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8. Who's the Boss

7. Jon's Still Impulsive

6. Fast Forward to Christmas

5. Jon stops by the Lake Point Ma

4. Meet 40 year old Jon

3. Jon wishes the stone to his fu

2. Jon tries to get some sleep

1. You Are What You Wish

Who's the Boss

on 2024-08-27 00:08:47

652 hits, 117 views, 2 upvotes.

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Jon's vision blurred back into focus and he discovered he was no longer in his old room, turned guest room. Instead he was laying on an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room, with a sinking suspicion what his wish had just done. Oh god, I just switched bodies with Ted, Jon cringed inwardly. His mustachioed boss was the office manager of Ivy University's athletic department, and a former college linebacker who'd busted his knee before he could go pro. The guy wasn't the worst boss, but when he got pissed, he got PISSED, and accidentally jacking the guy's body was sure to make him angry.

Tentatively Jon reached up to feel the bushy mustache he knew would be there, only to be struck by two things. One, there was no mustache. Two, her arm brushed her boob in a way that made her suddenly very aware she had a pair of woman's breasts on her chest, and after she had a moment to consider it, a whole woman's body to go with it. She sat bolt upright, dirty blonde hair spilling over her shoulders as she did so. She was relatively thin, and while her breasts felt enormous to her since she didn't normally have boobs of any sort, they were probably only a B-cup. She was wearing blue silk pajamas and sitting in the middle of a King sized bed in a really nice bedroom, wondering what the hell was going on.

She stumbled to her feet, struggling to get a feel for her new center of balance. It was like everything was teetering as she got used to controlling the body she was in, absently noticing that she was freaking ripped now, feeling a power in her muscles she wasn't used to. She saw a vanity on the other side of the room and shuffled over it to get a better look at herself.

Staring back at her was a rather attractive, incredibly fit woman in her early 30s, with slightly longer than shoulder length dirty blonde hair and big brown eyes. She was white, but her skin had a healthy tan and her teeth were almost unnaturally pearly white; it was obvious she took care of herself. It took just a second but Jon recognized her. The woman in the mirror had graced the cover of Sports Illustrated a decade prior, when she led Team USA to victory in the Women's World Cup. She'd landed in the body of Skye Riordin, the world famous soccer player. Who recently retired to take a position as overall athletic director at Ivy University.

Jon's wish hadn't swapped her with her boss, or even her boss's boss, or even her boss's boss's boss. She'd flipped her mind into the body of the head of the whole freaking athletics program, in charge of everything from their beloved football team, to the fencing program that had churned out over a dozen Olympic contenders. She'd never even met Skye Riordin in the few weeks before Christmas she'd been working at the university, that's how many rungs were between the two of them. Or supposed to be between them.

She was about to search around for Skye's phone to try and contact her old body and start damage control, when the door to the bedroom swung open and a mystery brunette babe in a pair of pajamas that matched the ones Jon was wearing leaned in. "Skye, baby, did you fall back asleep? The twins want to open their presents, and they can't start till mama and mommy are sitting next to the tree."

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