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8. Follow Kyla

7. Follow Jay, Kyla, and Karyn

6. Follow Jay and Kyla's POV

5. Another Branch where Jon becom

4. Everything Is Normal ... So Fa

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Dance Off

avatar on 2024-08-31 20:38:17

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FTF Robot SciFi Stuck

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When Kyla had finally finished making her way through the Main Menu and entered her own game, the first thing the intro cutscene made her aware of was a deep, pounding bassline; the kind that shook your chest to listen to.

The year is 2099, and robots have almost taken over the world. Artists, Authors, and Creatives everywhere bow to the unopposed might of AI generation.

The camera opened on what was, quite frankly, the most unrealistically gorgeous woman Kyla had ever lain eyes on. Huge, head-sized tits bounced braless on her perfect chest, confined only by a simple black crop top that showed plenty of soft cleavage and left bare her defined abs. Wide, rocking hips flared out atop pillars of creamy thigh, one of which was visible through a full-length slit in the long velvet skirt on her hypnotizing ass. Silky, straight black hair flowed around her perfect sculpted face all the way down to her navel. She was lean, tall, fair, feminine, and powerful, powerful enough that even straight-girl Kyla found an urge inside to call her "Mommy". This might have been the Robot Overlord (Overlady?) the intro was talking about, assuming this game subscribed to the Nier: Automata model of what an "android" was supposed to look like. Besides, she had a tiara. A mostly-plain silver tiara, the inset jewel of which was a semiprecious reddish stone, flattened and rounded somewhat, and metallic like hematite...

Now, the Supercomputer Coppelia and her AI-model offspring threaten to take the world of Dance by storm. Their army of Dancing Dolls plans to march across all the worlds and drive competitors into the ground.

The camera zoomed out and away from Coppelia as the narrator spoke. Coppelia was standing on a balcony, slowly revealed to be a balcony belonging to some sort of fortress, and was gazing stoically over the "army" she'd apparently amassed for her war on Dance. Apart from a handful of elites and "nobles" kept near her, these were all much less lifelike than she was, much more obviously some sort of wind-up toy built to dance for her amusement; but there was a LOT of them. As in, they were packed into the courtyard she oversaw like sardines. The camera pulled further and further out, eventually revealing the entirety of her mountaintop, and started to pan down and away, over the landscape and across the country.

And I, personally, have something to say to those Robobimbos when I find them: "FUCK! YOU!"

The thumping background music abruptly picked up in intensity when the Camera finally found its destination and zoomed in on the Player Character, which a title card named as "Carol Cadence". Or in other words, it zoomed in on Kyla. Kyla had become Carol, and was currently somehow spectating herself in third person. In a sense, it was Kyla standing outside a dingy dance academy in the woods, shaking her fist in Coppelia's general direction. It was Kyla delivering all the expository voicelines during the cutscene. And it was Kyla, dressed even less modestly than her opponent had been, that was currently defiantly taunting the woman she'd kinda wanted to call "Mommy."

"You can have my Dance Club when I've danced my last move, if you can even beat this human by then, that is!"

Kyla... kinda felt like dying of shame. In body, Carol actually wasn't all that different from how Kyla had been; she was still really short, lightly freckled, had frizzy blonde hair, and to her mind, a very unfortunately androgynous uncurvy body. Carol had a different face, was leaner and a bit more tan, obviously worked out and got more sun than Kyla, but otherwise she hadn't physically changed much. Which made it all the worse that the Carol Kyla was forced to play as seemed utterly shameless in showing off her body. In little more than a sports bra, gym shorts, and sneakers, she was out of doors for god and everyone to see, including apparently the Supercomputer across the map.

I'm making my way to Overlady Coppelia's Lair at the summit of Mount Steppes, and once I'm there I'm gonna blow her low-voltage mind so hard, she's never gonna dance again, the way she danced with me!

Impossibly, Kyla knew that Coppelia could see her even all that distance away. She looked down on her in cold contempt, and in response to Carol's challenge let out a haughty harumph. She gave an expert twirl, billowing out her skirt for the most delicious possible glimpse of her amazing ample ass in its lacy regal panties, and sauntered off into her castle with a practiced-perfect sway to her giant hips. The music was rising, and Carol would not be ignored.

You hear me, little dolly!? Once you care to listen, I'm challenging you to a 𝅘𝅥𝅮 DANCE OFF! 𝅘𝅥𝅮

A Crescendo, and then Kyla was hit with game's title card, Dance Off, heavily stylized and pulsing in beat with the game's omnipresent thundering musical score.

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