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7. Everything's Normal

6. Jenni's Dream Girl

5. Jon fixes this?

4. Jon (As a Girl) and Biff

3. Biff

2. Jon Wants to Date Karyn

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's Dating Blunder: Everything's Normal

on 2024-08-22 21:40:19

945 hits, 139 views, 11 upvotes.

BE Bimbo MC MTF Magic Mem Stuck TF

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"Okay calm down, I can explain-"

"Why the fuck did you turn me into a chick, Jenni!" Buffy interrupted the person she remembered as her girlfriend, "and how the fuck did you do it!" Both girls body language was totally off, moving awkwardly and clearly not used to their daintier frames or the new weights swinging form their chests, not to mention the long hair that flew wildly as they argued.

Jenni held out a manicured hand for Buffy to stop "Okay, first of all my name is actually Jon. Uh, I got this magic rock and-"

"Wait, that thing?" Buffy demanded, stepping forward to grab the rock Jenni was still holding. However she absolutely wasn't used to walking in heels and tripped, stumbling into Jenni's bed while the blonde bombshell stepped back, holding the stone out of reach.

"If you'd let me explain-" Jenni said, her mind spiraling in crisis mode. She hadn't meant to make the first wish, and the second one was seeming like an increasingly bad idea. She'd thought it would flip her back to Jon and just make Biff the girl in their supposed relationship, but it was like the wishing rock had a sense of humor. And hated her. She was racking her brain both about how to calm down the hot nerd girl she knew was Biff on the inside, and how to begin untangling the web of magic she was accidentally weaving. That was when she heard the familiar stomping noise.

"Shit!" she cursed at the sound of Zoe approaching, the sound of her combat boots instantly recognizable. To her side Buffy was trying to steady herself on her feet, while staring angrily at Jenni and the rock that apparently caused all this. Jenni didn't have time to think beyond deciding that it would be REALLY bad if even more people found out about the rock, and she blurted out another wish. "I wish we wouldn't do anything that would make people think something weird is going on."


A second later, as soon as Zoe was within earshot of her sister's room, the new wish took effect. All anger instantly disappeared from Buffy's face, who recentered her necklace before sitting calmly on the sea green bedspread of Jenni's bed. She tucked the strands of wavy red hair that were askew back into place and readjusted her glasses cutely on her nose. A gentle smile, that fit her new features much better than her previous expression, graced her face and she leaned over to pull a laptop out of a courier bag Jenni hadn't noticed sitting by the bed before.

Jenni was going to ask what the other transformed girl was doing, but discovered with horror she wasn't in control of her own body. Her posture instantly turned more feminine, one hand on her hip and the other twirling her dirty blonde hair. She giggled and walked over to the bed, sitting down behind Buffy and basically draping herself over the taller girl, pressing her new gazonagas against Buffy's back. Jenni tried to shout in alarm at her body moving on its own, but instead she just purred, "whatcha working on, baby?" into Buffy's ear.

Buffy hit a few commands on her laptop before smiling happily and replying, "just finishing the 3D modeling for my costume. I'm going to fire up the 3D printer tonight and get the last couple of pieces made so I can paint them in time for the convention."

Jenni squealed in excitement, much to her internal dismay. "OOH, I can't wait to go with you, honey. That gold bikini you got me to be Princess Lei-Lei looks amazeballs on me. You're totally going to score with a spacebabe."

The red head rolled her eyes indulgently. "Babe, you've watched Star Wars with me like five times. How do you still get Leia's name wrong?"

"Well, someone can be very distracting to watch movies with, cuddlekins," Jenni teased nearly nibbling on Buffy's ear. "Is it my fault I can't focus on the movie when I'm sitting next to you, gorgeous? We'll just have to watch them again."

"I feel like that's just an excuse for you to jump my-"

"Oh my god!" Zoe's voice came from the doorway, interrupting them. 'thank god, Jenni thought. She was pretty sure she'd been about to make out with someone she still thought of as Biff. Zoe continued, "can you two not flirt for like five minutes?"

Zoe, on the surface at least, didn't seem changed by Jon/Jenni's wishes. She was still a goth, still a girl, still acting like a bratty little sister. "Hey, Stripperella! If you can stop humping your girlfriend for a minute, Mom wants to know if Buffy is staying for dinner."

Jenni put on an exaggerated pout, "you don't have to be a meanie, Zoe." Jenni was hating the slight valley girl thing going on with her new voice. "What do you say, hot stuff, wanna eat here tonight?"

Buffy frowned, "I wish I could, babe, but I promised Kyla I'd sub in to help her guild for their raid tonight and I need to get going. I may not play Djinni Wars that much since I maxed out my character, but she's still really into it and apparently their healer is sick."

Jenni's pout somehow got more over the top. She assumed the magic was about to make her complain about Buffy prioritizing a game over her, but it seemed like she didn't have a perfect read on the rules it was operating on yet. Instead she said, "well I hope you guys beat all the orkies, or whatever. Oh! Lilly, Tiff and the girls invited me to go shopping for prom dresses tomorrow, wanna come? I can't wait to see you all dressed up."

"Which is why I want it to be a surprise for both of us to see each other on prom night," Buffy said, nuzzling closer to Jenni. "I want that night to be as magical as possible. I mean, I'm going with the love of my life so it's going to be incredible no matter what, but I still think waiting will be fun. Besides, Karyn's mom offered to take us this weekend."

"Fiiine," Jenni, "but we're still on for date night Friday, right pookie? I already had Daddy make the reservations at Le Roux and I bought some lingerie I want you to tear off me with your teeth." The thought of having sex with the wet dream in front of her was admittedly appealing to Jenni, but she didn't think she'd ever be the one wearing the lingerie in that situation. The fact that Biff was inside her also made the whole thing a bit less appealing than it otherwise might have been, but she couldn't express any of that.

"Ugh, gross, do you not realize I'm still in the room?" Zoe protested before turning to leave.

"I literally wouldn't miss it for the world," Buffy replied. "I was thinking after dinner we could go see that new DC film, and then after we'd go back to your place and-WHAT THE HELL AM I SAYING!?!" The moment Zoe got out of earshot, the minds of Biff and Jon snapped back into control of their new bodies. Bodies that were currently basically spooning each other.

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