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159. Meanwhile, back at school...

158. Karyn meets Jen

157. Welcome home

156. Getting home

155. Elsewhere...

154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

143. Karyn’s first night

142. Zoe wakes up

141. Others continue to change

140. Zoe and Athena meet up for a "

Chick for a Dick: Heading Home

on 2023-06-01 13:58:28

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The ringing bell triggered a wave of pandemonium. It was Friday and the last period was over. The halls were flooded with students and faculty eager to begin their weekend. In his classroom, Mr. Burton casually teased the hard nipples capping his perky C cups. As the busty student he was fixated on left the room, his breasts automatically deflated and returned to his normal male chest. He readjusted his shirt, not registering that the buttons had been popped off when his chest had exploded outward into a pair or large D-cup tits during third period, and moved to his desk.

He opened the top drawer and pulled out a small paper bag. As he reached inside for its contents, a small voice shouted up at him.

“Please tell me it’s not another granola bar!”

Mr. Burton looked down at the cage sitting on his desk and the tiny girl inside it. Although Karen was only a few inches tall, her attitude was just as overinflated as ever. Even being reduced to a literal teacher’s pet had done little to curtail her entitlement.

Mr. Burton responded by pulling a granola bar out of the bag, earning a sour scoff from the pint sized princess. He ripped the wrapper off of the bar and dropped it onto the floor of the cage. The size of the bar dwarfed Karen, easily big enough that she could have crawled onto it and use it as a bed. She approached it and gave it a dissatisfied appraisal.

“It doesn’t even have fruit pieces this time!”

Despite her disappointment, she reached out and pulled a handful off of the bar and began to chew the oversized collection of grains.

“Just pace yourself. That has to last you a whole weekend,” Mr. Burton stated cheerfully as he threw the wrapper in the trash. Karen responded by flicking him off with her free hand. She was more than aware that this would be her only food for the next few days. It was more than enough, but days of nothing but granola bar got really old really fast. Add to that the boring monotony of sitting in an unused classroom, having to go almost three days without having her cage cleaned, and being stuck in the dark when the sun went down all made her detest weekends.

Nothing to do but eat, sleep, run on her wheel, and play with herself. Granted, that was basically what she did even when there were people around, but the activity of the school day at least broke up her boredom.

Mr. Burton continued his end of the week routine. Sign out of the computer, gather the book reports to grade over the weekend, check Karen’s water bottle, and head for the door. He looked back at his pet taking another handful of granola and gave a little wave.

“Have a good weekend, Karen,” he said sweetly.

“Fuck you,” Karen said through a full mouth.

She watched as her owner flipped off the lights and closed the door. The sound of keys and the latching of the lock signaled her weekend had begun. Nothing to do but settle in and wait for Monday.


Anal Bitch quivered as she felt the hot load fill her tight asshole. Slut Ass was greedily swallowing it, and she could feel it moving up into her bowels. She gave a content sigh and gently pushed the guy away from her. His dick slid out of her back door with a loud pop and a moan of protest from Slut Ass.

Anal Bitch sympathized with her ass. Anytime she didn’t have something fulling her, she felt empty and needy. Butt plugs and toys only went so far. Feeling a hot, rock hard cock filling her perpetually aroused ass was the only time she felt any true relief. She was lucky to have landed such a perfect job as the school’s Anal Stress Servicer. She got to spend all day getting plowed by students in desperate need of stress relief.

But now it was the weekend, and she had two full days off. While the free time was nice, she was disappointed to miss out on a readily available supply of partners literally lining up to fill her sphincter. She turned around, thinking about offering her last patron another round, but he was already rushing out the door. She let out a huff of disappointment. Nerdy boys were always so eager to fuck, but they were always too nervous to carry on a conversation with her and would inevitably rushed off.

It’s a shame, too. He was actually pretty well hung, she mused remorsefully to herself.

She reach behind her and wiped her hand up her ass crack. Like the good little asshole it was, Slut Ass hadn’t let a single drop escape its plump lips. It even gave her fingers a playful kiss as they ran across it. Anal Bitch gave it a playful tap, sending a pulse of longing through their shared body. She was just bending over to pick up her yoga pants when a knock came at the door behind her.

“Hi, Jaqi!” Slut Ass called out merrily. Anal Bitch stood up, smothering Slut Ass’ mouth between her butt cheeks and turned to face the new visitor. “Afternoon, Jaqi,” she said politely.

“Hello, Anal Bitch,” the newcomer said cheerfully. “Ready for the weekend?”

“Getting there. Just wrapped up my last servicing of the day. Just need to get dressed and head home.”

“Any plans for the weekend?”

“None, at the moment.”

“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to come back to my place.”

“Oh. Well, that might be nice. What did you have in mind?”

“I was thinking of stripping you naked and furiously making out with your ass.”

