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14. If that's Athena, then where's

13. Where did Athena run off to?

12. Pretty soon, as it turns out

11. Jon wakes up the next day

10. Wow, Linda's really bad at thi

9. Hey, what's Linda up to?

8. It is Athena!

7. Turns out the fairies are a bi

6. This goes wonderfully

5. Jon and Linda meet up again la

4. A mild escalation

3. Jon immediately regrets this

2. A Royal Mistake

1. You Are What You Wish

Royal Mistake: Sisterly Teasing

avatar on 2025-01-09 17:07:37
Episode last modified by Matisguy on 2025-01-09 17:20:52

884 hits, 120 views, 7 upvotes.

MC MTF Magic Mem Stuck

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Jon wanted to sigh. What came out was Princess Jeanne's magnificent chest heaving out proudly, and then falling back gently, as she took a deep breath and assumed an even more striking posture than usual. Ugh. He wanted to be easygoing and comfortable for this, but for some reason Princess Jeanne was posing even more rigidly and uncomfortably than usual.

We're asking someone for a favor, and we're asking nicely, the voice in his head insisted. It simply wouldn't do to make a bad impression!

"Do you even know your sister?" Jon muttered under his breath, quietly enough so the u̶n̶n̶e̶c̶e̶s̶s̶a̶r̶y guard kindly escorting the princess to Zoe's chamber didn't hear. "Zoe doesn't respond well to formality, never has."

Do you still know your sister? The wishes have most certainly changed her! Pointedly, Jon's helplessly polite body stiffened up even further as some petty minor revenge. I know what I'm doing! Jon also noticed her delicate little hands shaking a little, along with the curious sensation of his own body trying to repress the shaking without him. Before this morning, his hands did not shake when he was nervous.

"Sure you do." Jon would have rolled his eyes if allowed, but her body just posed demurely. The guard ahead of them had finished knocking and stepped back to wait, towering over her little body beside. "Even Mom admits I'm the better man for the job."

Her Majesty would have come herself, were she not occupied with other urgent business, the voice countered. And furthermore, you yourself protested to this errand.

"The first is wrong, and the second is misleading," Jon's pretty voice protested. In reality, the conversation earlier had naturally turned to Zoe after Jon finished telling Linda about Athena, and it was actually Jon who first observed that, being part of the royal family, she probably also had magic, and with her memories changed could probably use it too. Then, nothing would do but Jon checking up on his little sister for the first time since the wish changed them all.

"What I 'protested' to was trying to make Zoe do something on Mom's behalf," Jon bickered. "It never works, and it just makes Zoe mad at both of us. That sort of thing is why she and Mom don't get along in the first place."

Jon felt her stomach curl in her chest at such cavalier language about their Esteemed and Honored Mother. Her Grace is working tirelessly with castle security to get the fairies under control, including the one you lost! She doesn't have time for mere pleasantries with Zoe!

"Aaaaand that's exactly Zoe's problem with her, right there," Jon snapped back, with all the defensiveness of the older brother after divorce. "Look, she's a single Mom, and busy, so it's hard. I get it. But Zoe looks up to Mom, and she needs a real role model; the role model she got in Mom was one that's always stressed out and never emotionally present, so small wonder she ends up callously lashing out! At least, that's how it was in our reality, but I can't imagine it's any better here if Mom just works and works and works like a 'proper Queen' and never takes out the time-"

"Princess?" The guard escorting Jon asked. "Are you okay?"

Jon realized with sudden self-consciousness that he had been muttering to herself furiously, and that the guard could definitely hear him. "Oh, um... of course," the shy princess reassured meekly. "J-just thinking, you know? Haha," she tittered. Jon didn't really expect the guard to let it go that easily, but it turned out her blushing face was just too cute to stay angry at. He turned away, blushing a little himself, and then they just stood there in awkward silence until Zoe answered the door.

"I'm reading. What is it?" The voice that came through the door could only have been Zoe's, but it sounded more like phone sex now. Neither Jon nor the escort had time to reply before she threw the door open.

Jon had expected the third most stunning woman in Ocean Point, and he still end up nearly drooling.

