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5. Jon fixes this?

4. Jon (As a Girl) and Biff

3. Biff

2. Jon Wants to Date Karyn

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's Dating Blunder: Jon fixes this?

on 2024-08-02 19:29:34

1615 hits, 197 views, 5 upvotes.

Aware MTF Stuck

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Jon jogged with surprising grace over to his nightstand as he heard his mom answering the door.

"Where's Jen?"

"Head on up; she's just upstairs," Jon's mom's voice echoed.

Jon spun back to his bedroom door as he held the stone. He didn't even want to date Biff, but if he had to, he would be the girl instead.

"I-," Jon started as Biff busted through the door.

"Hey Babe," He said, smiling before a confused expression passed over him.

"--wish that Biff would be a type of girl I liked," Jon said.

"What?" Biff asked as the flash enveloped them.

Jon couldn't wait until he was a guy again though he had to wonder what kind of girl did he like?

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