The two stared at each other in silence for several moments until they both started to giggle. None of them saw anything at all unusual about their circumstances. The power of the stone had altered all of them beyond recognition.

Slut Ass had been a normal girl before she had being warped into a perpetually horny asshole and was fused to a classmate’s body. Even her and Anal Bitch’s original names had been wiped from all of reality as a whimsical joke.

Much like Anal Bitch and Slut Ass, Jaqi was also a combination of multiple people. Two students and a teacher had been fused into a single person, with all of the physical and mental traits Jon found most desirable in them being used to create the new person. She had also been altered by the stone to have her sexual fetish change each day.

Today, her greatest sexual thrill was to eat ass. This had caused ripple through reality, leading to her and Anal Bitch becoming well acquainted as they indulged each other’s desires. However, come the next morning, Jaqi’s fetish would shift again and their relationship would disappear into the ether.

But at the moment, they were eager to share each other’s company.

“I like the sound of that. I hope your tongue doesn’t get a cramp,” Anal Bitch said playfully. She turned around and presented her back to the beautiful woman before bending over again to retrieve her pants. In her current position, her butt cheeks spread enough to fully reveal Slut Ass. Jaqi strode forward and gracefully fell to her knees before the ample posterior. She planted a sloppy wet kiss on the asshole’s plump lips which the girl-turned-body-party enthusiastically returned. Jaqi’s hands rested on the plush asscheeks as she pushed deeper into the face hiding in its crack. Their tongues danced and Anal Bitch hummed in pleasure as she felt the pleasure from the teacher making out with her sensitive ass radiate through her.

Without warning, Jaqi pulled away, a strand of saliva extending between her mouth and Slut Ass’ mouth. Its expression showed it was still tingling with the pleasure of having a tongue teasing its insides. A wall of spandex covered its face as Anal Bitch pulled up her yoga pants.

“Tease. Slut Ass is going to be aching the entire way back to your place.”

“That was the idea,” Jaqi said with a wink. “Let’s go.”

The pair stepped out into the hallway. Anal Bitch didn’t even bother locking her door, since the room was practically empty of anything of value. The only thing she needed for work was her juicy ass. Just outside the door, Booby looked up at them from her place on the floor.

“Heading out, you two?”

Anal Bitch nodded. “Yep. Another week do-“

Her voice caught in her throat as a noticeable bulge slid up her esophagus. She opened her mouth wide and a large, pink, silicone dildo slid out. She grasped the saliva covered toy firmly and gave it a yank, dislodging it from her throat.

“Excuse me. As I was going to say, another week down.”

Booby and Jaqi eyed the toy longingly, the power of the stone filling them with a desire to pleasure themselves with it. Anal Bitch smiled and handed the dildo to Booby, knowing she’d be coughing up something she could give to Jaqi before the night was over.

“Here you go, Booby. Have a great weekend!”

“Thanks, Anal Bitch! Have a fun weekend, you two!”

“Oh, I’m planning on it,” Jaqi said with a sly grin. She gave Anal Bitch a hard slap to her ample posterior, causing the girl to gasp and then giggle. As the two walked away arm in arm, Booby didn’t pay them any attention. She was too enamored with her new toy. It would help pass the time since she was planted to the hallway floor and wouldn’t have anything else to do until Monday when a new lined gathered to fuck Anal Bitch in her Slut Ass


The school parking lot was absolutely gridlocked. Everyone fighting over every inch of asphalt, all with the goal of making it out of the parking lot as quickly as possible. Tara stared out the passenger window at the bumper-to-bumper traffic and wondered if this was really better than taking the bus. When Katherine’s parents had gotten her a car, it had seemed like the best thing ever. Sure, it was a piece of junk, but it was a car! No more waiting around at a bus stop on rainy days, having more time in the morning, and not having to deal with the crowds of classmates taking up all the good seats.

That was all great in theory, but was the trade off really any better? Instead she now had to deal Katherine constantly being late to pick her up, no air conditioning, and parking lot congestion.

Could this get any worse?

The sound of a CD feeding into the radio made Tara’s heart sink.

It’s worse.

The sounds of rapid techno beats poured out of the car’s few working speakers, joined shortly by a guitar, then drums. Tara pinched the bridge of her nose, knowing what was coming next. The music built, growing louder and louder, until it paused for a beat. Next to her, Katherine took a deep breath. A beat later, the music erupted at full tilt, this time joined by five female vocalist singing their hearts out.

In Japanese.

That didn’t stop Katherine from trying to join in. J-Pop had become her recent obsession, and she listened to it constantly whenever she was driving. Much to Tara’s chagrin. The driver was trying to sing along, but between her terrible sense of keeping the beat, not knowing what the actual words were and trying to just sound them out phonetically, the overly enthusiastic singer constantly jumping between the different tones the five girls in the band were all singing at, and the car’s terrible speakers, it was nothing but a mess of squawking gibberish.

