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1 ... 16 17 18 19 20 ... 496

Oldest episodes

ZGHO: Little Jon in the Morning
Little Jon in the morning
Ms. Cork18
DMU - Lydia’s breakdownMightyMrJ74
DMU - further changesMightyMrJ73
Personality Manipulator: The Wrong Kinds of "Popular"
The Wrong Kinds of "Popular"
ZGHO: Zoe's Second Dream
Zoe's Second Dream
Ms. Cork17
DMU - waking up on day 3MightyMrJ72
GRR: Registration
Monday morning arrives
ZGHO: The Stone Returns
The Stone Returns
Ms. Cork16
ZGHO: Second Lunch With Athena
Second Lunch with Athena
Ms. Cork15
DMU - End of the 2nd dayMightyMrJ71
ZGHO: First Lunch With Sarah
First Lunch with Sarah
Ms. Cork14
ZGHO: Checking In Before Class
Checking in before class
Ms. Cork13
Personality Manipulator: Karyn Misses Again?!
Another Miss?!
ZGHO: Jon's Dress
Jon's Dress
Ms. Cork12
ZGHO: Sarah's Motivations
Sarah's Motivations
Ms. Cork11
DMU - Karyn’s bedtimeMightyMrJ70
DMU - Laura’s showerMightyMrJ69
Gina makes a new wish
Gina's wish is working
Sarah dreams of owning a stone
sneak into John's room
ZGHO: Breakfast
Ms. Cork10
ZGHO: Jon Gets Dressed
Jon Gets Dressed
Ms. Cork9
ZGHO: Going to the Mall
Going to the Mall
Ms. Cork8
Personality Manipulator: Karyn Makes a Karen
Karyn Makes a Karen
The Guest15
ZGHO: Jon's Evening
Jon's Evening
Ms. Cork7
ZGHO: Zoe and Sarah
Zoe and Sarah
Ms. Cork6
ZGHO: Jon's morning
Jon's morning
Ms. Cork5
ZGHO: An Old Scarf
An Old Scarf
Ms. Cork4
ZGHO: What Dreams May Come
What Dreams May Come
Ms. Cork3
Zoe Gets Her OwnMs. Cork2
DMU - Time for bedMightyMrJ68
DMU- Jon and Laura in the tub
DMU - Jon and Laura in the tub
DMU - a good workoutMightyMrJ66
DMU - After dinner with the GibsonsMightyMrJ65
Personality Manipulator: Oops, Karyn Missed
An Unknown Woman Gets Hit Instead
DMU - Robert learns his lesson
DMU - Robert learns his lesson.
DMU - a taste of his own medicineMightyMrJ63
Senior Summer - Third Daythisguy1010175Aware MTF
Personality Manipulator: Karyn Needs a Follower
Karyn Needs a Follower
The Guest13
Personality Manipulator: Another Cheerleader-Turned-Dweeb
Melissa is Dweebified
DMU-122: Dinner is Served
Dinner is Served
The Guest72
DMU- the final chore
DMU - the final chore
Seeing a Changed Town
Out on the town
The next daySmashAttack14
Magic Dice - Social Circles: Plain as Day
Personality Manipulator: Melissa Smith
Melissa Smith
The Guest11
DMU-122: Till Dinner
Till Dinner
The Guest71
Personality Manipulator: Jon Is Torn
Jon is Torn
The Guest10
Personality Manipulator: Mama Lisa Comforts Poor Jon
She changes Lisa into something she would hate
Neil Keys10
Magic Dice - Social Circles: Normal?
Family Swap: An Afternoon at the Movies
An Afternoon at the Movies
The Guest6
Tag Teamed by the ParentsSmashAttack13
BLACK POTION: Mental Changes Too?
There Might Be Some Mental Side Effects
False E-Mail
Personality Manipulator: Jon Reflects On His Situation
It's Just Jon and Amber, But Where to Next?
Chick for a Dick: New House, Familiar Faces
Welcome home
Personality Manipulator: Sarah's New Personality
Sarah's New Personality
The Guest9
Personality Manipulator: Karyn Vanishes
Karyn Vanishes
The Guest10
Personality Manipulator: Jon Helps Sarah
