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Oldest episodes

Gothic Santa: Back to Having Two Sons and a Daughter
Linda Wishes For a New Older Son
Anonymous5118Aware MTF Magic
Santa Karyn: Jon Doesn't Want to Be Mrs. Claus
Jon Doesn't Want to Be Mrs. Claus
Anonymous5117Age Aware FTM MTF Magic Super
They May Be Invisible to Jon, But Not to Santa
Santa Captures Zoe
Anonymous5116Magic Myth
Saved By the Boyfriend
In Biff's Bedroom
Anonymous5125Magic Myth
Athena and Zoe Locate the Other Magical ArtifactAnonymous5110Magic Myth
Karyn Finds the Stone and Accidentally Uses ItAnonymous5119Magic Myth
Mikey's Princess Wish: Checking in
John checks in
DigiConjurer4MC Magic TF Unaware
Mikey's Princess Wish: Ripple Effect
Watching movies
DigiConjurer3MC Magic TF Unaware
The Gothic Stone: Zoe is Now the One Who Inherited the Stone
Karyn Tells Her Twin That She Used to Be Jon
Anonymous5110Aware MTF Magic Twin
The Gay Stone: Jenna and Karyn Are Dating
Jon is Jenna, and Jenna is Dating Karyn
Anonymous516Aware MTF Magic Unaware
Biff is pissed. But turnabout is fair play.
Biff is pissed. Ronald fights back.
Marazh-no34Age Aware BE Bimbo FTF MTF Magic Size TF
Jon May Not Be Out of the Gamelifesmainantagonist12Anthro Magic Stuck TF
Jessie makes it back to class
Jessie, back to class
Marazh-no24Age BE Bimbo FTF MC Magic TF Unaware
Role Reversal - Jon and Zoe: Karyn and Sarah Freak Out
Karyn and Sarah Freak Out
Anonymous5119Aware Magic TF
Role Reversal - Jon and Zoe: Zoe's Wish De-Goths the Club
Zoe's Wish De-Goths the Club
Anonymous5118Aware Magic TF
Role Reversal - Jon and Zoe: Goth Jon Meets the 'New' Karyn and Sarah
Jon's POV
Anonymous5120Magic TF Unaware
Role Reversal - Jon and Zoe: Karyn and Sarah Think They're Supposed to Be Goths
Karyn and Sarah Didn't Hear the Wish
Anonymous5119Aware Magic TF Unaware
Role Reversal - Jon and Zoe: Zoe, Karyn, and Sarah Are Goths Now
Zoe, Karyn, and Sarah Are Goths Now
Anonymous5118Aware Magic TF
Role Reversal - Jon and Zoe: Fitting In?
Not Strange to Be There?
The McMillan Triplets: Acquisitions
Gooose11Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTF FTM MC MTF Magic TF
Lady Of The Night
The New Lady of the Night
Transformation Guns: Relaxing for a bit, and a previously unmentioned Transformation Gun
A previously unmentioned Transformation Gun surfaces
Christine L.106Aware MTF Magic Musc
Transmutation: Someone Finds the Stone First
Someone Finds the Stone Before Sam
Charity Stone Dark Reality: Intrusions from other realities?
Athena sees an interesting and unsettling conversation
Christine L.17Magic
Charity Stone Dark Reality: How Sarah's wish further affected the McMillans
Athena and Scarlett discover the McMillans' post-wish reality
Christine L.16Magic
Transmutation: Blonde Athena
Blonde Athena
Anonymous5140Aware Magic TF Unaware
Transmutation: The Jewel of Cusco
Back to Athena and Sam
Anonymous5138Aware MTF Magic
halloween mix
Jon at the party
Cardboard4Conjoin ML Magic Multi Unaware
Charity Stone Dark Reality: Which wish caused it?
