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163. Zoe comes home

162. Around town...

161. Jen gets a visitor

160. Elsewhere…

159. Meanwhile, back at school...

158. Karyn meets Jen

157. Welcome home

156. Getting home

155. Elsewhere...

154. Jen's new clique

153. Getting some answers

152. A whole new life

151. Jon's day goes off the rails

150. Jon catches up with the new as

149. Now for the rest of the class

148. A conversation with Zoe

147. The calm...

146. Jon continues with his day

145. Getting things back to normal

144. Meanwhile, back at Jon's...

Chick for a Dick: Zoe's Date Night

on 2023-09-16 13:01:22

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Zoe tapped the steering wheel impatiently, waiting for the massive estate gates to open. She needed to get inside. Now! She had two reasons for wanting to get home as soon possible. The first was sitting next to her. Athena looked stunning in her tight top and flowing skirt. Zoe had been unable to keep her eyes off of her girlfriend throughout dinner. And that dinner had led to the second reason she needed to get to the house. Her stomach was gurgling fiercely and Zoe regretted pigging out as much as she had.

As the gates slowly parted, Zoe briefly considered telling Jen she should have a faster motor installed, but she knew her sister all too well. Jen no doubt selected this speed specifically to slowly reveal the sprawling grandeur of the grounds to incoming visitors. Jen was constantly prone to dramatic flair. Unfortunately, Jen’s theatrics were costing Zoe time she didn’t have. As soon as the gates parted enough, Zoe pressed on the gas and shot through.

Once inside the estate walls, Zoe flipped on the high-beams. She wanted to fly down the expansive drive and get to the house as soon as possible, but she had to be cautious for Amanda and Miranda. The family dogs had free reign of the grounds and it was not unheard of for them to be running around even this late. And so, the already lengthy drive towards the main house was painfully prolonged.

Zoe pulled up to the main door of the house, and threw the vehicle in park. She knew she was going to get an earful from Mercedes about parking in the roundabout and not bring the SUV back to the garage, but she was already going to chew her out for taking a vehicle without permission from Jen.

In for a penny…, Zoe thought ruefully.

As Zoe stepped out of the SUV, the cool spring air caused a shudder to ripple through her. She hugged herself, rubbing her bare arms and felt her exposed nipples harden. To Zoe, and everyone else, it was perfectly normal that she would walk around in public almost completely naked. The only articles of clothing she was wearing consisted of a few pieces of jewelry, her tall goth boots, and her backpack. This was the result of Jon using his abilities to alter reality and make it so Zoe had always been a nudist. Jon had removed her clothing to get a better look at her transformed body during first period earlier that day, but the magic had rewritten reality so everyone believed Zoe had never worn a shred of clothing her entire life. The very concept of wearing clothes never had, nor ever would, occur to her as she currently was.

This suited her “companions” just fine because it gave all of them an unobstructed view of the world around them. Even though the four girls had been reduced to body parts on Zoe’s body, they all appreciated being able to see what was happening around them and were so glad Zoe didn’t cover them with ridiculous things like clothing.

Zoe’s collection of body parts weren’t the only ones enjoying her lack of clothing. Athena stepped out of the passenger door and stole glance at her best-friend-turned-girlfriend’s assets, just as she had done the entire time they were together. And Zoe’s various parts were keenly aware of the attention they were getting from their new lover and were all responding eagerly to her lustful leering. Zoe’s left boob, Amber, would give Athena a wink when they made eye contact. Tiffany, Zoe’s right boob which had previously been a giddy cheerleader, giggled flirtatiously. Between Zoe’s legs, Sarah would lick her lips seductively which sent shivers through Zoe and all the other girls since her mouth had taken the place of Zoe’s pussy. At Zoe’s rear, Kim’s eyes were glassed over as the former bully was enthusiastically sucking on the buttplug that filled her constantly aroused mouth that now filled the roll of being Zoe’s asshole.

For as bizarre and freakish as Zoe’s body had become, it was nothing compared to Athena’s. Zoe had offhandedly wished that Athena was able to satisfy the needs for Zoe and all of her parts. Now, Athena‘s body was constantly shifting and warping to be equipped with whatever carnal desires Zoe and her parts were fantasizing about. Through their dinner, Athena’s body had changed uncountable times as Zoe and her assets each daydreamed about what they would want to do with Athena once they were all alone with her.

