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happiness and frictionlifesmainantagonist12Animal Anthro MTF TF
Sarah’s Breakdownlifesmainantagonist11Animal Anthro MTF TF
Making Wishes but Keeping the Promiselifesmainantagonist10Animal Anthro MTF TF
Things Didn’t Spiral out of Control
The Rules of Wargames
lifesmainantagonist9Animal MTF TF
An Unlikely VisitorEnigmaticEmboar17Aware Inanimate Magic SciFi Super TF
heaven after purgatory?lifesmainantagonist23Animal TF
The Return of the Ultimate Evillifesmainantagonist22Animal Anthro MB MTF Magic Omni TF
Nothing Changed...? Really...?
It did what It did.
N/A5Magic SciFi Super TF
Jon and Karyn disagreelifesmainantagonist21Animal Anthro FTM MTF Magic TF
the fox dilemma
foxes again
lifesmainantagonist20Animal FTM MTF Magic Omni TF
Transformation Guns: Ryann, Larry, and Arnie test the multiple zap idea
They put the idea to the test
Christine L.105Aware MTF TF
The 2nd most evil beinglifesmainantagonist19FTM MTF Magic Omni TF
Transformation Guns: Arnie's dangerous test of a theory, and Peggy's apology
A tragedy narrowly averted, and an apology
Christine L.103Aware MTF TF
Transformation Guns: Ryan to Ryann
Ryann explains things, and Arnie tests a theory
Christine L.102Aware MTF TF
Transformation Guns: A lifesaving beneficial side effect? Jeffries and Carrie to the rescue
A lifesaving beneficial side effect?
Christine L.101Aware MTF Magic TF
Transformation Guns: Several transformations, and a dark turn of events
Several transformations, and a dark turn of events
Christine L.100Aware MTF Magic TF
Transformation Guns: Peggy's outburst, and Stragey's escape
Someone makes some noise, and someone escapes
Christine L.98Aware MTF TF
Transformation Guns: Interview with a bank president turned female ninja
Anissa's session with Coakley
Christine L.97Aware MTF Magic TF
not the path they were hoping forlifesmainantagonist18Animal MTF TF
Fertility Fairy: French, Fracas, and the First Facets of a Feminization
Phase One, in Which Jon Gets His Notes
MaryMary6BE MTF TF Unaware
Miss Fine: Athena meets Mrs. GibsonPaula Clark327MC TF
cats and their secretslifesmainantagonist10Animal MTF TF
The Rewrite: Reactions to the Revamp
Reactions to the Revamp
Gooose19FTF MTF SciFi TF Twin
The Rewrite: End of Day Thoughts
End of Day Thoughts
Gooose18MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: How to Start a Rivalry
How to Start a Rivalry
Gooose17Aware MC MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: How Confident is Overconfident?
How Confident is Overconfident?
Gooose16Aware FTF MTF SciFi TF Twin Unaware
The Rewrite: Homeroom
Gooose15MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: Julia Meets her First Classmates
Julia Meets her First Classmates
The Guest13Aware MTF TF
The Rewrite: The Worst Programmer
The Worst Programmer
Gooose14Aware FTF FTM MC MTF SciFi TF Unaware
Jules StrugglesMarazh-no15Aware MC TF Unaware
The Rewrite: Mackenzie Gets Ready to Make Her Debut
Mackenzie Gets Ready To Make Her Debut
Gooose12Aware MC MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: It All Comes Together
It All Comes Together
Gooose11Aware BE MC MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: The Look and The Room
The Look and the Room
Gooose10Aware MC MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: The Team
The Team
The Guest11MTF TF
The Rewrite: Meet Mackenzie
Meet Mackenzie
Gooose9Aware MC MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: Workshopping
The Guest9Aware MTF TF
The Rewrite: A New Personality to go with the Model
A New Personality to Go with the Model
Gooose8Aware MC MTF SciFi TF
The Rewrite: Ellis Tries a New Model
Ellis Tries a New Model
The Guest8Aware MTF TF
The Rewrite: Recycling
The Guest7TF
The Rewrite: Program J Gets a New Character Model
Program J Gets Her New Character Model
Gooose7Aware BE MTF SciFi TF
Out of Control Day: Thunderous
More Curves for Jon
Robyn21Aware BE Bimbo MTF TF
SSTRS: Arriving at the Vanderfields
Arriving at the Vanderfields
Gooose6MC MTF SciFi TF Twin
SSTRS: The Other Queen Bee
A Challenger for the Crown
Gooose4Aware MTF TF Twin
