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15. Dream Woman

14. Falling Further

13. Assistants Talk

12. How Her Other Half is Doing

11. Dreams of Silk

10. First Steps

9. Trust Your Memories

8. A Peek Behind the Curtain

7. Learning about the New Her

6. Waking Up

5. The Assignment

4. Arriving at the Reassignment C

3. The social experiment

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

Trophy Life: Dream Woman

on 2023-09-29 17:19:40

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Sierra was still buzzing with residual excitement by the time she started getting ready for bed; getting to drive her shiny new sunset orange BMW 5 Series around a nearby track had been a blast. The track wasn't actually on the Facility's grounds itself, instead being a few miles away, and a part of Sierra had thought maybe she should make a break for it when they were chauffeuring her over, but her desire to enjoy the test drive had one out. Besides, things in the center weren't nearly as bad as she had been afraid of when she'd first woken up; she could be patient and wait until the whole process was done before going for the stone.

Through the windows of the limo on the way to the track, she'd gotten her first glimpse of the changing Lakeview. Construction was evident everywhere with a huge workforce overhauling big sections of the town; some things were just being repurposed or updated, but other sections had been demolished and were being rebuilt from the ground up. 'If you set aside the whole assigned role thing, it's obvious Femcorp is doing a lot of good for the city, Sierra had decided. Lakeview had needed a boost, and it looked like Femcorp was setting up to totally revitalize the community.

All in all it had been a very enjoyable afternoon, finishing the day with a dinner of salmon risotto while watching an episode of Love Island. She'd never been a fan of reality television, but, due in part to the limited library of programs available to her at the facility, it was becoming something of a guilty pleasure. Now though she had just finished her evening skin care routine and changed into the monogrammed wine colored silk pajama set she'd started wearing as her usual bed attire. Sliding under the soft sheets, seriously, how did I use to live with those low thread count sheets I used to use' and slipped on her sleep mask.

The sleep mask had been a suggestion from Tracey, and Sierra thought it really did help her fall asleep easier. What she didn't know was that the seemingly standard sleep mask was actually actually had some fairly advanced technology hidden beneath it's fabric. The mask was infact an optical inducer, capable of beaming images directly into her visual cortex while she slept, essentially providing a visual component to the preexisting auditory subliminal programming, influencing her dreams ans reshaping her personality.

After she drifted off, it started with basically coaxing her into having an artificial wet dream, stimulating her pleasure centers and making the sleeping woman grow flushed, her nipples stiffening as her dreams descended into fantasy. Then, slowly but steadily, the optical inducer began inserting images of Olivia into Sierra's mind, letting her new wife become the center of the steamy scenarios running through the sleeping blonde's mind. A vision of Alyssa Black, Karyn's mom and a secret crush of Jon's, giving her old Jon body a blow job was suddenly Olivia between her new legs, eating her out. Imagining a bikini clad Sarah rubbing her shoulders became Olivia caressing her from behind, the other woman's boobs gently pressing into her back.

The dreams continued and soon Sierra was always Sierra, with her current stunning body, and no matter the scenario, her partner was always Olivia. The older raven haired woman consumed her thoughts, all while exciting and titillating the dreaming Sierra. Along with the dominance of Olivia, there was a final subtle shift in the fantasies. Sierra was a switch, but 90% of the time she was the bottom and her fantasies were being molded to reflect that, being the receptive somewhat submissive partner to the more take charge Olivia.

As the dreams faded and Sierra shifted into a period of REM, the auditory suggestions once again slipped their way into the white noise machine in her room 'You deserve to be taken care of. Olivia is the one who takes care of you. Supporting your wife is essential. You deserve to be pampered. The love and support you give Olivia earns you that pampering. There is no one more important to you than your family. The Gibsons are not your family. Olivia is your family. Mature women are so sexy. Commitments are important. You would never stray from your wedding vows. Olivia is the only woman for you.

Jeanette smiled with pride as she managed to get the last speck of dust with her feather duster. She turned on her heels, commenting, "Now zat eez what I call a spotless room." She had just finished cleaning one of the training rooms, made up to look like a fancy sitting room, and was so pleased to have done a good job.

"A wonderful job, Mademoiselle Rochefort," Mr. Haypenny commended her as he ran a practiced eye over the room, checking to make sure she hadn't missed anything. "You're free for the evening, I hope you enjoy the picture."

"Oui, Monsieur," Jeanette chirped, giving a little bow before stepping along towards the dormitory she shared with many of the other domestic servants in training. They were having a movie night in her dorm, watching An Officer and A Gentleman. Honestly it was the kind of rom-com she'd have turned her nose up as Zoe, but now Jeanette couldn't see what her problem was. Who didn't like to fantasize about finding true love?

'Apparently my roommate,' she groused to herself when she arrived back in her room to find her roommate Fifi had scattered her whole wardrobe, which had been nicely folded in drawers or hung in their little closet.

Fifi was a brunette, though her hair was significantly lighter than Jeanette's, and quite a cute one, in Jeanette's opinion. She wasn't a model by any means, but had a cute button nose, nice green eyes, and a slim figure that made her look nice in a girl next door sort of way. Jeanette had thought Fifi would have already changed out of her maid uniform into casual clothes for the movie in the common area, since Fifi had done her dusting test earlier than Jeanette, but instead the other girl was still in her work clothes looking at her scattered clothes in annoyance.

"Why is everything I have so damn girly," Fifi tried to growl, though it didn't quite come off with her high pitched voice.

Jeanette cocked her head to the side, saying "because you are a girl?"

"No I'm not," Fifi began before looking down at her small but obvious breasts and sighing, "or at least I wasn't. I'm supposed to be the football captain, not some bimbo maid." Fifi, who had originally been Biff Meadows, had been up less time than Jeanette and her mental conditioning was still spotty at times.

Jeanette tutted, "You are not a Bimbo Fifi; you're an intelligent young woman and if you applied yourself you'd see zat." She stepped over to put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "I do not zink you 'ave given being Fifi a real chance. I used to be upset about not being Zoe, but I realized it was better to go along wiz zee experiment. Ze sooner eet is done, the sooner eet is over, non? Besides, you might even surprise yourself by having a leetle fun."

Fifi sighed before giving Jeanette a tired smile, "You're right Jeanny, I'm being silly."

The next morning Sierra woke with a satisfied smile on her face, feeling oddly content that morning. She rolled over on the big bed, before her smile turned into a little frown. The bed was bigger than what she'd had as Jon for sure, but this was the first morning it felt a little empty for some reason. Her eyes traveled to her bedside table and she found herself blushing. They'd given her a framed picture of Olivia a few days ago, depicting the dark haired woman smiling in a black evening dress, a strand of pearls around her neck; previously Sierra had just sort of avoided thinking about the picture but that morning she felt different for some reason.

'God what was I afraid of? I've hit the freaking jackpot; it's like they literally set me up with the woman of my dreams.'

Sierra's Pajamas, minus monogram:

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