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Oldest episodes

No longer Jon’s ID
Gary’s ID
SlothYou Are What You Wish8Aware
Transformation Guns: An address from Elizabeth Loughty
How the news media talks about the big change
Christine L.You Are What You Wish88Aware Magic TF
Metamorphic water: A cute new animal girl
Anthony's life goes a bit nuts
ChompyThe Drafting Board6Age Anthro Aware MTF Size TF
Transformation Guns: Sarah calls McMillan Tech Industries
Sarah is finally able to contact MTI
Christine L.You Are What You Wish87Aware MTF
IOC FW: New Faces
IOC Free Wardrobe: New Faces
B5The Drafting Board18Age Aware FTM MTF
The Random Stone (Zoe): Mini-mall becomes big mall
Michelle buys herself some more time
Christine L.You Are What You Wish32Aware MTF TF
Nick & Megan : living room play 2thisguy10101Altered Fates19Aware Body_Swap MTF Part_Swap
What's In a Name?
A Hot New Teacher
Great SageYou Are What You Wish3Aware Body_Swap MTF Magic SciFi Twin Unaware
Senior Summer - Third Daythisguy10101You Are What You Wish75Aware MTF
Morphic Adaptation Virus
MAV: First chapter
Great SageYou Are What You Wish3Aware MTF Magic Unaware
The Magic Rock Brewerysimmer68The Drafting Board2Aware BE Bimbo Body_Swap FTM Herm MTF Magic
Perfect Partners - Jon goes home
Eventually Jon goes home.
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish7Aware BE Magic
Jon, the ugly girl
Changing Jon for the worse
key44You Are What You Wish4Aware MTF
Honest Discussion - Dicky Trick on Sore Sunday
Dicky Trick on Sore Sunday
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish21Aware BE FTM Herm MTF Magic
Short and StackedRoanYou Are What You Wish14Aware Herm Size TF
AI-Dress: A slight adjustment
The wish made people think people wearing massive dresses were normal
DigiConjurerYou Are What You Wish7Aware MC Magic TF
There will be no hiding thoseRoanYou Are What You Wish13Aware BE Herm MC TF
Inseams are OverratedRoanYou Are What You Wish12Aware TF
Be Careful What You Ask ForRoanYou Are What You Wish11Aware FTM TF
If the Panties FitRoanYou Are What You Wish10Aware MTF TF
Wear the RainbowRoanYou Are What You Wish9Aware MC Size TF
The Random Stone (Zoe): Michelle figures out how it works
Michelle makes the right wish
Christine L.You Are What You Wish31Aware MTF
The Random Stone (Zoe): Michelle escapes
Michelle escapes
Christine L.You Are What You Wish30Aware MTF
…you’re going to trip, too.RoanYou Are What You Wish8Aware MC TF
If I’m going to trip…RoanYou Are What You Wish7Aware MC
The Random Stone (Zoe): Karyn heard the rich girl wish
Karyn heard the rich girl wish
Christine L.You Are What You Wish29Aware MTF Magic
The Random Stone (Zoe): Jon becomes the richest girl in the world
Jon becomes the richest girl in the world
Christine L.You Are What You Wish28Aware MTF
Hair HealthRoanYou Are What You Wish6Aware MC TF
Starting SmallRoanYou Are What You Wish5Aware TF
Jon’s Wardrobe (Alt)RoanYou Are What You Wish4Aware
Perfect Partners - Jon's Power II
Jon's Power II
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish6Anthro Aware BE FTM MTF Magic TF
Perfect Partners - Jon's Power
Jon's Power
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish6Aware BE Magic TF
Perfect Partners - Karyn's Power
Karyn's Power
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish5Aware BE MTF Magic
The Grimoire
The Grimoire: The Beginning
Great SageYou Are What You Wish3Aware MTF Magic Unaware
New AttireRoanYou Are What You Wish17Aware TF
Hung Like a HorseRoanYou Are What You Wish16Aware Herm MC TF
Sarah Wants "Joan"RoanYou Are What You Wish15Aware Herm MC
Sarah's Big RevealRoanYou Are What You Wish14Aware MC
Sarah's RevealRoanYou Are What You Wish13Aware MC
What's In a Name?RoanYou Are What You Wish11Aware MC
Honest Discussion - Breakfast, Existential Dread, and Love
Breakfast, Existential Dread, and Love
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish20Aware Herm Magic
Honest Discussion - Dining, Philosophy, Reality, and Sex
Dining, Philosophy, Reality, and Sex
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish19Aware Herm Magic
Honest Discussion - Going Camping
Going Camping
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish18Aware Herm Magic
Honest Discussion - The Other Change
The Other Change
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish17Aware BE FTM Herm MTF Magic TF
Honest Discussion - The Change
The Change
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish17Aware BE Magic TF
Honest Discussion - The Stone's Action
The Stone's Action
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish16Aware BE Magic
Honest Discusion - The End of Jon's Boobs
The End of Jon's Boobs
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish14Aware BE Magic Unaware
Honest Discusion - Date wind down
Snuggling and Sunday
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish13Aware BE Magic
Honest Discusion - The Date
The Date
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish12Aware BE Magic
Honest Discusion - Swimming and Boob Buoyancy
Lessons in boob buoyancy at the pool and date planning
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish11Aware BE Magic Unaware
Honest Discussion - Swimsuits and Bombshells
Karyn want's to go swimming.
