118Magic Myth
Evil Santa vs. Good Santa: Communication Broken
Their Conversation Gets Interrupted
Anonymous5119Magic Myth
They May Be Invisible to Jon, But Not to Santa
Santa Captures Zoe
Anonymous5116Magic Myth
Saved By the Boyfriend
In Biff's Bedroom
Anonymous5125Magic Myth
Athena and Zoe Locate the Other Magical ArtifactAnonymous5110Magic Myth
Karyn Finds the Stone and Accidentally Uses ItAnonymous5119Magic Myth
First Feedingdungonmaster7Myth
CAFÉ: Sydney Encounters Vampire Lyndsay
Sydney Enters the Café and Puts Herself in Danger
CAFÉ: Sydney's POV
Sydney's POV
CAFÉ: Panic in the Bathroom
They're Safe, For Now
Dreams of Djinni: Fast Acting Magic
Fast Acting Magic
Gooose24MTF Magic Myth TF
A Royal Mistake (Alt): A Brief Exploration
A Brief Exploration
Gooose5MTF Magic Myth
an episode about nothing
the episode before it hits the fan
lifesmainantagonist49Anthro FTF MTF Myth TF
Keep it together Jon!lifesmainantagonist48Anthro FTF FTM MTF Myth TF
One more obstaclelifesmainantagonist47Anthro FTF FTM MTF Myth TF Twin
Lifelifesmainantagonist46Anthro FTM MTF Myth TF
Biff's triumphant returnlifesmainantagonist45Anthro FTM MTF Myth TF
Magic Circlelifesmainantagonist44Anthro Magic Myth
Mysterious Symbollifesmainantagonist43Anthro Magic Myth
Jon vs Rumpelstiltskinlifesmainantagonist6Herm Magic Multi Myth TF
catgirlitislifesmainantagonist28Anthro BE Herm MC ML Multi Myth Super TF
Karyn's parents' daylifesmainantagonist27Age Anthro BE Herm MB MC ML MTF Multi Myth Super TF
Sarah's Not the Only Bitch: Nadine AND Karyn Become Succubi
Nadine AND Karyn Become Succubi
Anonymous515Aware Magic Myth
Sarah's Not the Only Bitch: Nadine Becomes a Succubus
Nadine Becomes a Succubus
Anonymous514Aware Magic Myth
Sarah's Not the Only Bitch: Nadine AND Karyn Become Vampires
Nadine AND Karyn Become Vampires
Anonymous515Aware Magic Myth
Sarah's Not the Only Bitch: Nadine Becomes a Vampire
Nadine Becomes a Vampire
Anonymous514Aware Magic Myth
Musical Closets Chaos: Getting rid of a loose end
Getting rid of a loose end
Ziggu4521BE MTF Magic Myth TF Unaware
Dreams of Djinni: One Hall Over
Tears of the Dragon
Gooose23MTF Myth
Fae Born
Fae School
Great Sage4Aware MTF Magic Myth TF
Mythical Metamorphosis Syndrome
Yet another weird disease
Great Sage3Anthro Aware MTF Magic Myth
A Special School.
The New England Academy for Gifted Individuals
Great Sage3Aware MTF Magic Myth
A Holiday no one will forget
Tropical Paradise?
Great Sage3MTF Magic Myth


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