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5. Surprise, surprise, it's a gen

4. The Lamest Isekai

3. A less horrible mistake?

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Improvised Worldbuilding

avatar on 2025-02-07 14:27:47

640 hits, 104 views, 7 upvotes.

BE MTF Magic Myth Stuck TF

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Jon shut the door behind him (closing the Portal), and only became aware he was in a dimly lit corridor somewhere else when he turned around and saw...

"Karyn!?" Jon asked in disbelief.

"Jon?" Karyn had come in through another door, and seemed just as confused as he was.

"Jon and Karyn?" asked an even more confused Kyla Leeson.

"Jon and Karyn and Kyla and me, it seems," added one Jay Duncan, with a very perplexed look of his own. Jay and Kyla were fellow dweebs at their high school, both preppy honors students and social outcasts, that Jon and Karyn had a little familiarity with by virtue of sharing a D&D playgroup together. "I should guess Leonard is around here somewhere too, then?" Leonard Drullers was the last member of their D&D group, and its newest GM.

"I dunno. I don't think so?" Jon didn't see him, and there were only 4 doors on either side of the corridor. Judging by the fact that all of them were in their pajamas or something close to it, they'd apparently just meandered into this place as cluelessly as he had. "First of all, though, do any of you know where the hell we are? I don't-"

4 Great Heroes, summoned across the Multiverse to defeat a great Evil...

Jon blinked. Everyone exchanged looks, and Karyn asked "The hell was that?"

You have been brought to this Land by the Gods, in answer to Man's desperate plea for salvation from their impending Doom. The Gods invest in thee this quest...-

"Leonard?" Kyla interrupted. "Leonard, is that you?"

The Gods of this World are not named "Leonard", o Hero. We are here to guide you-

"Leonard, it's us, man!" Karyn interrupted too. "It's Karyn and Jon, and Kyla and Jay here! Your players, right? You know, your D&D players?"

We know not these names! Thou art Muula, renowned warrior fated to vanquish the Darkness, and together with your companions, the Exiled Princess Viola, the Forest Spirit Aiela, and the magician... the magician... uh, Jay, what was your character's name again?

"Chaer'ublisa," Jay replied in some annoyance. These were the names of the characters they'd been cooking up for the campaign Leonard had been working on and was supposed to start soon, and of course Leonard had already forgotten Jay's character's name. "Leonard, this is foolishness. We know it's you, and you know it's us, and it's too early for... for whatever this is."

"Whatever This Is" is the Ultimate Quest against the Ultimate Evil, mortal! A Great Darkness is awakening in the far reaches of the Forgotten Realms, threatening all that which is Good and Innocent in this world, and if you 4 Great Warriors will not put an end to the Doom it harbinges, all shall be plunged into an eternity of-!

"Yeah, yeah, we know," Karyn dismissed. "Good vs Evil, end of the world, whatever. I've heard it before, not interesting. Leonard, this isn't the Forgotten Realms, dude! We just got out of bed!"

"And, even supposing this is the Forgotten Realms," Jon added, (who knowing about his wish, was much more nervous than the rest), "We aren't our characters, man. We're kids, from Lake Point, and we wanna go home. Preferably in time to make it to school? Just send us back across the Multiverse and maybe call in some real heroes next time, okay?" he pleaded.

... Oh. Fuck, that's right!

Jon dared to hope, but Leonard kept talking.

Your characters all have backstories and stuff, they're supposed to be natives of this world, so, uh, I guess the Multiverse Summoning thing isn't gonna work. Uhhh... Can I try again? I'm trying again!

The walls and the floors fell away, and suddenly Jon, Jay, Kyla, and Karyn were all floating in a vast, empty space.

The Sun is just coming up over the horizon...

A sun and dim blue-and-red sky appeared in the empty space.

... you're in a tavern...

Walls and floor were back, all nondescript boring stuff that boxed in the 4 supposed-heroes, and left a window open to the sunrise.

... and, um, your party is just waking up for the morning?

4 beds and some basic furniture appeared in the room. Jon blinked and suddenly he was in one of the beds. He was lying down, but sat bolt upright as the Narrator stopped.