The rest of her car woes Tara could have dealt with, but not this. She had often requested a change of music, but Katherine would just assure her that she hadn’t listened to it enough to realize how great it was. Maybe that was even true, but she’d never know with the sound of Katherine butchering it every time she turned it on.

“Geez,” she whispered under her breath, “I wish she at least sounded like them.”


Instantaneously, the sound in the car was much different. Ten voices sang out in perfect harmony. Five from the radio, five from Katherine. As she sang, five voices flowed out of her one mouth, all perfectly mirroring the performance of the group on the radio. It was almost like two radios right next to each other playing the exact same album. Tara sat back and listed to her friend, glad that she was singing instead of-

Half of the vocals stopped as Katherine turned and looked at Tara. Her mouth began to move, but the sound of five voices speaking over each other at different volumes and speeds made her impossible to understand. Tara held up her hand, signaling her to stop, before reaching over and turning down the radio.

“Katherine, please, you know it’s difficult to understand you if you don’t harmonize.”

Katherine mouthed “sorry” before clearing her throat and taking a breath. “Do you want to go to the mall?” she sang out in five voices, all with a thick Japanese accent. Tara smile. “Sounds like a perfect start to the weekend,” Tara replied with a smile.

If we ever get out of this parking lot…


Slut shuffled her way down the sidewalk, lost in a shocked haze. The things she had done today replayed over and over in her mind. She had performed sexual acts she had never even imagined before today, much less would have considered doing. Each time she found a new low of self deprivation, she would find a new way to demean herself even more. And when she reached a particularly debaucherous memory, she would feel her legs quiver and her pussy spasm. She had already cum three times on the walk home, leaving puddles on the sidewalk in her wake.

She had considered not going home. Running away. Better her parents never know what happened to her rather than see what she had become. But then her new impulses kicked in. She could feel her brain rewiring itself. She wanted them to see what she was. Needed them so see. And so, like well used sexual zombie, she shuffled home.

As she reached her front door, she briefly considered sneaking in, going upstairs, and getting cleaned up before her mother spotted her. But wouldn’t it be so much more wicked if she saw you in all of your spent glory? a voice in her head urged. The voice had whispered to her all day, making suggestions to further denigrate herself. The more she fought the desire to demean herself, the more the desire consumed her. The voice had even convinced her to abandon her memory of her old name. Now, she only saw herself as “Slut.” She couldn’t fight it. Fighting it only made her want to listen to it more. Before she even realized that she had opened the door and stepped inside, she found herself letting out a yell.

“Mom! I’m home!”

The sound of footsteps on the hardwood floor made her freeze in place. Her mother stepped around the corner and took in the sight of her daughter. Her hair was a mess, ruffled with the telltale signs of heavy petting and caked in dried fluids. Her makeup was smeared and disheveled. Her shirt was barely hanging to her, stretched out by clawing hands and covered in stains. Her skirt was pulled up to expose that she was not wearing any panties. She wore only one shoe.

Her shame was on full display. She braced herself for her mother’s judgment, and the new levels of pleasure it would ignite within her.

“Hi, Sweetie! How was school?”

Slut was shocked. Of all other reactions she had expected, she had never even considered this. She was covered in cum, reeked of sex, and her arousal was clearly dripping down her legs. She looked like she had just stepped off of a porn set, and her mother was simply smiling at her warmly.

She was trying to think of an explanation, some sort of justification for her current state. She tried to think of anything when the voice directed her again.

Tell her. Tell her everything her dear, sweet daughter did at school today.

“Well, the day started pretty slow. Went to first period and it was boring. Went to the bathroom after that and ended up fucking someone. Don’t even remember who it was. That lasted all of second hour. After that I got pulled into a random classroom and got gang banged. I had every hole filled with cock. I was doing my best to finish off the rest of the class with my hands. I even got a couple guys off with my feet. I gave one of them my shoe as a memento. I got everyone off except for five students, but I ran out of time.

“At lunch, I deep throated a hot dog after I had it shoved inside my cummy pussy. Then a girl asked me if I’d rather eat something else, so I spent the rest of lunch munching on her delicious slit in front of everyone. I made it to my next class, and Mr. Levi asked me to suck him off. I made sure to take my time and make it last. I edged him so long the class ended and I kept sucking him off for the next class period, too.

“He blew the biggest load ever into my whore mouth. I couldn’t even swallow all of it. See this stain here? That was all of his gooey jizz that dribbled down my chin. After that, I went back to the bathroom. When I got there, I bumped into this shy girl who told me she had never had sex before. I offered to get her off but she said no. But the guys in the bathroom next door were a lot more eager, so I got to be fucked in the ass again. I love the feeling of having my tight little hole stretched out. So now I’m going to go upstairs and finger myself while I shove the handle of my hairbrush up my back door.”