Jon Helps Sarah
Indentured Seating: An Eye-Opening ExperienceMCThrowaway17
Personality Manipulator: Sarah the Loser
Sarah the Loser
The Guest8
DMU-122: Robert Alone
Robert Alone
The Guest70
MAV: Family Bonds
MAV: Dark Sisters
Great Sage4
Simulation : Heading outbelchest17
Simulation: Compulsionsbelchest16
MAV: The Popular Choice
MAV: Popular Choice
Great Sage4
Simulation: Assessing the situationbelchest15
And so it begins...
Jon's master plan
Karyn is on board.
John makes Karyn play along.
.... Karyn's Sporty friends
MAV: Jon stays with Karyn
Great Sage4
Morphic Adaptation Virus
MAV: First chapter
Great Sage3Aware MTF Magic Unaware
Personality Manipulator: Sarah Does Some Reflecting
While the New Popular Girls Shop, Sarah Does Some Reflecting
They're In a Malfunctioning Computer Simulation, and Biff's Their 'Daughter'?!
They're In a Malfunctioning Computer Simulation (3)
They're In a Somewhat Malfunctioning Computer Simulation
They're In a Malfunctioning Computer Simulation (2)
Personality Manipulator: Actually, It's Amber Who Decides to Help Jon
Actually, It's Amber Who Decides to Help Jon
The Bench: Jon Gets a Date
Jon Gets a Date
The Guest58
Personality Manipulator: Jon Tries Manipulation
Jon Tries Manipulation
The Guest13
They're In a Malfunctioning Computer SimulationAnonymous5114
Reversed Gender Role Jon and Sarah Are in the Normal WorldAnonymous5115
Jon and Sarah Are in a Reversed Gender Role WorldAnonymous5114
Karyn Knows
Karyn is Convincing...
Laundromat: Actually, Jenny Just Agreed to Have Sex
Actually, Jenny Just Agreed to Have Sex
Personality Manipulator: Do More Zapping, or Do Some Shopping?
What Should the Popular Girls Do Next - Zapping or Shopping?
Messing with Karyn: Soon-to-be slut wakes up
Karyn wakes up
Messing With Karyn: Amendments and wish errors
Amendments and wish errors
Messing with Karyn: Slow Slut after all
Slow sluttification
Messing With Karyn: Phone call
Phone call
Drive to the mallMarazh-no10
Karyn Stands Up for Jon the Wuss
Karyn confronts Lisa
Neil Keys9
Starting CampGhost816
The Bench: Goth Nadine
The New Goth Nadine Reacts to Sarah's Call
Personality Manipulator: It Can Now Combine Up to Five Personalities!
Jon Adds a Multiple Personalities Function
Personality Manipulator: Jon Gets Back at Karyn?
Jon Gets Back at Karyn For Overreacting When He Made Her a Ditz
Personality Manipulator: Jon's Losing Them
Jon Tells Them What They Are, But Loses Time to Get Them to Help Him
Personality Manipulator: Jon Tries to Ally with Them
Jon Tries to Ally With Them
The Guest11
Personality Manipulator: Cybergoth Jessica, Prudish Tiffany, Non-Binary Amber, and Stoner Melissa
Cybergoth Jessica, Prudish Tiffany, Non-Binary Amber, and Stoner Melissa
Personality Manipulator: Turnabout is Fair Play
Karyn Gets Back at Jon For Making Her a Ditz
Personality Manipulator: Karyn's Plan
Karyn's Plan
The Guest9
Personality Manipulator: Jon Gives the Device a Malfunction
Jon Gives the Device a Malfunction
Personality Manipulator: Popular Karyn Targets Sarah's Friends
Karyn Targets Sarah's Friends

1 ... 16 17 18 19 20 ... 496

Oldest episodes

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