Actually, no. Nah, nah, the tavern thing's cliche, and it doesn't make sense for the characters anyway. Backtrack, backtrack!

They were floating in empty space again.

The Sun is HIGH in a clear sky...

Sun again, and this time the sky that came with it was a crisp, brilliant blue.

... you're on a boat... a pirate ship... No, a warship! You're on a royal navy warship...

Water, deep blue water in all directions, and the 4 of them were on the deck of a seafaring vessel, and having the terrifying experience of the creaking wood shift and transform beneath them as the boat grew bigger and bigger and more ornate, while STILL rocking in the waves of the vast sea.

...and... and the coast is nearby?

Deserted coast appeared nearby.

You're docked in the harbor of a bustling port city, called... called uh... Porttown! And you've all got letters inviting you to see the mayor of Porttown.

Spires and hovels and homes and piers literally erupted out of the Earth and Sea as Leonard called them into existence, and the ship rushed over to meet the city and extend a friendly plank for entry into the city.

Then there was moment where the Narrator finally stopped talking. Jon, Karyn, Jay, and Kyla all together stood on the ship's deck, eyes bulging out of their heads, jaws agape, staring 1000 yards away in complete shock and awe.

"What. The fuck. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK!" Karyn was the first to verbally freak out over the whirlwind of magic they'd just been put through, and she opened the floodgates.

"This is a dream. It has to be. This can't be real! It's entirely impossible!" Jay was second to freak out.

Kyla just silently assumed the fetal position, let the panic attack wash through her, and focused on the usual breathing exercises to get it under control.

"Did you do this!?" Karyn growled. Jon, the target of her hollering, had taken off his school bag and was digging out the Stone. "Dude, did you make a wish!?"

"No!" Jon barked back as he got the Stone. "Well, yes, but not for this specifically! I didn't think it was gonna Leonard into a God!"

"What did you wish for!?"

"Nothing interesting!"


"Literally, I wished for nothing interesting! I accidentally made a wish that something interesting would happen, and then changed it so the thing that would happen would be the least interesting it could be!"

"So it teleported all of us to a fantasy world? A half-baked fantasy world that Leonard is literally making up on the spot!?"

"I guess it could have been a more fleshed out and interesting fantasy world?" Jon shrugged. "How am I supposed to know!?"

"BOTH OF YOU!" Jay hollered. "What on God's Green Earth are you TALKING about!?"

"Jon got a magic Stone from his dead grandpa," Karyn rapid-fired back. "And apparently he fucked up with it!"

"You fucked up with it too, Karyn!"

"Not like THIS!"

"Guys!" Jay scolded.

"Look, it grants wishes. Okay? Even wishes you make accidentally. You just hold the Stone and say-" Jon began, but he was stopped.

Okay, enough of that. You're all still at sea, but will be at port soon.

Just like that, the ship untied itself and pulled in its plank, and rushed away from the coast at warp speed. Now, they were gently sailing toward Porttown, off in the distance but not too terribly far away.

And you're meeting up on deck for the first time that day, where you'll introduce yourselves to each other as usual. Princess Viola, especially, has had the good manners of introduction drilled into her by her past.

Suddenly, Jon was standing up straight. Perfectly straight... and perfectly poised. His chin was held high, his legs were locked together, and his hands were folded neatly in front of him, over the Stone.

Princess Viola was his character. He wanted to play a Wizard, and the idea of the bookish princess that reads in her tower all day had seemed fun to him. But at the prospect of actually becoming her...

"Oh, dear," his voice more demure and restrained now, and hid just how frantic he really felt. "I wish, um... that I... that we..."

And Viola doesn't have anything as OP as a rock that lets her cast Wish for free. Her Arcane Focus was indeed a stone, a precious Gem handed down through the Royal Family, through which she channels the Wizardry she's learned over the years.

The hairs on the back of Jon's neck stood on end as he felt the Stone shift and morph within his own grasp. It grew spherical and clear, a crystal ball about as big as a softball, inset with a galaxy that seemed to glow with an odd internal violet light.

