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91. Samantha and company reunite w

90. It's the Mime Gun again

89. Back to MTI, as Samantha's gro

88. How the news media talks about

87. Sarah is finally able to conta

86. Linda talks with Mikey, Jon an

85. Jon's mother and Mikey return

84. Jerri escapes from MTI, and th

83. Nicole contacts Sarah

82. Zoe and Athena are let in on t

81. Back to Jon, Karyn, and Sarah

80. School finally lets out after

79. So, did Jay Duncan solve that

78. They get Rachel on the phone t

77. Sallow proves to be still reas

76. Resolving the situation peacef

75. A Transformation Gun user figh

74. Ryan, Samantha, and friends co

73. He does have the Seafarer Gun,

72. Back to Jay and Athena, and a

Transformation Guns: Rachel's friends arrive at a tense situation

on 2023-05-10 21:17:59
Episode last modified by Christine L. on 2024-11-05 08:19:26

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McMillan Tech Industries Lake Point Branch, the waiting area near the board meeting room

Rachel McLewis was sitting with the transformed Richard McMillan, who was lying down on one of the couches. Though McMillan had been chatty regarding matters related to the sports teams at Sarah's school and about firing Martin Stragey, the CEO of McMillan Tech Industries was still clearly feeling the effects of transformation trauma.

Dr. Elaine was currently giving Chief Financial Officer Nicholson Quarterson (currently in the form of a 1920's flapper) a glass of water. "I'm sorry, Mr. Quarterson, but alcohol is a strict no-no to someone in your present condition. You're still clearly suffering from psychological trauma. We need to have you evaluated by licensed medical professionals before we can allow you to have any sort of beverage that you like. You were changed by the Random Gun, after all. For all we know, your new body might be lactose intolerant so we might not want to serve you dairy products, either."

Elinor Stallsworth, head of the Accounting Department, was in the form of a 29 year old young man dressed as a baseball player. Dr. Elaine's assistant (another accounting executive zapped into a nurse) was looking after the transformed board member. Elinor seemed headachey, but still tried to engage in conversation at times.

Roman Coakley, the head of Lake Point Mutual Bank, was in the form of a female ninja dressed in black. The only outside director present during the fateful Board meeting was now a bit more talkative after being in a state of confusion for much of the past few hours. Secretary Gloria Galinsky had allowed Coakley to see some of Elizabeth Loughty's address to the nation streaming on a cellphone app. Coakley still sometimes had spells of going silent or appearing distracted, and alternately speaking in English, Japanese, and a few other languages.

Martin Stragey, the instigator of the failed takeover attempt, was in the form of a female Asian nurse. Now carefully being looked after by two Marketing assistants and a security guard, Stragey was alternately glaring at the other transformed people and looking around in confusion.

Rachel looked up to see Samantha Duncan arriving on the scene, followed by Arnie Amspoker, Larry Eastbrook, and Carrie Brierton. At that moment, Rachel stood up and embraced Samantha in a relieved hug. While she had spoken to her friend on the phone and seen her on face time, it was still a relief to see Samantha in person little the worse for wear after her experiences in the basement lab.

Samantha returned the hug gratefully. "It's so good to see you!" she exclaimed. Even though the two friends had seen each other early in the day, so much had happened in the hours since then that it felt like days, or even weeks since they arrived at the Research and Development department that morning.

The two quickly broke off the hug. As much as they wanted to just go into an empty office or a break room and just relax and talk about what a crazy day it had been, they both knew the day was not over yet.

Samantha knew that while her son Jay and his friends at Lake Point High School had been allowed to go home after finding a good number of Transformation Guns and could now rest and unwind, Samantha and her friends and coworkers were still in the midst of chaos. And first and foremost was seeing what they could do for Mr. McMillan and the others who had been changed multiple times during the failed takeover.

With this in mind, Samantha turned to Rachel. "So, are they here?" she asked.

Rachel slowly nodded. She turned back to McMillan. "I'm sorry, sir, but at least some of these people will need to know just what happened to you. They can't help you if they're not allowed to see you."

Samantha noted what looked to be a young lady dressed in a cheerleader's outfit groaning and grumbling, and giving a nod to indicate grudging acceptance. When she realized that this was a transformed Mr. McMillan, she did her best to stifle a laugh. If she didn't know the Random Gun's transformations were (as she told Peggy Pegany twenty minutes ago) just that - random - she would have thought some force had a very bizarre sense of humor.

She turned to her companions. Arnie Amspoker was looking on in confusion, while Larry looked about ready to laugh. Carrie, meanwhile, looked like she didn't know whether to laugh or to just gape in astonishment.

"You tell anyone, you're fired." the cheerleader, who they knew to be the CEO Richard McMillan, said.

At this, Rachel knew it was time to get to business. She turned to Samantha's group. "All right. I know you have Restoration Guns, but it's best we not use them until the doctors show up."

"Bullshit!" shouted the Asian nurse, who turned and glared at them. "I heard what you were saying. McMillan doesn't want you to use the Restoration Gun on me at all! If you don't change me back this instant, I'll sue!"

"That's enough, Mr. Stragey!" shouted Dr. Elaine.

"Enough of what?" Stragey shouted, as the Marketing assistants and the security guard rushed to restrain the white male Marketing executive turned into an Asian woman. "I've had enough of THIS!"

Stragey looked ready to make a break for it.

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