Her mother looked at her with shock and disbelief. “Wait a minute…”

Slut squeezed her legs together, loving the reaction she had gotten out of her mother. Yes. Yes, tell me what a whore I am!

“Are you telling me you actually made it to two classes today? Oh, Sweetie! I’m so proud of you! That might be a record! Don’t let me hold you up. Go enjoy your hairbrush and I’ll send any visitors that stop by up to see you. I’ll make sure to prepare something you can eat while even if you’re preoccupied, just in case.”

Slut was so shocked that even the voice was momentarily silent. “Th-thanks, mom.” She walked past her mother, unable to believe what had happened to her. Just this morning, life had been normal. And now… now this was who she was. And nobody else, not even her own mother, thought anything of it.

Finger yourself in front of her, the voice whispered. Slut let out a groan as her hand snapped between her legs and three of her fingers entered her slick cunt.

“Have fun, Sweetie,” her mother called after her.


Chad burst through his front door and quickly locked it behind him before running down the hall to his room. He had at best forty-five minutes before his parents got home so he had to work fast. He entered his room, cursing the fact that his door didn’t have a lock, and threw his backpack in the corner. He darted to his closet and opened the door to reveal a heap of junk. While it look like it had been haphazardly tossed inside, it was actually meticulously placed to make a hidden cache that could be easily accessed by moving aside a couple shirts and rotating shoe box so it would keep the pile from collapsing. He pushed aside a stack of titty mags and reached for his prize.

The plastic shopping bag he pulled out rustled in his hands. He moved to the bed and turned the bag upside down, spilling its contents. He let the bag fall to the floor and shifted his attention to the pink pile of latex now sitting in the middle of his bed. He grasped it, gave it a couple flicks to spread it out, and flipped it over. Finding the valve, he quickly started to blow as quickly as he could. Breath by breath, the form begun to expand. Limbs took shape, mounds filled out, and the form became erect. After several minutes, the blowup doll was ready.

Its body was bubblegum pink, its hands and feet were barely defined stumps. Its tits were massive and capped with painted on nipples that were flat against the plastic. Between its perpetually spread legs was a gaping hole that barely resembled a actual vagina. Only two things stood out about the love toy: how absurdly cheap it was, and that it was topped with a guy’s flesh and blood head.

“Dude! You look super pent up, bro,” the doll said. Chad was already rapidly discarding his clothes, the task made more difficult by how lightheaded he was from inflating the doll as quickly as possible.

“I have been horny all fucking day,” Chad said as he moved back to his hidden compartment. “Allison Myers?” the doll asked knowingly. Chad returned with a bottle of lube.

“Watching her shower after gym class always gets me so turned on. And it’s the first class of the day. I get to have that image in my head all day. And getting to see her again in the last class of the day only brings it back in full force!”

“That’s what I’m here for, bro. I can be your Allison.”

Chad slathered his dick with a copious glob of lube and moved towards the bed, both him and the doll completely unaware that only hours ago they had been best friends. After Dylan tried flirting with an unreceptive Jen, she had wished for him to become his best friend’s blowup doll. He now existed as a toy to relieve Chad’s built up frustrations.

Chad lined up his prick with the waiting hole and clumsily slid it in. “Dude! You’re so big,” the Dylan-doll exclaimed. In truth, Chad was considerably below average, but it was the only dick the transformed love toy had ever experienced. Besides, a good doll should make sure to pleasure its owner as much as possible, both his junk and his ego.

Chad began to furiously pump away, the sounds if heavy breathing, a creaking bed frame, and the rubbing of latex filling the room.

“That’s it! Fill me up! Fill up your Allison!”

The encouragement triggered Chad and his body froze in place, burying his pecker to the hilt and emptying his load into the doll. He took short, heavy breaths as he rode the wave of orgasm. He had barely lasted over a minute, and couldn’t help but imagine that he’d be a huge disappointment to Allison if he ever did manage to get between her legs.

But for the moment, he was pleased with his lack of staying power. That meant he had plenty of time to-

“Chad! We’re home! Come help get dinner started!”

“Shit!” Chad hissed. His parents were home early! He quickly withdrew from the doll and swiftly popped the valve where its bellybutton would be. The air rushed out of the toy with a loud hiss as its body lost definition. He wiped off his dick with a dirty sock before hurrying to his closet and concealing his hidden compartment. The doll continued to deflate as he rushed to redress himself.

He grabbed the doll, which was now completely flat except for Daryl’s normal looking head, carefully gathered it into a ball, and chucked it under his bed for a temporary hiding spot. He brushed his hands through his hair, hoping that he didn’t look too disheveled or flushed from cumming only a couple minutes prior, and stepped out of his room.

Under the bed, the Dylan-doll hoped its owner would remember to clean it out before it got too crusty again.

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