The first piece of information flood into Jon's mind was how he had ended up in Sarah's room. She had been passing by the school and had still overheard Jon and Karyn's conversation about the stone. Karyn's wish had gone the same way, but about a Sarah's younger sister, Julia, who didn't previously exist, but now occupied Sarah's role in the high school. Julia, like the new Sarah had even bigger boobs than the original Sarah, and so Karyn's bust was likewise huge. Karyn's wish had resulted in her bust being large enough to make even her oversized green hoodie snug around her chest.
Sarah, seeing the power of the stone had followed Jon after he left the school alone, she jumped him and managed to take the stone before he realized what was happening. Sarah then wished them to her room. She hadn't intended to include Jon, and when they appeared in her room she was expecting to be alone, so she wasn't ready for Jon to take the stone back, which he did, and he made the same wish to hold her in place.
He felt the knowledge of his new anatomy fill his mind. His penis worked very much the way it always had, he could pee with it, it would get hard when he was aroused, and ejaculate with enough stimulation. It was even fertile, though his sperm quality was lower than normal. His vagina was also fully functional, though there was no urethra in his vulva, all of that plumbing ran through his penis. He was fully capable of getting pregnant, he had a monthly cycle like a normal woman.
He glance over at Sarah, her eyes wide. He assumed her new arrangement between her legs was functionally the same as his, based on the logic of her wish that had turned him female.
There was a pause in the flood of new knowledge into his mind before the essentials of how his new life differed from his old filled his awareness. There was surprisingly little. Julia had fully slotted into Sarah's role in his life as a bully picking on Karyn when it pleased her, and occasionally on Jon since he happened to be nearby and an easy target, though she always avoided making fun of his "condition". He assumed because Sarah shared it, though without being in Sarah's room now, and the stone, he would never have known that.
Hardly anyone ever picked on him because of his condition in fact. Something that seemed decidedly odd to him.
His life had been nearly identical up to puberty. He had always had the dual arrangement below. A genetic test shortly after his birth had told his parents his actual sex. So he had been raised as a boy, but at age 10 he had the details of his condition explained to him more fully, and what he could expect once puberty began for him.
That was it. The only other major differences were directly tied to his anatomy. Having to start wearing panties for the sake of being able to use pads. When he had to start buying women's jeans as his hips filled out around age 13. The discomfort of shopping for bras for the first time. And last, was the incredibly awkward conversations where someone asked him about his bust. The biggest version of that was telling Karyn about his condition when his boobs started to get big enough to show through a loose t-shirt. The first day of school after that summer when he'd had to tell Karyn, showing up for the first time with boobs that he couldn't hide.
The conversation with Karyn had taking an odd turn... he'd ended up toplesss, showing her his small boobs, for some reason she'd shown him hers too. Since this was knowledge of the new world, it was also a version of Karyn that had already developed a substantial bust, on her way to the huge set she now sported thanks to the interaction between Sarah's wishes and hers. Jon wondered how Karyn remembered the conversation, since she would remember the a version where her bust was far closer to average, though still noticeably above average.
Thinking of Karyn made Jon come to a conclusion. He didn't need to do anything to Sarah. She was stuck. Now bisexual, and from the way she was acting she seemed uncomfortable with no longer being straight. Her bust was bigger than she wanted. He could just leaver her as she is to deal with the consequences of her actions.
As the stream of extra memories ended Jon turned back to Sarah.
"I wish that Sarah McMillian couldn't tell anyone about the stone who doesn't already know about it, unless I either or Karyn allow it. I also wish that neither Sarah nor her sister could touch the stone unless either I or Karyn allow it."
The stone flashed.
"Now. No funny business. I release you."
Sarah fell back into chair. Staring at Jon.
"What... what are you going to do to me?"
"Me? Nothing. You've done enough."
With that Jon turned and walked out of Sarah's room, and house. Once he was outside he pulled out his phone, as he started walking home he called Karyn.
"Hey Jon-boy!" Karyn answered the call.
"Hi... Uhm... we need to talk, some things happened with the stone... I'm going to need to... give you some memories with a wish, stuff happened and there were wishes you didn't hear."