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22. The First Three Wake up

21. Like Daughter, Like Mother

20. Suddenly Sarah: Bethany Black

19. Riding High

18. Who Wears the Short Shorts

17. Like a Slap to the Face

16. Sarah's Morning

15. Morning Prep

14. Schemes Within Schemes

13. A Very Supportive Squad

12. Karyn Hangs with "Jon"

11. The Next Morning

10. Meet the Parents

9. Figuring out the Curriculum

8. Karyn Makes Some Corrections

7. A Slight Miscalculation

6. Karyn's Place

5. Getting Ready

4. A New Reflection

3. Karyn (Alt)

Suddenly Sarah: The First Three Wake Up

on 2024-08-29 22:20:21

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Sarah pushed Jon's smelly pillow, seriously did that oaf ever have the maid change her pillow case, into his face to try and drown out the banging of Mrs. Gibson on his door.

"JON, get a move on or you're going to be late!" Linda Gibson yelled through the door to the boy she assumed was her son.

"I'm moving, MOM!" Sarah yelled back, hating having to keep up the charade he was part of the stupid Gibson family, but knowing how important it was. He wouldn't be able to live with the embarrassment if people ever found out he'd been living in Jon Gibson's body, and once he reclaimed his own perfect form, he wanted everything to go back to the way it was.

He reluctantly got to his feet, grimacing in annoyance at the daily morning visitor he'd been dealing with for the past three days. Jon Gibson might have a tiny dick compared to the sausage Biff was packing, but the damn thing would stiffen up at the most inconvenient times and feel plenty big and unwieldy to Sarah. Morning wood was bad enough, but when the thing acted up at school, like when he was in the boy's locker room, changing into Gibson's totally ugly gym clothes, it was a serious pain.

Jon had normally slept only in boxers, and Sarah did the same in case anyone peered in his temporary room while he slept. Still, old habits died hard, and he instinctively covered up with a tee shirt before stomping off to the bathroom he shared with Jon's dumb siblings. THAT was the reason he had to get up so early for school, even though he no longer had to do his makeup or curl his short hair. And seriously, Jon, get a better haircut! This thing you left me with is two degrees away from being a mullet!. Instead of using his own private ensuite as he pleased, Sarah was on a damn schedule, having to shower before Zoe and Mikey did the same,

Grumbling to himself as he stepped into the starting to get fairly dirty bathroom, when on earth do the Gibsons have their maid service scheduled to come in?, he disrobed and started up the shower, having to wait a minute so he didn't step into freezing water like he'd accidentally done yesterday. This week he assumed they'd be swapped for, since they hadn't swapped back after an hour or a day, couldn't be over soon enough.

Jon set down her curling iron after finishing the last loose ringlet in her golden hair. It was a little more trouble to do that every morning, but as she primped and preened in her big bathroom mirror, she felt the results were worth it. She smacked her lips, admiring the cherry lipstick she'd just put on and blew a kiss at her reflection. Yesterday had been pretty close, but today her makeup was perfect; she was really starting to get Sarah's beauty routine down pat, and when it was applied to her already amazing natural beauty, seriously she looked better just waking up with no makeup than half the girls in class would look on prom night, the results were phenomenal.

"Like I said, Sarah, you were a lucky bitch," Jon muttered, echoing the words that had popped into her mind in the shower yesterday. Then she smiled, "well, now I'm the lucky bitch." As she drifted off last night in her big fluffy bed, clutching Sarah's old plush unicorn to her wonderful new chest, she'd warned herself that she didn't know how long this swap was going to last and she shouldn't get too comfortable. Then she realized something. Just like she'd never thought body swapping could actually happen, she really had no idea if they were ever going to snap back into their original bodies, so maybe getting just a little comfortable wasn't a bad thing.

She skipped over to her walk in closet, her girls bouncing a bit in her lace trimmed crimson red bra as she did so. She reached a hand down to slightly readjust the matching thong and stop it from starting to ride up her butt. It amazed her how quickly she was getting comfortable with the intimate parts of her borrowed body. After getting over the surprise and confusion she just started to feel right in her new body, like something had always been wrong in her old one but she hadn't known it.

Reaching just inside, she plucked out one of the five or so preapproved outfits Sarah had put together over the weekend. She was starting to feel more confident after that day with the squad shopping at the mall, knowing what was fashionable and what wasn't but for the moment she'd rely on the original owner of her body's long experience. After all, when everything looks good on you, it's hard to judge what's in style

Today she slipped into a satin Dolce and Gabanna black dress with white polka dots and a sweetheart neckline, that hugged her figure like a glove. Sarah had casually mentioned it cost over 3,000 dollars when she was picking it out, making it more expensive than Jon's mom's wedding dress, but now that she was the one wearing it, Jon couldn't find it in herself to get upset about the display of wealth. She remembered to remove her bra, since the dress's bodice had a built in underwiring to serve the same function. She slipped into a pair of white heeled sandals and twirled in the mirror, navigating stepping in the shoes with ease that still confused but delighted her.

