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13. Comparing Notes

12. Familiar Strangers

11. Falling into Place

10. The Scales Flip

9. The Best of a Bad Situation

8. Linda and Sarah

7. A Startling Transformation

6. Susan McMillan, Queen of Lakev

5. Susan Meets Jon

4. A Spoiled Wish

3. Found by... Sarah McMillan, wh

2. The next day at school

1. You Are What You Wish

Country Clubbing: Comparing Notes

on 2023-09-29 22:05:27

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Body_Swap FTF MTF Magic TF

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"How did you know!?" the words were out of Jon's lips before she could stop herself. She wanted to curse; she'd failed at the first hurdle somehow of keeping her cover, and now Sarah, who didn't like her on the best of days, somehow knew what was going on. However, rather than get angry at Jon for being in her mom's body, the blonde cheerleader instead broke into a big grin.

"Because I'm not Sarah, it's me, your mom!" The girl who looked like Sarah announced with a little ta-da gesture.

Jon felt a whole rush of emotions over that news, but the most overwhelming one was relief. She had been dreading having to bluff her her way through dinner with Sarah; going out to eat at a fancy restaurant didn't sound too bad actually, but she was worried Sarah would see right through her. Well, then again, no one had suspected a thing as she left the club. Bodyswapping was impossible as far as anyone knew, so maybe it was paranoid to worry so much. Her brief time in the club as Susan had been surreal, with everyone showing deference to her, like they worshiped the ground she stepped on. Driving away in a Jaguar was also a far cry from waiting for the bus route home after a shift, even if getting a handle on driving with her new body had been a trip.

"Oh thank God," Jon breathed, before pulling Linda into a hug. It was odd to be the taller one, hugging her mom while her mom was in the body of Jon's body's daughter, but she felt some of the tension she held release. She looked down at Linda and asked, "Do you have any idea what happened?"

Sarah finally made it to the Gibson's house after a horrible drive; it wasn't super far away but traffic was a bear and it only served to worsen her already terrible mood. She parked the aging Camry and waddled her way into the house, dreading having to pretend to be Linda, but seeing no other option. The instant she opened the door, there was a call from further in the house.

"Mom, is that you?" Zoe called out, "is it almost dinner time, I'm starving!"

"Uh, just a minute, dear. I'll, um, whip something up," Sarah called back.

Jon and Linda were sitting together in one of the McMillan's many sitting rooms, next to one another on a plush red loveseat. They'd just spent the last thirty minutes comparing notes and managed to come to a couple of conclusions. One, it was likely that Sarah had somehow gotten her hands on the wishing stone Jon had lost and that's what made this whole thing possible. Linda wanted to scold her son for being so irresponsible with the artifact, but was so internally giddy at the results that she kept her trap shut.

They'd also guessed, after a quick search of Sarah's room, that she hadn't held onto the stone after making the wish. From what she told Linda, the former cheerleader hadn't made the connection between the rock and the wish, and likely cast it aside since it didn't appear to be out of the ordinary to the naked eye. It was a bit worrying that someone else might get their hands on it, but probably for the best that the original Sarah didn't still have control of it. They'd also realized there wasn't going to be an easy way back, since according to Jon, the wishes weren't directly reversible. They didn't know the exact wording of Sarah's wish, but at the moment, especially since they didn't have the stone, they were likely stuck in the McMillan's bodies.

'Not that I'm complaining, Linda thought as she looked down at her self. Even dressed extremely casually, her Sarah body was amazing, and she wasn't sure she wanted to give it up even if she knew how. She looked over at Jon, who, other than the expression on her face, looked exactly like Susan McMillan, incredibly beautiful in her own more mature way and wearing clothes and jewelry for a casual day out that were more expensive than anything Linda had owned for the most formal occasions. In her mind they'd really been the winners in this twist of fate, but she needed to sound Jon out. "You know, if you think about it, we're in a pretty good position right now. I mean, Mrs. McMillan is a multi-millionaire and right now you're the one in control of all that." Linda wasn't sure how Jon felt about becoming a woman, and one 20 years older than him at that, so she started by focusing on the massive windfall they'd just come into.

Jon seemed deep in thought, absently playing with the necklace that dangled down to her chest with one hand. "You're not wrong. Everyone at the club easily believed I was her..." Jon trailed off as she mulled thing over. Jon wasn't dumb; she knew her old life was probably one destined for mediocrity. She was going to have to scrimp and save just to get into college, probably take out a few student loans, while Susan McMillan had a fortune someone could easily live off for the rest of their lives. She was loosing years, yes, but would those even have been good years? Maybe it was shallow, but all that money was rather persuasive.

There was also a fact she wasn't entirely comfortable talking about in front of her mom, and that was how good she felt in Susan's body. Jon had always had a, let's call it curiosity about the female form, and in the back of her mind had been considering using the stone to try out being a girl anyway. She wasn't planning to swap bodies with Susan McMillan, probably see if Karyn wanted to switch or just turn into a girl version of herself, but still. Also, Susan was older but she was frankly hot in a way Jon never had been or would be, and even with the brief few interactions she'd had leaving the club, she'd enjoyed the obvious looks of attraction she got from some of the staff.

Linda leaned in, "right? I mean, I haven't talked to anyone else yet but looking in the mirror I can't tell any difference between me and the real Sarah. I mean, listen to us, we sound just like them!"

Jon let out a musical little laugh, "we do, don't we? I keep half expecting to hear you say Out of the Way Gibson! or make some snide comment about Karyn."

Linda giggled in turn, "And I keep thinking I'll hear you say I need this by noon Linda or ordering me to fetch you a new latte when yours goes cold."

"She really does that?" Jon asked, still laughing and Linda nodded along.

After a moment they stopped giggling and Linda gave Jon a serious look, "I mean, I know we should be thinking about finding the stone, and I can totally keep an eye out for it at school. But, at least for the time being, what do you say to giving this a go? Y'know, being the McMillans."

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