Transformation Guns: Quarterson and Stallsworth's sessions
Anissa speaks with two more of the transformees
Christine L.96Aware FTM MTF TF
There Never Was a Karyn: Jon's Best Friend
Jon's Best Friend
Gooose3MTF Magic TF
Transformation Guns: McMillan's session with the psychiatrist
McMillan's session
Christine L.95Aware MTF TF
alien invaders?lifesmainantagonist3Animal Anthro TF Unaware
Mmmmmm, pielifesmainantagonist11TF
extra brainpowerlifesmainantagonist10Anthro Multi TF
Jon is Karyn’s dream girllifesmainantagonist9TF
guardian angellifesmainantagonist8MTF TF
DMU RB Andrews - Conversation at dinnerMightyMrJ121Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU RB Andrews - Getting cleanMightyMrJ120Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU RB Andrews - Killing some timeMightyMrJ119FTM Part_Swap TF
Cake timeDigiConjurer7Aware MC TF
DMU RB Andrews - Abby’s examMightyMrJ118FTM Part_Swap TF
DMU RB Andrews - Abby keeps her headMightyMrJ117Age FTF FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
SPM: Dinner Time with the Parents
Jon has some explaining to do
SPM: Doing Some Research
Home at last
SPM: The Long Walk Home
First day of school completed
DMU RB Andrews - Abby gets it outMightyMrJ116FTM Part_Swap TF
SPM: Gym Class (and showers)
Getting sweaty playing basketball
SPM: Locker Room Talk
Getting ready for gym class
an episode about nothing
the episode before it hits the fan
lifesmainantagonist49Anthro FTF MTF Myth TF
SPM: Lunchtime
Lunchtime with Karyn
A 'regular?' outfitMarazh-no8Age Aware MTF Magic Size TF
Chick for a Dick: Friday Afternoon
ekempo5000160FTM MTF Part_Swap Part_Theft TF Unaware
Keep it together Jon!lifesmainantagonist48Anthro FTF FTM MTF Myth TF
Zzzzzzzzziplifesmainantagonist3MTF Pos TF
Role Reversal: The Tools for the Job
The Tools for the job
Gooose9Aware BE FTF MTF TF Unaware
Role Reversal: Elizabeth Callahan, Swim Captain
Elizabeth Callahan, Swim Captain
One more obstaclelifesmainantagonist47Anthro FTF FTM MTF Myth TF Twin
Lifelifesmainantagonist46Anthro FTM MTF Myth TF
SPM: At the Principal’s Office
A meeting with the principal
SPM: An Interruption in Math Class
First class of the day
Biff's triumphant returnlifesmainantagonist45Anthro FTM MTF Myth TF
SPM: Before Class
Jon makes it to school
SPM: Face to face with Kelsey
Visiting Kelsey
Sex Partner Mirroring: Jon learns more about this world
Modern technology tells Jon more about this reality
Jorno7Aware TF
Jon vs Rumpelstiltskinlifesmainantagonist6Herm Magic Multi Myth TF
Jon gets home to a surpriselifesmainantagonist5Herm Multi TF
catgirlitislifesmainantagonist28Anthro BE Herm MC ML Multi Myth Super TF
Princess John: Getting Changed
John and Biff get changed
DigiConjurer10TF Unaware
funny little manlifesmainantagonist4Magic Multi TF
McMillan-ized: The Children Keep Their Ages
The Children Keep Their Ages
Anonymous515MTF TF
McMillan-ized: Maybe a Bit Tragic
Maybe a Bit Tragic
Anonymous515Aware MTF TF Unaware
curiositylifesmainantagonist3Multi TF
Karyn’s stupidly innocent wishlifesmainantagonist2Multi TF
Five Families Will Become Like the McMillans
Anonymous514Aware TF Unaware
Karyn's parents' daylifesmainantagonist27Age Anthro BE Herm MB MC ML MTF Multi Myth Super TF
DMU RB Andrews - In the teachers loungeMightyMrJ115Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
things getting very furry nowlifesmainantagonist26Anthro Herm MC ML MTF Multi Super TF
things get a little furrier, and sinisterlifesmainantagonist25Anthro Herm ML MTF Multi TF
things get a little furrylifesmainantagonist24Anthro Herm ML MTF Multi TF
100% girl, but now Jon wants something unexpectedlifesmainantagonist23Herm ML MTF Multi TF
Princess John: Ballet
The first period is ballet
DigiConjurer9TF Unaware
hormonal changes?lifesmainantagonist22Herm ML MTF Multi TF
John feels emasculatedlifesmainantagonist21FTM MTF TF
DMU RB Andrews - Landons choice and Abby’s ideaMightyMrJ114Age FTM MTF Part_Swap TF
DMU RB Andrews - The first morningMightyMrJ113FTM MTF Part_Swap TF

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Oldest episodes

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