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4. Bad Idea.

3. Being A Pussy.

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Bad Idea.

on 2017-03-23 01:41:32
Episode last modified by Noy2222 on 2023-04-07 03:41:08

3737 hits, 149 views, 4 upvotes.

FTP Magic Stuck TF

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You wake up feeling somewhat groggy. You try to get out of bed, but you can't move. As you slowly wake up properly, you realise that, not only can you not move, you can't even feel your arms or legs. What you can feel, is something soft and warm that alternately brushes both sides of your face. At first you feel a sense of fear followed by panic. Then it hits you, the wish worked. While you were asleep, you turned into a vagina. What you can feel brushing your face are the inner thighs of whoever you're now a part of as she walks.

Your fear and panic slowly give way to excitement. You wonder whose pussy you've become, one of your teachers perhaps? A neighbour? One of the girls at your school, or even someone you don't know. You wonder if she's aware that you're her pussy. You try looking around but your vision is obscured by something that feels like a bathrobe. You find it a little frustrating, but there's nothing you can do.

You think she's walked into the kitchen, because after a couple of minutes you hear what you think is a coffee percolator. She then walks out of the kitchen and, apparently, up a flight of stairs. After some more walking, the woman or girl stops and a few seconds later, the bathrobe opens and you find yourself staring into a full length mirror in a bedroom. All you can really see right now is a giant slit running down between her thighs, which you can feel as your lips, and your vision seems to be coming from slightly above it. There's a neatly trimmed strip of pubic hair between where your eyes seem to be, and you actually feel surprised that you can't find any trace of your own body. You try looking up, to see if you recognise whose pussy you are, and are shocked to see your mom's face smiling down at you as she stands with her hands on her hips.

"So", she says softly. "You decided to use your granddad's wish stone to turn yourself into a hot woman's vagina. Yes, I know about the stone. He found it long before you were born. I've even used it myself a couple of times. I bet it's a real surprise to find that you're now your own mother's vagina, isn't it? I should be angry, but I'm not. Would you like to know why you're between my legs? It's because I'm the hot woman you fantasise about most. Yep, I know about that too. I've known for some time. You have a serious Oedipus complex, don't you? One of the wishes I made, was to have magic powers. I've seen the way you look at me, so I read your mind a couple of years ago. You have some really dirty thoughts about me, I'm surprised you didn't wish for me to shrink you and slip you inside me. Or to be my slave".

You feel a deep sense of shame and embarrassment that your mom knows about the fantasies you've had about her, though there is a part of your mind that hopes she'll let you do more once you're back to normal. It really isn't likely though. And it's something she seems to confirm as she continues to speak.

"I should have put a stop to it sooner, but you didn't have the stone then, so it wasn't really a problem". She says and then lets out a forlorn sigh.

Your mom stares at you silently for about a minute and then grins in a mischievous way that you find somewhat disturbing. The she speaks again.

"I should turn you back to normal right now", she says. "But this is a good opportunity to teach you a lesson in being careful what you wish for. You wanted to be a pussy? Well congratulations, you got your wish. Oh, and here's a bigger surprise than waking up to find that your wish turned into your mom's pussy. You're not staying down there for two days. You're staying between my legs until I decide otherwise. I will turn you back to normal...eventually...but it won't be any time soon. It could be a week. It could be a few months. I might even keep you down there for a whole year. Which reminds me, next time you turn yourself into something, make sure you turn back to normal before a full year passes. Because after that, your transformation becomes permanent".

Your mom gently bites her lip as she thinks about something.

"Actually", she says. "I might just let this become permanent, you do feel kinda nice down there. And I could use my powers to make an exact duplicate of you. One without that fantasies. Nobody would ever know that I had my son as my vagina. You'll just have to wait and see. Until then, enjoy being my vagina. And I'll try not to enjoy it. Too much".

She laughs again as she closes the bathrobe, and you find yourself panicking again. You really should have been more careful about how you worded the wish. You're now trapped as your own mother's vagina, and you don't even know when, or if, you'll be you again.

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