Currently, Athena’s body was roughly human. Two arms, two legs, and a head. But everything about her body had been twisted by the desires of five different girls cravings for dick. Each of her fingers had been replaced with a cock, and each was different. Some were long, some were girthy, some were circumcised, some were curved. Her breasts were replaced with two, massive penis glans that were each the size of a melon. Her once long, flowing hair was gone and in its place was the flared mushroom of a cockhead capping her head like a fleshy crown. Within her boots, her legs ended not in feet, but in two huge penises that were large enough to walk on. And between her legs, hidden under her skirt, were two massive tubes of cock flesh that were dangling down to her knees. She was little more at the moment than a walking collective of cocks.

But even with Athena’s form being reduced to a freakish assembly of misplaced manhoods, everyone perceived her as looking completely normal. And once Zoe and her parts’ passions shifted to something new, her body would adapt to accommodate with nobody even recognizing a change had ever occurred.

“Who’s car is that?” Athena asked, pointing one of her penis fingers towards an outdated coupe also parked in the turnabout. Zoe gave it a passing glance as she hurried up the steps. Nature was calling and she was in no position to delay answering it.

“That’s Fiona’s. I’m surprised Jen let her in.”

The school rumor mill had been running wild that day. First with the news that Zoe and Athena were now a couple, then with whispers about Jen having some sort of a fight with her clique at lunch and running clear off the school grounds. Zoe felt conflicted. On one hand, Jen’s supposed outburst had taken the spotlight off of her and Athena. At least mostly. But she was still concerned for her sister. She hoped that Fiona’s presence was a sign that the whole rumor was something small blown out of proportion, or that Fiona was here to help Jen through her troubles.

A loud gurgle and a lowering weight in her guts pulled her thoughts back to the present. Whatever was coming was coming fast! She opened the door and strode forward with brisk, purposeful steps. She had to make it up to her bathroom now! Seeing her distress, Athena took it upon herself to close the front door behind them and rushed to catch up. As they moved down the main corridor, a figure caught their attention. Nadia was standing in the middle of the hall, dressed up in some sort of fetishized nurse’s uniform. She was completely frozen in place, leaning at such an extreme angle she should have fallen to the floor with nothing to support her. Her face was locked in an expression that screamed wonton desire. And between her legs, a penis was lifting up her latex skirt. The shaft was dripping precum like a broken faucet, and the two family dogs, Amanda and Miranda, were licking away at the puddle it was making on the floor. Zoe only rolled her eyes as she breezed past the frozen love toy, Athena’s gaze turned to look back at the bizarre scene as she tried to keep up.

“Zoe… your sister’s a little weird.”

Zoe only gave a small huff as she kept moving, not even bothering to attempt to figure out what game Jen was playing with her toy this time let alone try to explain Jen’s unorthodox appetites to Athena. This was far from the oddest form she had seen either of Jen’s living love toys take.

The elevator ride was excruciating. Zoe’s legs were crossed the entire time and she could feel something beginning to push the buttplug out of her back door, much to Kim’s delight. As soon as the elevator doors parted just enough to accommodate her, Zoe dashed forward towards the door leading to her quarters. She practically kicked the door down, ran through the massive room towards another door on the far side of the room, and burst through before slamming it shut behind her.

Standing in her bathroom, Zoe didn’t see anything unusual about its unique layout. Granted, it was quite opulent as one would expect from such a luxurious house. Enormous marble counter top, a shower with the walls being compromised of more water jets than tile, a bathtub big enough that it could accommodate multiple people, a toilet with more features than most cars, and a large shiting trough.

In addition to having four girls being reduced to her most intimate body parts, Zoe had also been transformed so that she no longer pooped like a normal person. But the change was not borne out of sympathy for Kim’s new roll as Zoe’s ass, but rather out of sheer amusement. Now, Zoe’s body could produce anything as waste, and it was always something random. Most times, whatever Zoe passed could not possibly fit down a toilet. So, the trough became a necessary fixture in her bathroom.