Athena reads the list of recent wishes
Christine L.15Magic
Charity Stone Dark Reality: The Wish Detector
The Wish Detector
Christine L.14Magic
Charity Stone Dark Reality: Athena goes to the Occult Store
Athena seeks help from Scarlett, owner of the Occult Store
Christine L.13Magic
A Magic Ring: Jon Goes Through Physical Changes Too
Jon Goes Through Physical Changes Too
Anonymous517Aware Magic TF
New Taste in Music - Punk Rock: Jon Tries to Fix His Mom
Jon Tries to Fix His Mom
Anonymous517Aware Magic TF Unaware
Role Reversal: Jenny Thinks She's Supposed to Be a Goth Punk Girl
Jenny Thinks She's Supposed to Be a Goth Punk Girl
Anonymous5110MTF Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: Jon Swaps With Sabrina (Alt)
Athena's Pendant Interferes, Causing Jon to Swap With Sabrina (Alt)
Anonymous519MTF Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: A Different Kind of Football
A Different Kind of Football
Gooose18Magic TF Unaware
Role Reversal: Jon Thinks He's Supposed to Be a Goth Punk Boy
Jon Thinks He's Supposed to Be a Goth Punk Boy
Anonymous5110Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: Jon Swaps With Sabrina
Athena's Pendant Interferes, Causing Jon to Swap With Sabrina
Anonymous519Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: Jon Meets the New Nadine
Jon Meets the Goth Trio, Then Swaps
Anonymous518Aware Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: Nadine Meets Up With Her New Friends
Athena Notices Something Odd About Nadine
Anonymous517Magic Unaware
Senior Summer - Finishthisguy1010176Aware MTF Magic
Country Clubbing: Getting Ready
Getting Ready
Gooose15Age Body_Swap FTF MTF Magic Stuck TF
Country Clubbing: All In
All In
Gooose14Age Aware Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF Magic TF
Country Clubbing: Comparing Notes
Comparing Notes
Gooose13Body_Swap FTF MTF Magic TF
Country Clubbing: Familiar Strangers
Familiar Strangers
Gooose12Age Aware Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF Magic TF
Dreams of Djinni: Fast Acting Magic
Fast Acting Magic
Gooose24MTF Magic Myth TF
Country Clubbing: The Scales Flip
The Scales Flip
Gooose10Age Aware Body_Swap FTF Magic TF
Country Clubbing: A Startling Transformation
A Startling Transformation
Gooose7Age Aware BE Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic TF
Country Clubbing: Susan McMillan, Queen of Lakeview
Susan McMillan, Queen of Lakeview
Gooose6Aware Body_Swap FTM MTF Magic TF
Role Reversal: Expedited Transition
Jenny wishes she could fast-forward her transition
rainyRose22MTF Magic Unaware
Slowly Swapping: Changing Outfits, Changing Needs
Changing Outfits, Changing Needs
Ms. Cork19Body_Swap FTF MTF Magic
An Unlikely VisitorEnigmaticEmboar17Aware Inanimate Magic SciFi Super TF
The Return of the Ultimate Evillifesmainantagonist22Animal Anthro MB MTF Magic Omni TF
Slowly Swapping: Fitting Rooms
Fitting Rooms
Ms. Cork18MTF Magic Part_Swap
Slowly Swapping: Jon Spills the Beans
Spilling the Beans
Ms. Cork16MTF Magic
Nothing Changed...? Really...?
It did what It did.
N/A5Magic SciFi Super TF
Jon and Karyn disagreelifesmainantagonist21Animal Anthro FTM MTF Magic TF
the fox dilemma
foxes again
lifesmainantagonist20Animal FTM MTF Magic Omni TF
The 2nd most evil beinglifesmainantagonist19FTM MTF Magic Omni TF
Jon doesn't want to be Alfredlifesmainantagonist13Anthro Magic
Transformation Guns: A lifesaving beneficial side effect? Jeffries and Carrie to the rescue
A lifesaving beneficial side effect?