Turning to her, well technically Sarah's but for the moment hers, jewelry box, well actually boxes, she chose a sterling silver chain necklace looped twice around her slender neck, diamond stud earrings (real jewels not lab grown or cubic zirconium), a pair of silver cuff bracelets and, feeling mischievous, a silver toe ring she spotted tucked in the back of the second box on her left second toe.The last piece wasn't part of Sarah's instructions, but for the moment Jon made the final decision and she thought the little toe ring peeking out from her sandal was fun.

Checking the time, she saw she needed to get moving, and snatched up a white leather designer purse she'd gotten a reminder text from Sarah to transfer the contents of yesterday's bag into, her chic little backpack, and the all important cheer bag for that afternoon's practice with the squad. Now that the big hurdle of dumping Biff was cleared, and she was feeling comfortable enough with her cheer leading ability to at least trust herself not to break her own neck, for the first tiem she could recall, Jon was looking forward to going to school. 'When you look this good, you deserve to be seen.

Karyn rolled over groaning at the incessant beeping of her alarm, annoyed that it had interrupted the nicest dream she'd been having. It had been her and the new Sarah, finally together like she always wanted. The blonde bombshell had been clinging to her arm, looking at her with that obvious love and desire she'd only ever seen in the eyes of her lamentably male best friend, who she'd never be able to reciprocate the feeling to. Until she found the Stone.

SHIT, the Stone! Karyn thought in a panic, realizing not only had she fallen asleep in her clothes from the day before, she didn't have the stone in her hand anymore. She had five seconds of terror before she saw it on the night stand and realized she must have set it there in her sleepy state the night before. The girl took a deep breath to calm down and swung her feet over the bed to start getting ready for the day.

A shower and a hair brushing later, during which she'd noted the teeniest peeking out of blonde roots, and she was staring at her closet in disappointment. Having struggled to become comfortable with the sexuality, and more than that the fact the person she was most attracted to was someone she hated, she'd long been in the habit of wearing baggy, casual, frankly unflattering clothes. Despite her mom's best efforts, she didn't have that many nice outfits and nothing really better than what she'd worn the day before.

And for the first time in a long time, Karyn really wanted to look good. She examined herself in the mirror hanging on the back of her closet door, taking a moment to adjust the new 'assets' she was still getting used to. While she'd accidentally given herself a nicer figure, or at least the top half of one, looking at herself standing there in her plain white bra and panties, she found herself wanting. For clothes she could just finally give in to one of her mom's attempts to interest her in some 'retail therapy', but that wouldn't fix the root of the worry starting to worm itself into her mind.

It all came back to that dream she'd been having, or at least a detail of it. While it had felt wonderful, finally having the Sarah she wanted, something had been off. They'd been at a party of some sort, the details were vague in that way dreams were, but she couldn't shake the feeling something just didn't match. Sarah was so gorgeous, so perfect in her eyes she knew people in the dream had to be looking at the pair of them wondering "Why the hell did McMillan settle for her?"

(In truth Karyn was quite pretty already and had accidentally enhanced herself further when Jon first showed her the stone, but in the moment, perhaps brought on by the pressure she felt managing her master scheme, she was feeling very self critical.)

Picking up the stone, she carefully thought how to word what she wanted. "I wish, without causing major changes to my social life or personal history, I was more conventionally attractive while still remaining recognizably me." She didn't want to accidentally copy Sarah's exact features again. It would be awful if people thought she was the twin of her future girlfriend.

The changes happened quickly, ripping through Karyn's body like a wild pulse of energy. Never fat, she nonetheless felt her belly tighten and smooth, while at the same time there was an audible crack and a moment of pain as her pelvis and hip bones shifted outward to finish the hourglass she'd started building by accident. Her copied breasts stayed the same but the powerful sensations she felt made her nipples stiffen. Her back arched as she felt herself jut up two or three inches in height, her already nice legs becoming just that big longer and more slender. Then her ass felt like it was inflating for the briefest of moments, losing it's former slightly bony status to become a small but nicely rounded rear; not as nice as Sarah's but quite nice. Her hands and feet stayed mostly the same and her hair didn't change; the wish only changed her base body, and didn't do things like implement a hair care routine or add a manicure.

All of that hit her in a wave, but the most obvious shifts she saw in the mirror happened to her face and her skin. Her eyes stayed the same shade of green they'd always been, but the very slightly bushy brows above them thinned and arched while her lashes grew fuller without the need of mascara. Her nose shrank just a tad and her lips turned fuller, while the underling skeletal structure moved and resettled just the tiniest bit. All the changes were very subtle, she still looked like Karyn, but the cumulative affect made her mutter "wow" Finally her skin cleared and became totally blemish free, the blackhead on her forhead she'd been covering with concealer each day vanished and she gained a certain glow.

In the end the wish hadn't changed her much, no single change was close to as big as the previous changes to her hair and her bust, but as she nervously bit her lower lip and twirled around in the mirror, she really liked the cumulative results. She wasn't a vain person by nature, but this girl looking back at her was the kind of person Sarah McMillan wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with.

As she searched through her clothes to find the best possible option on hand to show off her new, well new to her everyone else would remember her always looking like this, form, she had no clue that down the hall she'd just dropped the same beautification bomb on her slowly stirring mother.

Jon's Outfit minus bracelets:

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