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19. Riding High

18. Who Wears the Short Shorts

17. Like a Slap to the Face

16. Sarah's Morning

15. Morning Prep

14. Schemes Within Schemes

13. A Very Supportive Squad

12. Karyn Hangs with "Jon"

11. The Next Morning

10. Meet the Parents

9. Figuring out the Curriculum

8. Karyn Makes Some Corrections

7. A Slight Miscalculation

6. Karyn's Place

5. Getting Ready

4. A New Reflection

3. Karyn (Alt)

2. The stone is gone

1. You Are What You Wish

Suddenly Sarah: Riding High

on 2024-08-26 23:28:53

551 hits, 95 views, 5 upvotes.

Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck

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Jon pulled up the hem of her tank top and used it to wipe the sweat from her brow. She'd worked up a good sweat while the original Sarah put her through her paces and she'd LOVED it. Flipping, spinning, rolling, cheering her heart out, it felt incredible. Is this what exercise is supposed to feel like? In her old body she hated gym, hated running, had zero interest in sports, but in her new body... It was like going from commuting in a clunker to peeling down the open freeway in a Cadillac. Peeling the tank top off she tossed it on the bench by her locker. She was in the girl's changing room, Sarah having returned to her old home for the evening after a few hours training her in the routines she was supposed to know.

It had been fantastic how quickly she picked it up, how easily her body knew what to do with just a little direction. She went from nervously trying her first handspring, to doing three back flips in a row by the end of the afternoon. They hadn't been able to practice the moves that required the other girls, like pyramids and flying baskets, but she felt way more prepared than she had before. She also felt a little smug as, while Sarah was teaching her, it was Jon who quickly became superior at performing any given routine. Sarah may have the experience but Jon had the body that could actually do the moves properly.

She unfastened her sports bra, letting her girls breath properly, and could tell her body was glistening with sweat from the exertion. It felt incredible. It felt right. She finished disrobing and slipped over to the showers to clean off before heading back to the McMillan house. So far she'd been hesitant around her new body in this kind of scenario, but riding high on the endorphins of her workout, she didn't feel the need to hold back so much.

After a second the water hit her body, unfortunately a bit colder than the luxurious personal shower she had back at Sarah's house, but still feeling lovely against her borrowed skin. Besides, the cool water wicking away her sweat was nice and without thinking she cupped her breast as the water dripped down and gave them a gentle squeeze. "Ohhh," Jon moaned at the feeling, her nipples stiffening slightly. Her hands began to migrate lower, until she was gently brushing the top of her mound, teasing the edge of her 'lips'. It felt so much more than any stimulation she'd felt as Jon, but she was hardly doing anything. Thoughts of Karyn in her tight sweater from that day flashed in her mind, before shifting to thoughts of them together, their breasts about to touch...

"God, Sarah, you were a lucky bitch," she murmured, pulling herself back from going too far at school. She may be alone, but who knew when someone would walk into the locker room. Rinsing off, she grabbed a towel and carefully dried her body, remembering to take care to take care of her golden hair. She was just driving straight home and would do the full routine there, but she was learning proper hair care required constant vigilance. She slipped into a pare of casual clothes she'd packed along that morning, just a fitted pink tee with the word Princess stretched across her breasts and a pair of white short shorts, before stepping into her flip flops and heading for her convertible.

She'd been so nervous when the day started but today had been INCREDIBLE! She'd wanted to slap Biff for years, and she was finally able to do it without him pounding her into into gravy. Of course, she'd had good reason as 'Sarah' to do it too, but damn was it satisfying. Then there was the triumph of winning the breakup with Biff, getting almost the whole school on her side and maybe actually boosting her popularity out of the deal. She had been planning to be less cruel than the original Sarah, as Karyn had recommended, but she was realizing she had a totally easy explanation for changing her behavior. She'd just blame Biff for making her be mean! She was doing SUCH a good job of being Sarah.

Karyn grinned shyly at the series of texts from Jon, complete with emojis, enthusiastically recounting how well her after school cheer training had gone. She knew it was the magic of her wishes helping Jon acclimate so quickly to Sarah's physicality, but she couldn't help sharing a little pride that Jon was doing so well.

"It seems like he, I mean SHE'S kind of starting to like being Sarah," Karyn muttered to herself as she leaned back in her bed. That had been the dream, that Jon would at least like taking over Sarah's body and life so they could be together, and Karyn could get everything she ever wanted. However, she hadn't dared to hope her best friend would take to being the head cheerleader as quickly as it seemed to be going. Maybe part of it was the wishes, but she'd been doing her best not to mess with her mind too much. She wanted to be with JON, not some manufactured puppet that used to be Jon. She just needed to marry the mind of her best friend to the body of the girl she'd love-hated for years, and everything would work out.

"Everything will work out," Karyn muttered as she started to drift off to sleep. Her adrenaline had basically been pumping like crazy since she started wishing, and the exhaustion of the past several days finally caught up with her. She didn't even have time to change into her bed clothes or hit the light before she konked out for the night.

That was how her mother found her when she stopped by a few minutes later to grab Karyn's laundry. Her daughter asleep on the bed, her phone in one hand, and an odd looking stone in the other.

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