No. No no no! "Sir, that belonged to me!" Damn, he was already talking like Viola, using the faux-formal play voice he reserved for her, except involuntarily. "The Stone was an heirloom, and the Princess's character was mine to decide and control!"

Hush, I have your character sheet, it's fine.

This was not comforting news. Jon gulped.

You've written some fun stuff on here, too! Princess Viola is a woman of Legendary beauty, lusted after by untold myriads of her subjects across the land. Her gorgeous pale skin, delicate frame, silky black hair, doelike eyes and earnest face, and most of all, the wonderfully big, soft, supple curves of her blessed body are the envy of her kingdom...

Viola bit her soon-to-be-plump lips and tried not to moan as the changes hit her. She got shorter, her shoulders pulled in, and she became slimmer, weaker, daintier. Soon she was a laughably frail little lilac that'd never have proficiency with armor or martial weapons, nor even most simple weapons. The only bone in her body that got any bigger or stronger was the pelvis, which grew wider, then childbearing, then wider than childbearing, and the only muscles that got any bigger or stronger were those needed around and below the pelvis for her delicious, juicy ass and salaciously thicc thighs. Soft tissue, of course, was hit even harder: her skin smoothed and lost its tan, her hair grew out and styled itself into ringlets, her genitalia just morphed entirely, and her boobs... She failed at holding in her moans when her titanic tantalizing tear-drop tits transformed totally.

Viola wished she could run and hide and cover herself, but her body was still posing.

... much to her annoyance, that is. Viola has no interest in men, and moreover lacks Charisma, having spent a quiet life sequestered away from suitors and visitors by her overbearing father the King. Viola lived a privileged early life, always reading (as few in her kingdom can), always dressed in fine luxuries, always learning some fascinating new thing about Magic and the World, and always so, so, unbearably, unfathomably lonely.

It was around this time that her jeans split and her shirt ripped, no longer able to contain her ridiculously curvy new body, and then started to reform. Soon she was wearing a long, violet, velvet skirt and matching cloak over a fashionable corset around her little waist, a corset apparently held to her skirt by a gold-thread-embroidered black belt.

And of course the whole affair left a window into her deep cleavage out on display. It plunged so low it was almost immodest, but never slipped.

Viola fled from that life. Suffocating and yearning for freedom and adventure, she'd finally had enough of her father's will, and being of age and means left it all behind to become the Wizard she is now: an adventurer of incredible intelligence and magical prowess, feared deeply despite her delicate nature.

Viola frowned. This had all seemed nice and fine back when she was Jon: she could play with some eye candy for her figurines, make up a nice generic fairy tale for her princess and the table's amusement, and maybe fantasize about some fun lesbian sexytimes, but to Viola, it was quite a different thing to be forced to stay in character as... herself...?

"Back when she was Jon?" Viola realized suddenly that she'd been thinking of herself as a "she" for some time, and her name... Viola was her name. She answered to it. "Jon" was someone else, just like that. It had changed right under her nose, and she hadn't even noticed.

Man. This is fucking SCARY.
"Dear Lord, this is simply dreadful!" Viola brought a hand up to her mouth and flustered, though she was too polite to let much more than that show through.

"Holy fuck..." Karyn muttered. She was gawking at Jon the whole way through, and Jay was right beside her gawking at Viola's ass the whole way through. Kyla was still curled in the fetal position. "You're a fucking sexpot now!"

"Excuse me?" Viola turned and faced Karyn directly, now with a practiced sort of flourish Jon couldn't have faked before if he tried.

"How do you feel, Jon?" Karyn asked.

Oh, I dunno, maybe humiliated and emasculated and terrified!?
"A tad uneasy. No doubt due to our voyage. Don't worry about that. And my name is not Jon?" Viola added, involuntarily. She extended a hand for Karyn to shake. "I am Princess Viola Giovanna II. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss...?"

Reluctantly, Karyn reached up and shook Viola's hand, introducing herself just as the Narrator had directed. "... Muula. I'm Muula," Karyn answered as she began to change.

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