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23. The New Two

22. The First Three Wake up

21. Like Daughter, Like Mother

20. Suddenly Sarah: Bethany Black

19. Riding High

18. Who Wears the Short Shorts

17. Like a Slap to the Face

16. Sarah's Morning

15. Morning Prep

14. Schemes Within Schemes

13. A Very Supportive Squad

12. Karyn Hangs with "Jon"

11. The Next Morning

10. Meet the Parents

9. Figuring out the Curriculum

8. Karyn Makes Some Corrections

7. A Slight Miscalculation

6. Karyn's Place

5. Getting Ready

4. A New Reflection

Suddenly Sarah: The New Two

on 2024-09-03 00:02:45

596 hits, 113 views, 3 upvotes.

Age Aware Body_Swap FTM MC MTF Magic Stuck

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Vivian Trace let out a satisfied moan as he started to wake up, the delicious memory of the night before fluttering through his mind. He'd gone clubbing with some friends, but gone home with a handsome bartender called, Mark, or Marv, definitely an M name. Whatever, his name wasn't nearly as important as his abs. He reached over to the other side of his bed to search for his one night stand and see if the stud was up for a little morning excitement before he kicked him out, only to touch air and then yelp as he accidentally rolled out of the twin sized bed he was lying in.

He hit the floor with a little jolt of pain, and a LOT of confusion. First off as he looked around, EVERYTHING was blurry, like he was still drunk. Then, there was the fact his floor was carpeted and he was currently scrambling to get up off of linoleum; Was I so toasted last night I forgot I went home with what's his name, instead of the other way around? Then, as he got to his feet he was immediately hit with too many wrong sensations to process, his entire body feeling off. Hell, the biggest weirdness was actually a lack of sensation, as his breasts didn't move at all as he rose up off the floor. They weren't as big as his fellow model Tanya's but he wasn't wearing a bra and they tended to jiggle at least a little bit when he moved that quickly. He reached a hand up to his chest only to find nothing but a flat, very slightly hairy pectoral, while at the same time he adjusted to his blurry vision enough to get a vague impression of the space he found himself in.

He was standing in a small bedroom he'd never seen before, and one he highly doubted belonged to Marco, or whatever. There was an unmade twin sized bed he'd just fallen off of, a few cheap pieces of furniture, a big book case full of comic books with action figures strategically placed up and down it, a shitty old TV hooked up to a much newer looking console, not that Vivian had a lot of knowledge on the matter, and a few posters on the wall, all showing scantily clad women from different fantasy and sci-fi franchises.

"What the fuck!" he gasped in a reedy, but undeniably masculine voice.

"I don't understand, baby," Liam, Vivian's one night stand from the night before, said to the woman he assumed to be Vivian Trace. "Last night you said you wanted a 'special breakfast treat'."

The woman, who'd shoved him out of the bed when she'd gotten up and was now clutching the bed sheet protectively over her body, like Liam hadn't gotten a very good look the night before, just snapped "well, I changed my mind! So, just go."

Liam rolled his eyes, but started scooping up his discarded clothes and getting hurriedly dressed. Viv Trace was hot and pretty great in bed, but there were other non-bi-polar chicks he could be charming, so he wasn't going to stick around. Eventually he awkwardly left the master bedroom, Vivian never dropping her wary stare until he'd gone.

Of course, Vivian Trace wasn't actually Vivian Trace, she was a very confused Jay Duncan who'd just woken up in a strange body, in a strange room, next to a strange man, and decided the last one was the most urgent one to fix. Now that she'd finally gotten the musclebrained idiot to leave she sighed in relief, her new breasts rising and falling as she did so. Absentmindedly, she reached up to touch one of them, cupping the not super big but perky and well proportioned left one, then almost on impulse giving it a little squeeze. A small trickle of pleasure flowed through her form the sensation and she muttered "definitely real then." She paused at the sound of her new slightly husky but still undeniably female voice, before adding "and kind of awesome."

Jay was a bit less shy than Jon had been about potentially exploring the beautiful female form she'd landed in, but she had the presence of mind to know laying back and bed and 'exploring' wasn't the best plan until she knew what was going on. She was pretty certain this wasn't a dream, but she couldn't know for sure.

Still in bed, she looked around the room she found herself in, pausing to realize she could see perfectly without her glasses or contacts. She was in a queen sized bed with silky silver sheet, currently very rumpled from the previous night. The room was bigger than her own, but not over the top. There was a door that looked like it led to a closet, one that led to a bathroom, and a closed one she assumed led to the rest of the house. There was a plasma television mounted to one of the walls, a few modern art sculptures, a humidifier, a vanity and makeup table, a book case that weirdly seemed to mostly have magazines on it, a mini-fridge, oddly enough a rapier mounted on one wall, and a big poster of a beautiful dark haired woman with olive skin, posing in a Conan the Barbarian type outfit, framed and mounted above the bed.

There was a knocking at the door and Jay jumped before yelling, "I told you to beat it, dude!"

The door swung open and it wasn't muscle dude, but instead a girl Jay thought looked familiar. After just a second she realized it was another student at Lakeview Academy, a sophmore named Scarlett something. She only even remembered the cute dirty blonde haired girl's first name because she was on the short list of Lakewview cheerleaders Kyla had decided she didn't entirely hate, and her fellow nerd was often very vocal about her opinions on that group.

Scarlett, currently ready for school in a red sweater over a white collared shirt and a pair of olive capri pants, her backpack and cheerbag slung over her shoulders, said "Don't worry, Auntie, he left. Sorry he wasn't your type, but better luck next time, right?" The girl smiled as she said it.

Bluffing wildly Jay said, "uh yeah, better luck next time." For the duration of her time in this body there wouldn't be a next time with any guy. Girls on the other hand....

"Well, I've got to head to school, but I just wanted to say hey before I go, love you!" Scarlett chirped before closing the door and letting Jay once again breathe easy. What the transplanted mind didn't know was that the whole interaction that just happened was extremely atypical for what the original Vivian experienced in the last half a year. Vivian had never wanted to be a mother, and wasn't a very good guardian for her niece since taking her in. Combine that with the girl's grief and the two were basically either arguing or ignoring each other. The same magic that had fixed Susan McMillan's relationship with 'Sarah' just in time for Jon to take over, was giving Jay a niece very eager to be supportive of her supposed aunt.

There was a buzzing from the side table, and Jay looked over to see a series of texts continuously coming in from an unknown number that she recognized as her own. "Uh oh," she hadn't even thought yet about what was happening with her old body, but it looked like whoever this woman was was in there, and she WASN'T happy about it.

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