Zoe quickly moved to the edge of the trough and squatted over it, the bottoms of her legs resting on thick padding that rimmed the lip. If Zoe was had been aware of her nudity, at the moment she would have seen it as a blessing to not worry about getting her pants off. She had barely made it. She didn’t even have time to reach behind her and pull out the buttplug Kim was sucking on before the large lump in her bowels surged forward. The plug was forced out and fell to the bottom of the trough with a loud clatter. Zoe let out a strained grunt and the object reached Kim’s lips. The ass-girl’s eyes rolled with pleasure and she let out a muffled hum as she was exquisitely filled to her limits. Slowly, Kim’s lips parted and opened wider. And wider. And wider. Soon, the mouth that took the place of Zoe’s anus was opened unnaturally wide. With a final groan, Zoe pushed and felt the blockage pass from her rear where is slammed into the trough with a reverberating thud.

It took Zoe a few moments to compose herself. She took deep, shaky breaths as she felt Kim’s mouth retract back to normal. Or at least, what they both perceived as normal. Zoe stood up just enough to shift over and sit onto the toilet next to the trough. Zoe slightly spread her legs and flexed muscles between them, taking control over Sarah’s mouth and opening it wide as she released her bladder. If Zoe knew what she was putting her former tormentor through, she would have felt giddy with revenge. Instead, all either of them felt at the moment was relief.

As Zoe continued to relieve herself, she looked over into the trough. There, sitting on the bottom next to a chrome buttplug, was a solid gold brick. Zoe let out a small hum. Not because she was amazed that such a thing had come out of her, but out of relief that she wouldn’t need to clean herself up afterwards. She still had flashbacks to the time she had crapped out an enormous cloud of glitter. Even after using her bidet at full blast, it had taken a week to get all of the stuff off of and out of Kim. As an added bonus, she could sell the brick off tomorrow for some bonus spending money.

Soon, the stream coming out of Sarah’s mouth eased to a trickle. Zoe blotted both of the mouths taking up the openings between her legs, and flushed the toilet. She reached into the trough and recovered the plug before quickly shoving but into Kim’s mouth. Zoe knew how needy her ass was, and it was better to shut her up as quickly as possible before she started whining again.

Zoe moved to the mirror and fumbled with her hair, trying to gather her composure. Even though she thought nothing strange about how her body worked, it was still embarrassing to know her girlfriend was just on the other side of the door and had undoubtedly heard her shit a brick. As Zoe teased another stray strand, a voice broke the silence.

“Come on, Zoe! Stop wasting time! You’re hair looks fine,” Amber urged. Her other tit jiggled, as if trying to nod. “Yeah! Athena’s waiting for us! Fuck, I can’t wait for her to play with us again. She knows how to treat us right,” Tiffany added in, her nipple-nose becoming harder in anticipation.

“Don’t remind me,” Zoe huffed, looking downward in the mirror to make eye contact with her chest. “She probably just heard all of that.” Zoe looked back at the gold brick and felt a wave of embarrassment crash into her. The thud the brick made probably could have been heard all the way upstairs on Jen’s floor.

“What’s the big deal?” Sarah asked between Zoe’s legs. “We’ve used the bathroom around Athena plenty of times. It’s perfectly normal.”

“But now we’re dating! I don’t want her to think of me doing… that!”

“Oh please. A gold brick is no big deal. Remember that time when we were at the amusement park with her and you passed a baseball bat?”

Zoe had actually forgotten about that particular memory and was now mortified to remember how she had actually shown it off to Athena and they had snuck it into the batting cage to be used by unsuspecting visitors. It had become a huge joke and they even hung loitered around long enough to watch someone use it.

“That’s not helping the situation, Tiffany,” Amber chastised. “Zoe, listen, Athena knows you. She’s into you. This is no big deal. Stop keeping her waiting and get out there. We all want to be played with!”

All of her parts started voicing their eagerness, even Kim who was enthusiastically mumbling around the plug that was filling her. Zoe let out an exasperated sigh and moved to the door. She took a deep breath and turned the knob.

