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24. Fast Acting Magic

23. Tears of the Dragon

22. Friendship Speeches in the Bat

21. Pentagrams Aren't Funny When Y

20. Meet Jon Gibson

19. Danger on the Horizon

18. Daydreaming Through Roll Call

17. Does this Count as a Meet Cute

16. Jasmine Might be a Little Clum

15. Jasmine's First Day

14. Meeting Cassandra

13. The Sleepover

12. A Dragon's Regrets

11. The Dryad and the Djinn

10. Getting Ready for the Sleepove

9. What to Do

8. Meeting Asteria

7. A Whole New World

6. Jon's Not the Only Genie in th

5. Jon the Genie

Dreams of Djinni: Fast Acting Magic

on 2023-09-29 20:00:26

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Jasmine and Karyn were stepping out of the bathroom, knowing that their lunch period would soon be over. For her part the young Djinn was feeling much better about things after the pep talk from her best friend. She was sure she'd probably be dealing with emotional whiplash for awhile, at least until all her memories had finished filling in, but being able to rely on Karyn had a major calming effect. Maybe it was out of gratitude for that support that Jasmine almost didn't think before granting her friend's wish, feeling the magic just flow through her.

It wasn't a massive wish to grant, at least the way she'd granted it. She couldn't suddenly make Sarah apologize, or mess with her mind to any great extent; mental magic of any kind was on the complicated side for Jasmine's skill level. Even if she did try to change the regal blonde's mind, the effects would be temporary at best with how resilient the mind was to outside influence. What she could do was give the other girl a little mental nudge, encouraging her to have an honest conversation with Karyn, and then just hope for the best.

That said she wasn't expecting the suggestion to work so quickly, stopping in surprise to discover Sarah passing by the bathroom just as she and Karyn exited. She worried she'd messed the wish up massively, because even though she'd reapplied her makeup, it was obvious that Sarah had been crying; Jasmine felt terrible to have made the girl upset even if she was an ice queen to her most of the time, but there was little she could do about it now. It wasn't like she could tell either of her human classmates she'd messed up granting a wish.

To her left she could feel Karyn tensing up, obviously expecting the usual catty comment to be hurled by Sarah, but it never came. Instead Sarah looked at the two of them like she was being startled out of deep thought, and then nervously fiddled with her fingers as she looked over at Karyn. Jasmine couldn't remember the head cheerleader ever looking anxious like this in either her old Jon memories, or her new Jasmine ones, even if their interactions were notably short in both cases.

"Uh, Karyn, could we talk? Privately," Sarah asked hesitantly before hastily adding "no offense, Jasmine," looking like she was worried over offending the olive skinned girl.

Karyn blinked in surprise before nodding slowly, "sure, we can duck into the library."

Jasmine looked over to her friend as if to silently ask, are you sure? But Karyn just nodded again, a bit more confidently. Jasmine new it probably meant both of the other girls missing their next period class, but she also knew this conversation was something Karyn had wanted for a long time. Hopefully this would give her friend closure at least. She realized with a start that if the other two actually buried the hatchet she might be seeing more of Sarah, which would make the fact she had simmering crushes for both a bit more uncomfortable, but that was really putting the griffon before the airship. At the moment all she could do was hope it didn't devolve into another fight.

"Okay, I've got to get heading towards the west wing to get to Theater on time anyway," Jasmine agreed. She locked eyes with Karyn, "I'll see you later, Kay." Whatever happened, Jasmine would be there to support her best friend afterwards just like Karyn supported her.

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