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10. extra brainpower

9. Jon is Karyn’s dream girl

8. guardian angel

7. Jon has a hair trigger

6. Punished with blowjob?

5. Sarah punished Jon for slut sh

4. Sarah tests some more.

3. The Bitch Makes Her Move

2. episode two

1. You Are What You Wish

extra brainpower

on 2023-07-16 10:17:28
Episode last modified by lifesmainantagonist on 2023-07-16 11:17:33

1322 hits, 162 views, 2 upvotes.

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…her bedroom from two pairs of eyes and two perspectives. She gasped through two mouths, her left right cheek brushing against her right left cheek as she turned her faces toward each other a little to get the best view of herself she could, but of course it was not easy to twist her two necks 90 degrees to the side, and her heads were just too close to each other.

She rushed out of bed and fought a wave of nausea and yet another surprise as she narrowly avoided falling flat on her faces. She looked down and was astonished to see she also had a huge bushy tail. It was at least 3 feet long and had auburn fur until the last 8 inches or so, but was white at the tip.

“Fox?” she said from two simultaneous voices, swishing her new tail.

Jane carefully got to her feet and walked toward the bathroom off of her bedroom, finding her new perspectives disorienting, but that staying balanced was surprisingly easy since her tail tended on reflex to position itself as a counterbalance. It was so weird not just having four eyes, but having them all not fixed pointing in the same direction. She closed the eyes on her left head and found it much easier, as she clambered to stand in front of the mirror.

“Wow,” she said to her reflection, alternating between having the eyes of her left and right head open. She reached for the furry triangular ears on top of her right head with her right hand and the ones on her left head with her left hand and felt them. They were soft, covered in fur the same auburn as her tail which oddly enough didn’t match the rest of her body hair but the contrast didn’t look too shabby. Her new fox ears were amazing as well, as she was now aware she could move them around with muscles built into them.

Jane was now a two-headed fox girl, and she felt…

pretty good. She wagged her tail and struck various poses in front of the mirror. With great difficulty, she kissed herself on the mouths with the help of her hands to force her left head as far to the right and her right head as far to the left as they could turn, but it wasn’t a comfortable experience, her necks were just strained too much.

“Oh my god, I’m kind of even hotter like this.” Having already just accepted that she was now a girl and what with it coming with Karyn as a girlfriend that this wasn’t a bad thing, Jane honestly thought this new addition was something she could live with too. “But, could this have been responsible?” she said, eyeing the stone she had found herself to have since the afternoon before. There was no way it could be a coincidence. She wakes up a beautiful girl one morning, and a beautiful two-headed fox girl the next, around becoming the owner of a magic wish-granting rock, and they couldn’t have just happened independently, strange magical events don’t just happen normally, so when multiple ones happened together, they must be connected to each other somehow. The evening before, she had both experimented with the stone and tried to get it to give her information about why she had turned into a girl, but it had not been forthcoming about the second part. Maybe this was just the cost of being the master of the stone? Jane wondered if her grandfather had changed as well. Well there was another mystery that was enticing to try to unpack, but Jane would honor the request in the note not to pursue details on the fate of her grandfather.

“Will everyone but Karyn also remember me always being like this too?” she said to herself.

She found her clothes had changed as well. At least this time her room hadn’t changed. Jane had been reasonably satisfied that it hadn’t changed too badly already, to reflect how girl-her had chosen to live differently from, well, boy-him, but this time the only difference was the shirts had extra wide head-holes at their tops and her pants and shorts and underwear had tail-holes in them. Fortunately there weren’t any fox-themed differences. She chuckled as she saw that her personal computer’s browser was firefox, but that’s what it was already. And the disorientation had also worn off, as she had already adjusted to her new perspective. She decided she really could live with this. The concern was actually that she would change even further. Maybe next time it wouldn’t be something that she could accept.

She called Karyn.

“Hi Jon,” Karyn answered, being resistant to using the new name. Jane honestly appreciated that, and wanted reminders of her original existence and especially her true name to persist.

“You’re not going to believe how I’ve changed now!” Jane said to Karyn.

“Oh no,” Karyn said. “You’re still changing? Is this going to happen to you every day?” Karyn dreaded what it could be. She was so happy with girl Jon and glad Jon had ultimately decided to embrace her change, but that sucked if it was only going to be for one day. Then again, girl-Jon’s voice still sounds the same. Maybe it’s something minor this time.

“I don’t know. But right now, I’m a two headed fox girl. Or possibly dog or wolf girl. I’d prefer to think I’m a fox though, rather than a dog.”

“A, a what?” Karyn asked in horror, recollection of her dream strong enough to realize it was exactly what she had dreamed of.

“I have two heads, Karyn. Each of which has a velvety pair of fox ears on top of them. And I have a huge furry tail! Listen to this, I’m talking from both voices now, isn’t that amazing?”

Karyn was aghast. This couldn’t be a coincidence. She hadn’t thought for a moment before that Jon’s transformation the previous day was her fault, and thought the reason she remembered Jon’s original self while everyone else didn’t, was somehow just due to her close connection to him, even beyond his own family members. But now, as an explanation, it fit too much to ignore, the possibility that Karyn had some sort of reality warping power, and was responsible. Jon had changed into a girl, to suit my tastes one day, and then the next day, this, Karyn thought. It could only be her doing. But what could she possibly say to Jon? Well, at least from the sound of it, Jon wasn’t unhappy with this latest addition to her change, but Karyn decided the best thing was to come clean.

“Jon, there’s something I guess I need to tell you. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t…”

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