Zoe was even bustier than Jeanne or their mom, and dressed much more scandalously. Obviously braless, her thick nipples were visible in contour through the soft, pitch-black cloth of her crop top, and dangerously close to the V plunging down her supernaturally perky cleavage. Her gently-muscled midriff was completely uncovered and on display, and all of it stood atop two thick, creamy pillars of delicious leg that began in wide, rocking hips and ended in black-leather amethyst-inset wedge sandals. Nothing hid those wet dreams of legs besides some fishnet stockings, and a soft black skirt slit so high up the sides it was more like a pair of pelvic curtains that left her flaring hip bones and most of her heart-shaped ass open to air.

...and, technically, her knee-length raven-black hair, flowing freely behind her like a liquid, covered it too.

Zoe also evidently still cared more than Jeanne or her mom for jewelry, because she was wearing an estimated college fund's worth of the stuff. A ruby pendant in her cleavage hung off a silver chain attached to a choker inset with onyx and opals and amethyst, and her see-through black opera gloves were held in place with platinum arm bands. Silver-amethyst bracelets, platinum-ruby earrings, but notably, no tiara. The worst of it, though, was the heavy makeup: now expertly applied darks and pales, they opened up her intense silvery-magic eyes and made her look as severe as a witch queen.

Anyone who ever dreamed of a big-tiddy goth girlfriend would dream of her for the rest of their lives if they saw her.

"Oh. Jeanne." It was the least enthusiastic greeting Jon had gotten since becoming a princess. "Good morning." Her facial expression was difficult to read, but dainty glove on a vast bare hip, she posed herself even more haughtily and proudly than the Queen.

Jon just stared, dumbstruck. He ogled so long that the voice in his head was starting to chastise him.

"The Heiress would much enjoy your company this morning, Princess Zoe." The guard came to Jon's rescue, though he was staring down at her just as much. "I escorted her straight here after her tea with Her Majesty."

Zoe's poker face cracked just a little. Jon saw an eye twitch, and then she was unreadable again. "Very well. You are dismissed. Our conversation is to remain private, you understand?"

"Of course, my lady." The guard took a bow, and then was gone. Now it was just two impossibly curvy regal sisters standing in silence.

"Please, come in." Zoe stood aside and ushered in her bigger sister. Jeanne's swaying hips nearly checked the doorframe, but soon they were in Zoe's room.

If Princess Jeanne's suite was a messy impromptu library, Princess Zoe's suite was a messy impromptu alchemist's laboratory. The overall shapes were similar, with big airy spaces, good rustic furniture, plush cushions and luxurious artwork and so on; but Jeanne had books and books and more books on top of all that. Zoe had books scattered about, but fewer of them; and where Jeanne had only a few bottles of wine, Zoe had flasks and flasks and flasks of various liquids and powders and gels, only a few of which contained wine. She had burners and beakers, crystals and cauldrons, diagrams and doohickeys...

Zoe definitely knew magic, alright.

She closed the door, and locked it. "Did you know I've been trying to get an audience with Her Majesty ever since the Coronation?" Her voice was full of well-trained saccharine pleasantness, as if she were talking about the weather. "The secretaries keep insisting I need patience, that an appointment will come once the royal schedule clears up. She's been very distracted lately, I hear." Her hips swung hypnotically enough that Jon literally could not look away from her groin as she walked over to a couch. Enormous breasts bounced as she plopped down onto it.

Jon was already seated on the edge of Zoe's big, luxurious bed, and blushing a little. "Oh? No, um... I hadn't heard that." A pause. "...Sorry."

"Don't be. It's only fitting." Zoe waved it off in a way that made her tits wobble. "You are next in line, after all. I'm sure our Honored Mother wants to groom a proper heir, is already training you to behave in a manner befitting your position, is she not?"

Jon suddenly became aware her tiny delicate hands were folded demurely in her giant thunderous lap. She was sitting up straight, back arched and chest thrust out loudly, knees together, attention completely fixated on Zoe... and he couldn't stop it if he tried. "Well, yeah. Actually, that's kinda what I wanted to ask you about today."

"Oh?" a finger was brought up to one of Zoe's full, pouty, black-painted lips. "Go on?"

Jon began cautiously. "Zoe... what do you know about magic?"

"Ah." Zoe sighed heavily, and Jon ended up staring at her chest again. "So you're after the Stone."

Her doelike eyes widened behind her glasses. "Yeah! How did you know!?"

"Everyone knows, darling sister." Zoe reclined on her couch, looking upward dreamily. "Last week, our Honored Grandfather dies, our Honored Mother is crowned Queen, and the most powerful magic artifact known to Mankind passes to her. Today, you're being groomed to succeed Her. In the future, as things stand now, the Lordstone will pass to you." Fingers drummed on her mouthwatering abs as she thought. "Imagine what you could do with that kind of power..."

