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93. Dr. Anissa Fairlane hears the

92. Things get a bit heated before

91. Samantha and company reunite w

90. It's the Mime Gun again

89. Back to MTI, as Samantha's gro

88. How the news media talks about

87. Sarah is finally able to conta

86. Linda talks with Mikey, Jon an

85. Jon's mother and Mikey return

84. Jerri escapes from MTI, and th

83. Nicole contacts Sarah

82. Zoe and Athena are let in on t

81. Back to Jon, Karyn, and Sarah

80. School finally lets out after

79. So, did Jay Duncan solve that

78. They get Rachel on the phone t

77. Sallow proves to be still reas

76. Resolving the situation peacef

75. A Transformation Gun user figh

74. Ryan, Samantha, and friends co

Transformation Guns: Dr. Elaine tells her story

on 2023-05-20 16:07:50
Episode last modified by Christine L. on 2023-05-20 16:09:42

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First, Rachel McLewis and Dr. Elaine summed up the situation with Mr. McMillan and the other transformed Board members. Rachel told Dr. Anissa Fairlane and her colleagues about Stragey's takeover attempt, Dankworth's theft of the Random Gun, and the resulting chaos.

"So each of them were transformed at least twenty times? With both physical and mental effects?" Dr. Fairlane summarized. "Within the space of two minutes?"

When Rachel nodded, Dr. Fairlane almost gaped in astonishment. "That has to wreak havoc on one's sense of self."

Jeffries shuddered. "At least I only got changed once. And got changed back. I'm not that mad scientist anymore. But I still remember what I did."

"I'm one of the lucky ones." Dr. Elaine said. "I only got changed once, and I like what I've become. I've already told Dr. McLewis that after things calm down here, I intend to go to med school and earn a medical license. I think I can do more good as a doctor than I could as the quiet accountant I was before."

"I'm not sure what to make of medical knowledge being given by some magical transformation gun." Dr. Fairlane said. "But I'm glad you've considered the ethics of it."

"When Rachel said we needed to call actual licensed doctors, I was all for it." Dr. Elaine replied. "I'm looking forward to working with you. If there's anything you need, let me know."

"I'd like to speak to you both about the patients, and about yourself." Dr. Fairlane said. "I've already spoken a bit with Mr. Jeffries on the way here, but I'd like to hear more from another person who's only been transformed by the Random Gun once. So I have something to contrast with the five people transformed in the Board meeting."

"I'll be glad to talk to you about it." Dr. Elaine said.

First, however, they needed to assist Dr. Bryant and Dr. Andrews with the five transformees from the Board meeting. Rachel and Elaine explained that so far, physical symptoms seemed largely limited to the occasional headaches. After some observation, Dr. Andrews noted that the headaches and occasional blurting out of statements largely associated with the new forms they'd been given seemed to be a form of psychological trauma.

"The thing is, it was a lot worse for a while." Rachel said. "Then something happened and their regular personalities were mostly in control again. It happened the same time Jeffries's original personality took over again."

"We've talked about it before you arrived." Jeffries said. "We all agree it can't be a coincidence. I know it wasn't because of anything I did. As I said, I was in supervillain mode right until something happened to get me to my senses. It was like someone splashed freezing cold water on me at that moment."

Jeffries paused. "Well, not literally. But suddenly, I was my old self again. But I could still feel the mad scientist within me. After Ryan and Samantha got the Restoration Guns and zapped me, that other persona ... is more like a memory. And not a good one."

"I felt it too." Dr. Elaine said. "I was wrapped up in my new work as a doctor. Then my old personality started to reassert itself. However, I like being a doctor. As Evan the junior accounting executive, my life was boring. I never felt entirely right. I only got into accounting because of my dad."

"So you were a male - at least physically - before you were changed?" Dr. Fairlane asked.

"Yes, but I never really strongly identified as one." Dr. Elaine replied. "I wasn't sure whether I was gender fluid or agender or whatever term applied. But I'm happy with who I am now. I'm a woman, and I'm a doctor, and that's who I want to be from now on."

"Anyway," Elaine continued. "When everyone suddenly started having their pre-Random Gun personalities reassert themselves, it didn't really do a lot for me. I think it's because mine wasn't too drastic a change personality wise. I just was given all the skills needed to be a woman, as if I'd been born a girl, and a lot of medical knowledge I didn't have before. And I might have become a bit more girly than I was before." She smiled.

"So, you think that because you are happy with your changes, the re-assertion of personalities didn't really affect you much?" Dr. Fairlane asked.

"I think so." Dr. Elaine replied. "I've still got all the knowledge and the skills. But I still want to go to med school so that I know for sure my skills are good. And even if they are, there might be a few things the Random Gun didn't teach me."

Dr. Fairlane nodded in approval. "It seems you've put a lot of thought into this."

"I have. If I'm going to be a doctor, I want to do it right." Dr. Elaine replied.

"Thank you, Elaine." Dr. Fairlane replied. "From here on, I'm going to interview the transformed people from the Board room one by one. You can take a break for now, but stay in the area for now. We might still need your assistance later."

Dr. Anissa Fairlane took in what she had heard. The woman calling herself Dr. Elaine was happy with how her change turned out. Given what she had been told about the nature of the Random Gun, she knew it was likely that plenty of others who had been zapped by the Random Gun would not say the same. And it almost went without saying that those who had been changed multiple times by it would certainly have a harder time coping and adjusting.

She started to prepare for the first interview.

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