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134. The Return of Bethany

133. Kyla Finally Finds a New Outfi

132. Myka Finds Karyn

131. Stephanie Offers Myka a Ride H

130. A Tale of Maternal Instincts

129. Jay Gives Simon Some Friendly

128. Jay and Simon

127. Jay Leaves the School and Enco

126. A New Assistant Principal

125. Simon Quits

124. Simon is in Trouble

123. Myka is Offered a Position on

122. Realization

121. Mikey Has Sixth Period PE Clas

120. Mikey Meets a New Friend

119. Mikey Finally Confesses

118. What do you want?

117. The Hallway

116. Theology vs Rationality

115. Miss Wright Gets It

Musical Closets Variation: The Return of Bethany

on 2023-06-03 03:57:02

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"Uh, sure ... what's up, Myka?" Karyn asked her best friend Zendaya's younger sister, though not biological sister.

"I already tried to tell this to Gena, but ... Karyn?" Myka asked, alarmed. The 17-year old girl (two years older than Myka) had a glassy look in her eyes, then suddenly turned away and walked off. But it wasn't because she was ignoring her. She was being affected by Myka's wish! Should she follow her? Considering Karyn was leaving the school, it was probably ill-advised, but who knew when Myka would be able to talk to her again, and if she was even in the right state-of-mind to even be helpful. After all, Gena (formerly Jon) wasn't.

While no one currently noticed Karyn, Amy noticed Myka running off and hurried after her, wondering where she was going, and calling her name.


Kyla slipped back into her actual clothes and gently snuck down the stairs. The last thing she remembered was...being with Bernard, and that mean girl was giving them a hard time. And then...she looked at her shoes. They were scuffed, with some mud on them...had she walked all the way here from school? It must be miles. But how? Why? Had Lenni had something to do with it? Maybe slipped her something that made her zone out.

She opened the door, revealing Bethany Black, who had been trying to figure out how to get it, having lost her key. Both of them stared at each other.

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