The sight that welcomed her caused all of her concerns to evaporate. Athena was laying on the bed, sprawled out completely naked. She was smiling coyly, letting Zoe take in the sight of her exposed body. The mushroom glans that her breasts had become were purple and puffy, increasing in size as blood flowed into them. The cock crown that her head had become had also deepened in color and was visibly throbbing in time with her heartbeat. All of her fingers were completely erect to the point she had lost all dexterity in them. She was rubbing her penis-feet against Zoe’s silk sheets, leaving trails of pre-cum behind. The twin cocks between her legs were at full mast, extending proudly outward from her crotch.

Zoe was frozen in awe. She did not see a sexual freak. She instead saw the most stunning vision of erotic beauty she could imagine. She watched transfixed as Athena reached forward with one hand and the index cock wiggled slightly as if she was trying to used the turgid member to beckon Zoe to her.

“C’mon, sexy. Don’t keep me waiting.”

Zoe shuffled forward, her eyes darting across all of her girlfriend’s assorted shafts. All of Athena’s dicks were beginning to gather beads of pre-cum at their various tips as Zoe moved closer, lustful hunger filling her eyes. As she approached the bed, Zoe reach forward and took Athena’s outstretched hand. Her fingers interlocked with the finger-dicks. The were firm and warm as they pulsed in her grip. Athena clenched her hand as best she could with the assortment of hard-ons that had replaced her fingers, and pulled Zoe onto the bed next to her. The two stared deeply into each other’s eyes. They had been friends for so long. And now, they were so much more.

Zoe leaned in and placed a delicate kiss on Athena’s lips. Athena returned it with the same tenderness, basking in the feeling of Zoe’s lips on her own. However, the gentleness quickly eroded in the presence of desire. Zoe’s kisses became deeper, fullerer, and more passionate. Their tongues dances as Zoe reached up and her fingers delicately traced the ridge of the glans that capped Athena’s head. The cockified girl moan deeply, never breaking the kiss, as euphoria flooded her.

Lacking the dexterity to caress her lover, Athena lowered a hand to Zoe’s crotch. Sarah eagerly took two of the penis-fingers into her eager mouth and began to suck. The feeling of having her erogenous mouth double penetrated by two of Athena’s modified fingers was amazing, but what Sarah wanted most was to be a fully stuffed pussy. Immediately, reality shifted and instead of having a hand with five penises instead of fingers, Athena’s entire hand was replaced with a massive cock that stretched Sarah’s mouth to its limits. The pussy-girl’s eyes rolled as she felt herself filled to the brim with delicious dick.

Zoe let out a groan that was echoed from her unattended parts. Out of nowhere, Athena instantly had two more arms which she used to fondle Amber and Tiffany. The two tit-girls both moaned in pleasure. Zoe moved her body, straddling her girlfriend and sandwiching Atherna's two enormous dicks between them. As they pressed their bodies together, Tiffany and Amber began to kiss and lick the misplaced dickheads that Athena’s breasts had become. With her remaining original arm, Athena reached behind Zoe and began to paw at her ass. Sensing her intent, Zoe reached behind herself and quickly pulled the buttplug from Kim’s mouth. To Kim and Zoe’s relief, it was quickly replaced with the thumb-cock on Athena’s hand. Kim sucked greedily on the cock before Athena withdrew it. She quickly offered Zoe’s ass her index cock-finger, which Kim latched on to enthusiastically. This continued, with Athena withdrawing a dick-finger and then offering the next one in line. Kim had five different dicks taking turns plowing her aroused mouth.

Zoe basked in the pleasure, her entire body alight with sensual fire. As Zoe began to twitch and quake, Athena began to moan and shudder. Neither breaking their passionate kiss, the two continue to stroke and fondle. A sharp inhale from Athena and the pulsing of her head-cock in Zoe’s hands was the only warning Zoe got before enormous ropes of cum erupted out of the top of Athena’s head and her cock-breasts. Thick, musky seed ejected upwards before raining down on the two of them while twin jets fired from her chest and splattered thick globs of cum across Tiffany and Amber. None of the transformed girls payed it any mind. It was the first of many orgasms they would be experiencing this night.

As Zoe pulled back to take in the expression of unbridled lustful euphoria on Athena’s face, she briefly mused that the maid was going to have her work cut out for her in the morning.

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