She's our sister, Jon! Pleeeease stop staring! It's indecent! It took the voice to snap Jon out of the haze, and continue the conversation. He did not stop staring. "So you'll help me?"

"No. Of course not!" Zoe rolled over onto her side and propped her head up on an arm, so her hypnotically sexy body was now fully in an alluring side profile. "With your condition, I don't know why Her Grace is even considering you as a successor!"

"Wait, what?" Jon was honestly thrown off guard. "Why wouldn't I-...?"

"You may be the firstborn of us, Big Sis, but I'm certain the Queen would NEVER allow the royal bloodline to come to its end in the Lordstone's passing to an unmarried and heirless virgin." Zoe stood up to make her menace, eyes glowing their intense silver. Hands on her hips, she took slow, measured steps to Jon, in that way that drew his eyes to her crotch, and towered over him. "AND. You've been staring at my body, lustfully and incestuously, this entire time we've been talking."

"I-...!" Jon gulped, and began to pant and sweat, chest heaving. Stop it! Stop it, you fool, look away! "I... I-I can't..." Jon's eyes continued to roam over every inch of Zoe's perfect irresistible body. "Can't look away... Zoe, I can't look away!"

"Of course you can't. I've been putting a spell on you from the moment I shut the door. You're about to start touching yourself to me too, as a matter of fact."

"ZOE!" Jon's hands had been shaking in her lap, but only now they were coming unfolded, and horrifically, frantically, were looking for her waistband. I can't stop! "ZOE, WHAT THE HELL!?"

"If you had any ounce of attraction to men in you, that spell would have failed. But you don't, do you, you little lesbian?" Zoe grew a deep, satisfied smirk. She bounced her enormous melons, and Jon actually gasped in her cute feminine voice. "You've turned away all suitors and never once gotten a marriage proposal despite all your royal blessings. No matter how many men go crazy for you, you've never gone crazy in turn, hm? But girls get you going like a teenage boy, don't they, Big Sis?"

"I'M NOT A LESBIAN, ZOE!" Jon shrieked between her gasps and moans. She was writhing and squirming in place now, dainty fingers rubbing furiously at her swollen and needy clit, expensive lacy panties starting to dampen against the other side of her fingers.

Zoe just giggled. "Sure looks that way to me, Big Sis! It'll look that way to Her Majesty too, once she strips you of your title and makes ME Heiress to the Lordstone!" Zoe plucked the tiara right off Princess Jeanne's head and put it on her own. "How's it look on me?" Zoe stepped back, put her hands over her head, and wiggled her absurd hips. She was dancing, actually dancing a sexy belly dance practiced exactly to entice, and poor Jon, forced to watch, could hardly take it. She whimpered, and then fell back on the bed with an incoherent and lusty whine, pawing at her breasts and playing with herself and ruining the outfit Sarah had worked so hard on.

Zoe just rolled her eyes and grinned. "Don't work yourself too hard, Big Sis! You should probably know, part of that Curse I just put on you is that you can't Cum for Women until it's broken. Wouldn't be a problem if you were straight!" Zoe was practically maniacal. "You can also Break my Curse just by convincing our Mother that you're a Bona Fide Lesbian for me. I'm sure you could find some other counterspell in your books, though... if you could focus enough to read them... which probably means you need to Cum for a Man... but hey, you're insisting you're no lesbian, so that's no problem, right? It's not like you're going to end up helplessly edging to sapphic fantasies about your own little sister all day instead~!" Zoe laughed, turned to leave, and smacked her ample ass for good measure while Jon watched. "Anyway, this has been fun, but I have stuff to do now that you're like this. Feel free to use my bed, and have fun!"

Jon was still forced to stare at Zoe's unbelievable bubble butt as she left, strutting extra wide and making a show of her pretty princess posterior as she left. Jon could finally tear his eyes away when she was gone, but in his mind's eye she was still there, flaunting her ass, bouncing her boobs, wiggling her hips, and dancing all to tease his helpless horny body. She was actually starting to tear up as her hands roamed over her own absurdly curvy body, tweaking everything, trying everything, playing with and pleasuring everything in increasingly uncontrollably desperate attempts to find relief that wasn't coming. "I'M NOT A LESBIAN, ZOE!" he tried to cry out. "I'M A GUY!"

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