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138. DMU RB Farber - Further change

137. DMU RB Farber - Jason has some

136. DMU RB Farber - Emma and Steve

135. DMU RB Farber - Macey’s punish

134. DMU RB Farber - Anne meets Mac

133. DMU RB Farber - Steve’s turn

132. DMU RB Farber - Anne’s examina

131. DMU RB Farber - Housecall

130. DMU RB Farber - Steve’s in tro

129. DMU RB Farber - The third morn

128. DMU RB Farber - End of day 2

127. DMU RB Farber - an eventful ev

126. DMU RB Farber - A butting of h

125. DMU RB Farber - Steve gets cle

124. DMU RB Farber - Steve’s accide

123. DMU RB Farber - Anne and Emma

122. DMU RB Farber - Steve gets dre

121. DMU RB Farber - Waking up on d

120. DMU RB Farber - Off to Dreamla

119. DMU RB Farber - Bath time

DMU RB Farber - Further changes for Jason

avatar on 2023-06-08 14:33:18

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Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF

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Jason’s eyes snapped open at the sound of Emma’s voice. She was stood leaning against the door frame, arms folded, and a big smirk on her face. There was an obvious bulge in the front of her jeans.

“Ems! I…” he began, face flushed with embarrassment. He scrambled to his feet and turned the shower off.

“Having fun?” Emma said coyly “I was just coming to check on Stevie, and I could hear you through the door” she added. Jason couldn’t look her in the eye as he pulled the bathrobe back on.

“Sorry, I don’t know what came over me” he said weakly as he wrapped his hair in a towel then walked past her to get back to the bedroom.

“Me, by the sounds of it!” Emma chuckled as she slapped his backside as he passed.

“Emma!” Jason gasped, trying to hide the smile that was forming. She followed him to the bedroom where she sat on the bed and watched him.

“Could I have a bit of privacy?” He asked as he rovers the towel on his head and roughly dried his hair before picking up the hairdryer.

“Why? I’ve pretty much seen everything already” Emma said with a wink, “an it looked really good.” She added. Jason blushed again and started to blow dry his hair.

“Look, can we just pretend that never happened” he said loudly over the noise of the hairdryer.

“If you really want to” Emma replied with a sigh, “just remember the dr said any thoughts and feeling we might get are perfectly natural. I’m sure she said something about us not even being related anymore” she added.

‘Natural to be attracted to my daughter in the body of man? Yeah right!’ Jason thought to himself, stealing a glance over at her.

“Could you actually go and check on Steve?” He said. Emma rolled her eyes and got up off the bed.

“Ok, I’ll be out in the garden after that. It’s a nice day” she said as she left the room.

“Finally” Jason muttered to himself as he finished drying his hair, then roe moved the damp bathrobe. He stood there naked for a moment as he decided what to wear. He was considering something casual, but something about that didn’t sit right. He had this great body now, surely he should show it off a little. He pulled out a matching black underwear set, discovering the bra now fit his new endowments. He went to Anne’s closet and found a black dress with a mesh-like material at the top. He pulled it on, along with a white sparkly belt around his waist. He finished off the outfit with a pair of black heels, and some hooped earrings that he suddenly found he had holes in his ears for. He studied himself in the mirror.

“Hmm, still not quite there” he muttered to himself. He glanced over at Anne’s vanity and it clicked.

“Just needs a bit of makeup!” He said with a smile. He sat down inforntnif the smaller mirror almost instinctually began to apply foundation, lipstick, eyeliner, the works. It seems the less he consciously thought about it, the easier it was. When he’d finished he sat back and admired his handiwork.

“Oh wow! I look good!” He smiled, now he knew why Anne was always so fussy about her appearance. He winked at his reflection then got up and made his way downstairs. As he passed by Emma’s room he spotted Steve who was now laying on the floor asleep.

“Must have tired himself out” he thought as he easily picked up his sleeping form and laid him on the bed. He bent over and gave him a light kiss on the forehead and made his way downstairs.

Meanwhile, Emma had laid out two deckchairs on the grass, along with a bottle of wine, and was sitting there soaking up the sun. She had grabbed herself another beer and had just taken another swig when she became aware of someone standing by the back gate. She looked over and her jaw dropped at the beauty that was standing there.

“Oh my god Jason! Is that you?” She gasped.

“Yeah, this just feels right you know?” He replied sheepishly taking a seat next to her and slipping on a pair of sunglasses.

“You look amazing” Emma replied with a kind smile, “total knockout!” She added taking another swig of her beer. Jason smiled at the compliment and poured himself a glass of wine.

“What a nice afternoon” he said with a smile as he leaned back in his chair.

“Yeah, it really is.” Emma replied, not taking her eyes off him. She couldn’t help but stare at his chest and the shape of his legs in those heels. She thought about what she’d seen him doing in the shower, and felt her penis shifting in her boxers. Foreign knowledge of various acts and phrases swirled in her mind, things only two days ago she knew nothing about. She reached over and placed a hand on his exposed thigh, feeling the softeness of skin in her palm. He looked over at her and smiled.

“Everything ok?” He asked.

“Yeah,” she replied, “was just thinking about you” she added.

“Oh really?” Jason replied, “what were you thinking?” He ventured taking another gentle sip of his wine.

“How lucky I am to be sat next to someone this hot” Emma said with a grin, “speaking of hot, I’m boiling” she added. With that she pulled of the shirt she wearing and dropped it to the side. Jason looked her torso up and down. Whatever muscle he had lost, she seemed to have gained in spades. Her pecs were really prominent now, her shoulders were so broad now, and there was even more definition on her abs. He took another sip of his wine as his eyes lowered to her crotch, knowing the size of the beast she had nesting there. His crotch tingled again, and he took a deep breath.

‘What is happening?’ He thought to himself, ‘do I…do I really want this?’ Emma could sense his gaze and as he looked back up at her, she gave him a sly wink. Suddenly he didn’t see his daughter anymore, all he saw was a powerful man, who made him feel things he’d never had before. Something in his mind had changed now, sitting here dressed as he was he felt amazing. The way she was looking at him made him feel so desirable. He knew now, he really did want this.

“You know…” Jason began, looking up at the sky, “Stevie’s asleep right now, and Anne hasn’t come home yet” he added taking another sip of wine. Emma’s heart started beating faster.

“Oh, is that so?” She replied, raising an eyebrow, “so what do you want to do?” Without replying, Jason got to his feet and swung his leg over hers until he was sat on her lap facing her. He leaned forward and planted a passionate kiss on her lips.

“What do you think?” He grinned at her as he pulled away.

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