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11. Stumbling to Karyn's

10. Learning more about Leilani

9. Jenni to Leilani

8. Explanations and more mistakes

7. Everything's Normal

6. Jenni's Dream Girl

5. Jon fixes this?

4. Jon (As a Girl) and Biff

3. Biff

2. Jon Wants to Date Karyn

1. You Are What You Wish

Jon's Dating Blunder: The Trip to the Oracle

on 2024-08-28 18:42:20

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The walk over to Karyn's house was a hell of a hurdle in of itself. It wasn't a far walk, but Jon and Biff struggled the whole way and turned the ten minute journey into a two hour trek. The problem came back to that ill advised wish Jon had made to avoid causing suspicion, and the constant changing of who was in the driver seat between Biff and Jon and Buffy and Leilani.

To start with, they stepped out the door of the Huang house only for their bodies to immediately turn around and dip into the bathroom to fix their make up. Their fighting/make out cycle had rumpled their clothes and smudged their makeup more than a single reapplication of lipstick could repair, and the girls they appeared to be wouldn't go out in public without returning themselves to presentability. Unfortunately that included keeping Buffy's heeled sandals and the pair of strappy black pumps Leilani retrieved on their feet.

They'd finally gotten underway, only to discover every neighbor in a yard, every jogger they passed, hell every freaking car driving by had Leilani and Buffy reasserting themselves. It wouldn't be the end of the world, the girl personalities at least knew how to walk in heels instead of stumbling forward, trying not to break an ankle, but it had unfortunate complications. See, Buffy might be friends with Karyn in the new reality, but she and her girlfriend had no reason to bother her that evening unannounced, and when in control, she and Leilani kept changing their destination.

"Oh, babe," Buffy cooed as an old pickup inched by at a speed only a retiree would go and the girls turned sharply away from the path to Karyn's. "I'm so happy you finally agreed to try the arcade with me! You're going to love getting your hands on those old machines."

Leilani, her hips swaying as she strutted, leaned up to whisper in and nibble on her girlfriend's ear. "Well I do owe you for accompanying me to the gallery opening, but that's not exactly what I want to get my hands on, lover. How about if you set a new high score, you get a special reward in the backroom?"

Then the truck finally exited sight and Biff and Jon sprung apart from each other and started trying to get back on track. Events like that played out repeatedly, with the added inconvenience that every time they resumed control, they'd stumble and struggle due to not knowing how to maneuver their bodies like Buffy and Leilani could. Eventually they surrendered a bit and kept holding hands even when they had control, since Leilani and Buffy kept snapping back together when they had the wheel anyway.

Finally, thank god Jon/Leilani thought, they made it to Karyn's house. It was only as they knocked on the door that the same thought passed through the two idiot boy minds stuck in the body of each other's wet dream. How in the hell were they going to actually explain things to Karyn?

The door opened to reveal Karyn Black, just as Jon remembered her but there were two little surprised. One, Leilani mode didn't activate, and two, Karyn's eyes were glowing blue.

"Oh, you're finally here. The stone let me know to expect you."

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