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10. Wow, Linda's really bad at thi

9. Hey, what's Linda up to?

8. It is Athena!

7. Turns out the fairies are a bi

6. This goes wonderfully

5. Jon and Linda meet up again la

4. A mild escalation

3. Jon immediately regrets this

2. A Royal Mistake

1. You Are What You Wish

Royal Mistake: Cutting loose

on 2024-07-29 22:51:36
Episode last modified by Enjeubleu on 2024-08-03 02:41:07

736 hits, 109 views, 8 upvotes.


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Linda’s body rode like a luxury car. It looked good, felt good, and ramped up so quickly she could barely tell she was speeding in the wrong direction.

It was hard to make wishes when she wasn’t at the wheel.

“I wish—Hgnn, more—I said, I—Nnn~I wishA-Ahhh!..~

The rugged gentlemen with red hair and a tongue deep between her thighs was.

Linda and her dumb, traitorous, overly sensitive body wiggled and shuttered with ecstasy, wave upon wave of pleasure coursing through and making her scream like a goddamn schoolgirl losing her virginity. And the worse part? The embarrassing part? The part Linda didn’t want you knowing about, because it disrupted everything about her carefully crafted self-image of an independent woman who kept her shit together?

A deep, buried-away part of her was fully on board with this.

A proper queen allows herself to be pampered. A proper queen moans as she sees fit, because a proper queen has nothing to hide. A proper queen—

“I wish!” Linda interrupted, her hands clawing at the sheets by her sides. “That I could… Ohh~.”

Her new husband pulled away from Linda’s lower entrance and began to crawl up her voluptuous form, lips caressing along her skin in a way that drove her crazy.

“...Get ahold on this situation!” She squeaked out, just quietly enough the stranger wouldn’t hear.

Soft, masterful nibbling right at the edge of Linda’s teet, as a warm, masculine hand trailed back down to keep her nethers from getting lonely. Linda gave an erotic groan in response.


Red faced, panting frustration as Linda didn’t get what she hoped for. She got what she asked for.

In a single motion, her toned legs jumped up and around the stranger’s muscled body, pulling him just so delightfully close. She tried to wiggle away—this gave him a perfect angle to work with, and it took several seconds of pleasure-soaked gasps before Linda could reorient herself—but her legs were clamped in place.

“I wish this was easier!” She spouted next, between gasps.


Her clothes flew off. His too. She realized his manhood was suddenly… Extremely rock hard. And that the growing wetness between her thighs had escalated to a full-on, very-distracting, very-obviously-staining-the-sheets deluge.

Linda mewled in both ecstasy and frustration. She hated how much she loved this.

Wait… Do I enjoy letting loose like this? Losing control of myself?

No, stop, focus. Newly discovered fetishes or not, Linda had more important things to worry about. Like turning an entire dumbass kingdom back to normal.

“I wish for help ending this!”


“Your Grace!” The pleasant, familiar voice cut through the air and halted the stranger’s caressing. Linda turned her gaze in relief, eyes falling on the adorable secretary with doll-like features who escorted her earlier.

Relief turned to confusion when Linda saw the secretary was blushing furiously, panting heavily, and fully naked.

“Yes, Magnolia?” Said the stranger, polite and matter-of-fact. While waiting for a response, he continued massaging Linda’s lower region, though frustratingly pulled his lips from her breast.

Linda let out a soft, needy moan. Why was she angry he stopped? She wanted him to stop! Another moan, and an awareness that she couldn’t quite pull her gaze from the secretary. Was… Was her body attracted to women, too?

“If I may be so presumptuous…” The secretary—Magnolia—swallowed nervously, failing to keep a distinct hunger from her voice. “I wasn’t done with Her Majesty.”

The stranger nodded. Linda’s eyes went wide. Did the stupid stone turn this into a three-way!? With the secretary!?

She buckled in place, in some wild attempt to orient herself—only to realize she’d been clutching her thighs around the stranger much more tightly than she was compelled to, hips rubbing invitingly against his shaft.

“My love,” the stranger managed between grunts. “I fear your toys are perhaps even more enthusiastic than myself.”

Linda opened her mouth, but Magnolia captured Linda’s lips with her own, drawing them into a deep, passionate kiss. In time, the stranger pulled his muscled body back, hand reaching to position his shaft…

Needless to say, Linda had a very late start the next morning.

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