Christine L.101Aware MTF Magic TF
Transformation Guns: Several transformations, and a dark turn of events
Several transformations, and a dark turn of events
Christine L.100Aware MTF Magic TF
Transformation Guns: Interview with a bank president turned female ninja
Anissa's session with Coakley
Christine L.97Aware MTF Magic TF
A Royal Mistake (Alt): A Brief Exploration
A Brief Exploration
Gooose5MTF Magic Myth
Zoe's Mom (Alt): Zoe at School
Zoe at School
There Never Was a Karyn: Jon's Best Friend
Jon's Best Friend
Gooose3MTF Magic TF
Grandpa's Not Dead
Grampa's Alive, and Someone Else
Karyn *doesn't* notice any changes
Karyn doesn't notice changes
Marazh-no14Magic Unaware
Transformation Guns: Preparing for the sessions
Dr. Fairlane needs the right venue
Christine L.94Aware MTF Magic
A Horrible Mistake Redux
A Horrible Mistake
Karyn chases JonMarazh-no9Aware Magic Unaware
A 'regular?' outfitMarazh-no8Age Aware MTF Magic Size TF
Wish Chain: Kind of Pretty
Kind of Pretty
Ms. Cork38FTF Magic
Role Reversal: Jon Makes Mikey His Older Brother
Jon Makes Mikey His Older Brother
Anonymous5122Age Aware Magic
Role Reversal: Jon Decides to Adjust His Family, Starting With Mikey
Jon Decides to Adjust His Family, Starting With Mikey
Anonymous5121Aware MTF Magic
Role Reversal: Jenny Wishes to Be a (Real) Girl
Jenny Wishes to Be a (Real) Girl
Anonymous5122Aware BE MTF Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: Jenny Wishes For Breast Implants
Jenny Wishes For Breast Implants
Anonymous5122Aware BE MTF Magic Unaware
Magic Circlelifesmainantagonist44Anthro Magic Myth
Role Reversal: Skipping Ahead By Seven Days
Seven Days Later ...
Anonymous5122Aware MTF Magic
Role Reversal: Jon Makes Himself Jenny For the Week
Jon's Gone For the Week, Replaced By Jenny
Anonymous5121Aware MTF Magic Unaware
Mysterious Symbollifesmainantagonist43Anthro Magic Myth
Role Reversal: Pervy Mikey Arrives
It's Mikey
Anonymous5119Aware MTF Magic Unaware
Familiar-ized: The Changes Second Order
The Changes Second Order
The Guest5Magic Unaware
Familiar-ized: The Changes First Order
The Changes First Order
The Guest5Magic Unaware
Familiar-izedThe Guest4Magic Unaware
Role Reversal: Mikey the Perv
Mikey Switches With a Perv
Anonymous5114Aware MTF Magic Musc Unaware
Jon vs Rumpelstiltskinlifesmainantagonist6Herm Magic Multi Myth TF
funny little manlifesmainantagonist4Magic Multi TF
McMillan-ized: Really Mixed Up
Really Mixed Up
The Guest5Age FTM MTF Magic
McMillan-ized: A Little More Mixed-Up
A Little More Mixed Up
The Guest5Age FTM MTF Magic
McMillan-ized: A Little Mixed-Up
The Changes Won't Be So Straight Forward
Anonymous515Age FTM MTF Magic
Sarah's Not the Only Bitch: Sarah's Not a Cheerleader
Sarah's Not a Cheerleader
Anonymous515Aware Magic
Zapped: Chief Brick Harrison
Brick Becomes the Chief of Police
Anonymous5158Aware Magic Unaware
Sarah's Not the Only Bitch: Slutty Nadine's New Reality
Her Appearance Changes
Anonymous515Aware Magic Unaware
Wishes About Dad: His Brother is His Dad's Lover?!
His Dad's Lover is Matt
Anonymous516Aware Magic Unaware
Sarah's Not the Only Bitch: Slutty Nadine and Karyn's New Reality
Their Appearances Change
Anonymous516Aware Magic Unaware
Sarah's Not the Only Bitch: Nadine AND Karyn Become Nymphomaniacs
Nadine AND Karyn Become Nymphomaniacs
Anonymous515Aware Magic
Sarah's Not the Only Bitch: Nadine Becomes a Nymphomaniac
Nadine Becomes a Nymphomaniac
Anonymous514Aware Magic
Sarah's Not the Only Bitch: Nadine AND Karyn Become Succubi
Nadine AND Karyn Become Succubi
Anonymous515Aware Magic Myth
Sarah's Not the Only Bitch: Nadine Becomes a Succubus
Nadine Becomes a Succubus
Anonymous514Aware Magic Myth

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Oldest episodes

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