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14. All In

13. Comparing Notes

12. Familiar Strangers

11. Falling into Place

10. The Scales Flip

9. The Best of a Bad Situation

8. Linda and Sarah

7. A Startling Transformation

6. Susan McMillan, Queen of Lakev

5. Susan Meets Jon

4. A Spoiled Wish

3. Found by... Sarah McMillan, wh

2. The next day at school

1. You Are What You Wish

Country Clubbing: All In

on 2023-09-29 22:28:47

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Age Aware Body_Swap FTF FTM MTF Magic TF

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Jon took a deep breath, her large breasts rising and falling as she did so before saying, "Okay."

Linda squealed in delight, but Jon held up a hand to stop her from getting too excited too quickly.

"But if we're going to do this, we really have to do it all the way," Jon demanded in a firm tone, sounding more like the usually confident Susan did.

Linda blinked in confusion, "um, what do you mean, all the way?" She was totally onboard with being the new Sarah, but wasn't sure exactly what Jon was trying to emphasize.

Jon recrossed her legs, absently dangling one of her heels from her left foot as she did so, before saying. "Well, I guess I mean two things. First off, we really have to give our all to these impersonations. I know we have a huge advantage with how impossible the situation is, but if Susan and Sarah McMillan start acting hugely out of character, people are going to start asking questions."

Linda considered it, "So always trying to do what the original would do?"

Jon shook her head, a little distracted by how her earrings swayed with every head movement. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, but it was a novel one. "No, we can make our own decisions and I guess make these lives our own for however long we have them," Jon was trying to downplay how entirely okay she was beginning to think she would be with that time being permanent. "But we can't like go around saying our favorite food is something our new bodies are allergic too, or suddenly being all buddy buddy with people the McMillans don't know. I'm sure it's going to be hard, but I figured it was something we could help each other with.

This time Linda bobbed her head enthusiastically, "Oh, totally! I might not know everything, but being her assistant means I know a ton about Susan and I can coach you through everything you need to know from bank details to past lovers." She said the last with a wink that had the desired effect of making Jon blush pink.

Jon cleared her throat, "ahem, and I can't help as much but I can help some with Sarah's persona at school. We can also get as much as we can from the originals, since we're going to need to trade details for them to be us anyway." She frowned slightly, "I do feel a bit bad for Zoe; we don't have a lot of choice but it feels like we're abandoning her a bit."

Linda shook her head, "she'll never know we're gone, Jon. It's not like Linda and Jon Gibson are disappearing. We're actually in a better position to help her now than we were before; you can totally set aside some money for her to go to any college she wants when she graduates and just make it an anonymous donor sort of situation."

Jon pursed her lips but nodded; Zoe will be fine she told herself.

"So I totally get needing to put the effort in on knowing the details of our new lives, but what was the second thing?" Linda asked.

Jon paused, and put a hand on Linda's leg in what she hoped was a maternal fashion. "The second part is that I want us to really be Sarah and Susan. That means I'm the mother, and you're the daughter. I'll be the adult. I don't want us breaking character every time we're alone. Obviously we can relax a little, but I don't want to revert to using our old names or any of that kind of thing. Do you think you can do that?" Despite the involuntary nature of how it happened, the whole situation played into some of Jon's fantasies about being another person. She might not have picked Susan, but she wanted to try really being her, without constantly being reminded of her original identity.

Linda was taken aback by the suggestion but not entirely opposed. She was ecstatic over her regained youth, and honestly had been a little worried that Jon would be upset at the years he'd lost, rather than embracing the role of an adult. It would be weird suddenly being 'parented' by her own kid, but not any weirder than the rest of the situation. She smiled one of Sarah's signature doe eyed smiles and said, "I can totally do that, mom."

Jon patted Linda's leg, "thank you, uh, munchkin."

Linda laughed, "She never calls Sarah that. Terms of endearment are usually darling, princess or occasionally Sarebear, but never in public with the last one."

Jon nodded, "Of course, princess. See, we're already learning."

"Well, mother dearest," Linda said with a wink, "I think we have reservations in about an hour so we'll need to get ready. You're lame old assistant dropped off an absolutely gorge dress for you to wear, so let's go get ready!"

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