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish10Aware BE Magic
Honest Discussion - Dinner at Jon's House
After school hanging out
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish9Aware BE Magic Unaware
Honest Discussion - Facing school with boobs
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish8Aware BE Magic Unaware
Honest Discusion - Apprehension and hair
The next morning
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish7Aware BE Magic
Honest Discussion: Where everyone else thinks Jon's boobs came from
Karyn can stay.
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish5Aware BE Magic
Honest Discussion: That wasn't what Jon meant.
That wasn't what Jon meant
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish4Aware BE Magic
A Frank and Honest Discussion of Boobs and FeelingsbigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish3Aware BE Magic TF
The Assistant Principal
Making the assistant principal fit in
key44You Are What You Wish6Age Aware MTF
Something Interesting With Karyn - Shower surprise!
Shower time
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish14Aware BE FTM MTF Part_Swap
Eric's Costume : at homethisguy10101Altered Fates27Aware Part_Swap
The computer - Redhead morningthisguy10101You Are What You Wish6Aware MTF Magic
Nick & Megan : using some new partsthisguy10101Altered Fates7Aware Magic Part_Swap
Something Interesting With Karyn - Pillow Talk
Pillow Talk
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish13Aware BE FTM MTF Part_Swap
DTH: Hop 22 - Trouble at HomeLidoYou Are What You Wish8Aware MTF
DTH: Hop 22 - Mall TroubleLidoYou Are What You Wish7Aware MTF
DTH: Hop 22 - Killing Time at the MallLidoYou Are What You Wish6Aware MTF
DTH: Hop 22 - DownstairsLidoYou Are What You Wish5Aware MTF
DTH: Zoe's World - Hop 21 - No Time For ExpositionLidoYou Are What You Wish24Aware MTF
DTH: Zoe's World - Hop 21 - A New DTHLidoYou Are What You Wish23Aware MTF
DTH: Zoe's World - Hop 21 - Athena TalksLidoYou Are What You Wish22Aware MTF
DTH: Zoe's World - Hop 21 - Cage DiscussionsLidoYou Are What You Wish21Aware MTF
Something Interesting With Karyn - Finally
Yeah, sure why not, lets just do it.
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish12Aware BE FTM MTF Part_Swap
DTH: Zoe's World - Hop 21 - Sarah's PlansLidoYou Are What You Wish20Aware MTF
DTH: Zoe's World - Hop 21 - Into Sarah's DenLidoYou Are What You Wish19Aware MTF
Something Interesting With Karyn, Feeling each other's boobs up.
Tits for tat.
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish11Aware BE FTM MTF Part_Swap
Hey Jon-Boy my boobs are up here!bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish10Aware BE FTM MTF Part_Swap
DTH: Zoe's World - Hop 21 - Heading to Sarah'sLidoYou Are What You Wish18Aware MTF
Genital Cycles: Jon+Karyn
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish10Aware BE FTM MTF
DTH: Zoe's World - Hop 21 - Getting ReadyLidoYou Are What You Wish17Aware MTF
DTH: Zoe's World - Hop 21 - Gender Swap RingLidoYou Are What You Wish16Aware FTM MTF
LAKE POINT: Sarah's Lucid Moment
Sarah Briefly Gains Awareness
Neil KeysYou Are What You Wish28Aware FTF MC Unaware
Skinny Jon becomes Fat Jen
Jon's makeover
key44You Are What You Wish5Aware MTF
Special Academy: Magic
Great SageYou Are What You Wish4Aware MTF Magic
Fae Born
Fae School
Great SageYou Are What You Wish4Aware MTF Magic Myth TF
Mythical Metamorphosis Syndrome
Yet another weird disease
Great SageYou Are What You Wish3Anthro Aware MTF Magic Myth
A Special School.
The New England Academy for Gifted Individuals
Great SageYou Are What You Wish3Aware MTF Magic Myth
The narrow dating pool after their change
The dating pool and dating
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish9Aware BE FTM MTF Part_Swap
Contemplation of the situation and Karyn's distraction by Jon's chest
Well, what now?
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish8Aware BE FTM MTF Part_Swap
Rob does the reversekey44You Are What You Wish13Aware MTF
Jamie is Next
Jamie senses something is wrong
key44You Are What You Wish12Aware FTM
Genital Cycles: More Questions about the way the world works now.
More Questions about the way the world works now.
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish9Aware BE FTM MTF
Barb's stiff revengekey44You Are What You Wish11Aware FTM
Aaron's new mountians
Careful of being shallow
key44You Are What You Wish10Aware MTF
Fred get some pussy
Fred gets some pussy
key44You Are What You Wish9Aware MTF
To the Poolkey44You Are What You Wish8Aware FTM
Not all bad newsbigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish7Aware BE FTM MTF Part_Swap
What Jon's dumb wish did.bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish6Aware BE FTM MTF Part_Swap
Jon gets a bust.
Further Developements
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish5Aware BE FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Jon is indeed an idiot.
Things between the legs change.
bigbustgazerYou Are What You Wish4Aware FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
Riding Solokey44You Are What You Wish7Aware MTF

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Oldest episodes

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