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9. Athena's Pendant Interferes, C

8. Jon Meets the Goth Trio, Then

7. Athena Notices Something Odd A

6. Jon Notices a Minor Effect on

5. Remember, It's Still the First

4. Zoe

3. Role Revesal

2. Role Reversal

1. You Are What You Wish

Role Reversal: Jon Swaps With Sabrina (Alt)

avatar on 2023-10-16 17:31:30

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MTF Magic Unaware

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Suddenly, Athena's pendant glowed brightly, finally catching her attention. As it turned out, it's what saved her from being swapped with Jon. The first person he conversed with was Nadine, but she had already swapped with Zoe and couldn't swap again. So normally, the second person he conversed with would be the one he would swap with, but Athena's pendant had protected her from the magic of the stone. So Jon ended up swapping with the third person he conversed with. And that was Sabrina Johnson.

"Wish? What the fuck are you talking about?" Sabrina asked, before getting hit with the mother of all dizzy spells. When her focus came back, she was standing there with three Goth girls. She didn't associate herself with the Goth crowd (they kinda creeped her out, honestly), but she thought that the two older girls' names were Nadine and Jenny (the latter being a Goth punk girl with spiky neon-pink-dyed hair, specifically). It must have hurt getting all those piercings and tattoos, looking at Jenny. Sabrina had a high tolerance for pain, but even for her, that was too much. Plus, her dad would freak if he caught her with even the smallest tattoo.

Not having any reason to be there, Sabrina (now just a typical teenage girl) turned around and headed home.

But what about Jon-now-Jenny? Normally, she should notice the changes to reality, since (as Jon) she heard her own wish. But with the interference of another magical artifact (Athena's pendant), who knew? She might think that this reality was how it was normally supposed to be ... for the next seven says. (At least, that's what Jon thought he had wished for.)

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